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Sandbox Big Brother 2 Game Thread

about 7 years
[8/11/2017 10:11:21 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Ah, that must be it!
[8/11/2017 10:11:39 PM] verumbark: yeah honestly its probably gonna be less chaotic than we predicted before the no talking rule was announced
[8/11/2017 10:12:43 PM] verumbark: bc its just gonna be..... woop theres the noms oh well......... wonder who the hoh is? cant ask, cant discuss it, guess ill just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[8/11/2017 10:13:26 PM] TheStyleAisle: There is always your Diary Room!
[8/11/2017 10:13:55 PM] TheStyleAisle: We love hearing your thoughts!
[8/11/2017 10:14:02 PM] FannyChmelar: does every1 know the ppl nommed? im confused at this week still
[8/11/2017 10:14:11 PM] Ginga: yes
[8/11/2017 10:14:30 PM] FannyChmelar: ok
[8/11/2017 10:15:00 PM] qrstuv: is the veto winner gonna be anonymous too?
[8/11/2017 10:15:10 PM] Ginga: yes
[8/11/2017 10:15:11 PM] FannyChmelar: i assume so ?
[8/11/2017 10:15:47 PM] Zarfot: And everyone playing for veto too right?
[8/11/2017 10:16:00 PM] Ginga: nope
[8/11/2017 10:16:03 PM] FannyChmelar: no
[8/11/2017 10:16:04 PM] Ginga: anonymous veto players
[8/11/2017 10:16:11 PM] FannyChmelar: i think it said ppl playin in veto r notified via dr
[8/11/2017 10:17:15 PM] Zarfot: Ohh ok
about 7 years
[8/11/2017 10:04:57 PM] Ally: As you know, it is anonymous week. This means that the HoH will be contacted privately in their diary room. It will not be announced. The winner is NOT allowed to tell anyone, and they are not allowed to discuss their nominations.
[8/11/2017 10:05:07 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Hiya, wryan!
[8/11/2017 10:05:35 PM] Ally: I will now contact the HoH.
[8/11/2017 10:06:25 PM] Ally: The HoH has been contacted. If you were not messaged, you have not won. Remember you are not allowed to discuss this.
[8/11/2017 10:06:44 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: F*ck. I didn't get a message
[8/11/2017 10:06:52 PM] verumbark: f*ck me neither
[8/11/2017 10:06:53 PM] Ginga: me too thanks
[8/11/2017 10:08:46 PM] TheStyleAisle: Stop that!
[8/11/2017 10:08:54 PM] FannyChmelar: so whats the weather like
[8/11/2017 10:08:57 PM] FannyChmelar: : D
[8/11/2017 10:09:11 PM] verumbark: so since theres not gonna b any hoh room visits this time ??? we just sit back and pray for the best ?????
[8/11/2017 10:09:13 PM] FannyChmelar: honestly housechat is BORING when we cant talk about (censored)
[8/11/2017 10:09:57 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: Does anyone know what 20 mikes means?
[8/11/2017 10:10:01 PM] FannyChmelar:
[8/11/2017 10:10:09 PM] ThoughtfulOlive: "Be there, 20 mikes."
[8/11/2017 10:10:11 PM] verumbark: 20 ppl, all named mike
[8/11/2017 10:11:06 PM] qrstuv: well since we can’t discuss noms and all that this should be a fairly quick week?
[8/11/2017 10:11:10 PM] verumbark: maybe they were addressing 20 ppl named mike
about 7 years
[10:52:32 PM] Fred: Anonymous says: Verum sucks
fred montgomery mole u can EAT IT
about 7 years
Jokers Ratings Week 6

1 verumbark (+5)
2 Fred (-)
3 FannyChmelar (+4)
4 Markus (-1)
5 Ginga (+5)
6 deandean (-2)
7 theturningRAY (+1)
8 baabaa (-3)
9 dooze (+2)
10 Zarfot (+2)
11 qrstuv (-2)
12 NoAviNoKnowledge (-11)
13 feist (-)
14 blood4bloodgod (-)
15 sigh (-)
16 view (-)
about 7 years
HoH #7: Element Tower Defense

As the outgoing HoHs, verumbark and Fred are not allowed to participate.

Place your units and upgrade them to destroy the enemies moving towards the end point.

Like usual with flash games, you must submit a full screenshot showing your skype and the score.

You guys have until 10pm EST on August 11th to submit yours cores.

As this is anonymous week, we will not reveal the scores and we will simply let people know whether or not they won in their DRs. You guys ARE NOT allowed to talk about whether or not you won the competition and there will be a severe punishment if we find out someone is talking about it.
about 7 years
General Rules Anonymous Week:

-You are NOT allowed to talk about whether or not you have won a competition.

-You are NOT allowed to discuss about competitions at all.

-You are NOT allowed to discuss nominations at all from now until the final nominees are decided.

-These rules apply to everything except your DR. They do apply in housechat, alliances and even PMs with other houseguests.

-If someone tries to talk about any of these, let us know.

-Breaking these rules will result in a severe punishment
about 7 years
[10:48:39 PM] *** agus strider has renamed this conversation to "??? Week 7" ***
[10:48:40 PM] FannyChmelar: i havent watched it but tht movie makes me feel like miss coco peru lmaooo
[10:48:52 PM] agus strider: welcome to week 7
[10:48:55 PM] agus strider: as you guys know
[10:48:58 PM] agus strider: it is anonymous week
[10:49:02 PM] agus strider: here are some general rules for the week:
[10:49:10 PM] agus strider: General Rules Anonymous Week:

-You are NOT allowed to talk about whether or not you have won a competition

-You are NOT allowed to discuss nominations at all from now until the final nominees are decided

-Breaking these rules will result in a severe punishment
[10:49:23 PM] baabaa: oh boy!
[10:49:28 PM] verumbark: damn
[10:49:32 PM] verumbark: thats hardcore
[10:49:44 PM] Ginga: wow cant even talk about if you won or not
[10:49:46 PM] Ginga: interesting
[10:50:02 PM] Fred: can I lie and say I won?
[10:50:07 PM] TheStyleAisle: Trust No One.
[10:50:12 PM] baabaa: ;;
[10:50:15 PM] verumbark: aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[10:50:23 PM] agus strider: You are allowed to reveal it once the week is over if you want to
But until then, tough luck
[10:50:32 PM] verumbark: holy Shitto
[10:50:41 PM] baabaa: amelio..... So mean
[10:51:17 PM] Ginga: Interesting.
[10:52:08 PM] verumbark: its the lk day of weeks......
[10:52:32 PM] Fred: Anonymous says: Verum sucks
[10:53:11 PM] agus strider: ok so!
[10:53:22 PM] agus strider: Welcome to Tower Defense Week!
[10:53:28 PM] FannyChmelar: ok bye
about 7 years
6th Eviction Ceremony!
about 7 years
update: fred requested an illustration of the pov challenge so

about 7 years
i drew hivemind hohs

about 7 years
[12:09:59 AM] agus strider: verumbark: heyo rayo u want some mayo........ on that sandwich ............... that .. backdoor sandwich

dnfksnfjndf im not sure what im saying honestly

uhhhh u probably know why this is a thing that we are doing but if u Dont feel free to ask in private! again, im not a public drama type of person, and i think itd be more constructive to just talk one on one if thats something u wanna do...... altho given that u havent said like one single word to me all game id be surprised if u changed ur mind now all of a sudden haha ,, ANYWAY

yall have fun for the rest of the week! ive enjoyed being hoh more than i thought i would <3
[12:10:06 AM] agus strider: Fred: Hi Ray, nomming you for pretty much the same reason I nommed Zarfot, you didn’t really try and reach out to me after the HoH competition. Good luck to both of the noms!
[12:10:16 AM] agus strider: FannyChmelar: This veto ceremony is adjourned.
[12:10:18 AM] FannyChmelar:
[12:10:23 AM] agus strider: This means that the final nominees are Zarfot and theturningRAY. You guys have until 11pm EST on August 10th to send in your votes and goodbye messages
[12:10:43 AM] Zarfot: Gl ray!
[12:11:26 AM] verumbark: ive been informed that its not actually called a backdoor if the person played in pov and im SORRY
[12:11:36 AM] verumbark: i guess its a renom sandwich
about 7 years
[12:07:24 AM] agus strider: Veto Ceremony
[12:07:32 AM] verumbark: dof red and i talk in unison
[12:07:34 AM] agus strider: FannyChmelar stands up.
[12:07:36 AM] Markus: hahahahaha holy sh*t
[12:07:39 AM] verumbark: like a hivemind
[12:07:50 AM] verumbark: dont make us do that again its scary
[12:08:08 AM] agus strider: FannyChmelar: As the veto holder, I have the choice to save someone from the nomination block, and therefore…
[12:08:14 AM] agus strider: FannyChmelar: I save myself
[12:08:22 AM] agus strider: FannyChmelar:
[12:08:24 AM] verumbark: im shook
[12:08:24 AM] Markus: standard
[12:08:36 AM] agus strider: FannyChmelar: verumbark, Fred, as I have veto’d one of your nominees, you must name a replacement.
[12:08:55 AM] verumbark: please let us talk individually this time amelio
[12:09:11 AM] agus strider: verumbark and Fred stand up.
[12:09:20 AM] agus strider: verumbark & Fred: Our replacement nominee is…
[12:09:41 AM] verumbark: all of u. ur all evicted. goodbye
[12:09:49 AM] agus strider: theturningRAY
about 7 years
[11:01:16 PM] FannyChmelar: fede im so sorry again ffhhfg
[11:01:22 PM] dooze: Iconic gg
[11:01:24 PM] Zarfot: Once again... ;(
[11:01:25 PM] FannyChmelar: LOOOL will
[11:01:38 PM] verumbark: i love u zarfot
[11:01:54 PM | Edited 11:02:20 PM] TheStyleAisle: As a note: Fanny was able to reach the end with less Gold, but had four Phoenix Downs to sell, while Zarfot King was only able to sell one.
[11:02:04 PM] agus strider: this is an almost complete mirror of week 4
[11:02:07 PM] verumbark: theyre both fanny
[11:02:09 PM] Zarfot: Many fannys
[11:02:11 PM] Markus: All that jargon is gibberish to me lol
[11:02:15 PM] sammy: granny was a fanny
[11:02:16 PM] Markus: Never read the POV comp
[11:02:21 PM] dooze: Quick agus make me HoH
[11:02:21 PM] Fred: when in doubt copy dooze
[11:02:33 PM] dooze: Fred add me to HoH room
[11:02:35 PM] Fred: our renom is gonna be feist
[11:02:37 PM] agus strider: the pov comp was a lot of fun tbh
[11:02:39 PM] Fred: k
[11:02:42 PM] Zarfot: Ty for the edit will
[11:02:46 PM] sammy: Fred add me to HoH room
[11:03:00 PM] sammy: Hi houseguests I have an announcement to make
[11:03:01 PM] Markus: What edit haha
[11:03:05 PM] sammy: Please gather in the living room (:
[11:03:11 PM] TheStyleAisle: Here is the messy doc that I can read that had the Life/Death for each floor:
[11:03:41 PM] TheStyleAisle: Here is the messy spreadsheet of the scores:
[11:04:14 PM] TheStyleAisle: Usually I would be much more organized about this but I wanted to get results posthaste!
about 7 years
[10:59:12 PM] TheStyleAisle: Zarfot and FannyChmelar have just 140 Gold separating their scores.
[10:59:17 PM] FannyChmelar: fhhhfg
[10:59:20 PM] Zarfot: (:|
[10:59:21 PM] FannyChmelar: dam...
[10:59:23 PM] FannyChmelar: its TIGHT
[10:59:30 PM] verumbark: U GOT THIS GUISE
[10:59:38 PM] TheStyleAisle: Both Zarfot and FannyChmelar were able to reach the Finish of The Tower.
[11:00:08 PM] verumbark: oh shiiiiit
[11:00:14 PM] Fred: gg guys!
[11:00:24 PM] FannyChmelar: i just honestly picked random numbers so umm thank god
[11:00:29 PM] verumbark: i , died
[11:00:29 PM] FannyChmelar: letters ** oops
[11:00:52 PM] TheStyleAisle: With a total of 8669 Gold, FannyChmelar has won The Power of Veto, beating Zarfot's total of 8529 Gold!
[11:00:57 PM] TheStyleAisle: Congratulations!
[11:00:57 PM] FannyChmelar: aAAAAAAAAAA
[11:00:59 PM] Fred: gg fanny!
[11:01:00 PM] Markus: Ayyyyy grats scott
[11:01:06 PM] Zarfot: Congrats!!
[11:01:10 PM] verumbark: congrats fanman!!
[11:01:12 PM] Markus: Quote scott "if i'm nommed i'll just win POV it's fine"
about 7 years
[10:56:16 PM] TheStyleAisle: In fourth place, having died on the 17th floor with 6545 Gold is.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Fred!
[10:56:19 PM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[10:56:27 PM] dooze: Oh
[10:56:35 PM] Zarfot: U want Zarfot king to win
[10:56:38 PM] dooze: This is intense
[10:56:41 PM] Fred: Fourth isn’t Second, I’m happy
[10:56:46 PM] FannyChmelar: GL ray + zarfot
[10:56:47 PM] FannyChmelar: <3
[10:56:54 PM] Zarfot: Gl fanny!
[10:56:55 PM] theturningRAY: u 2
[10:57:45 PM] TheStyleAisle: In Third place, having Reached The Top Of The Tower with One Extra Phoenix Down for a total of 7096 Gold is............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ theturningRAY!
[10:57:49 PM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[10:57:54 PM] FannyChmelar: omg
[10:57:55 PM] Zarfot: Omg
[10:57:57 PM] FannyChmelar: me and zarfot being noms twice
[10:57:59 PM] FannyChmelar: and top 2 twice
[10:58:00 PM] FannyChmelar: FHHFG
[10:58:01 PM] Zarfot: Sjsidhxis
[10:58:03 PM] Fred: GG BOYZ
[10:58:04 PM] agus strider: iconic
[10:58:07 PM] Zarfot: Lmao true
[10:58:15 PM] dooze: Imscream
[10:58:26 PM] FannyChmelar: gl zarfot i love u
[10:58:29 PM] dooze: Sammy I'm so proud you're in top two
[10:58:36 PM] dooze: Gl Fede and scott
[10:58:41 PM] Zarfot: You too (heart)
[10:58:41 PM] dooze: <3
[10:58:45 PM] sammy: TY Dooze
[10:58:45 PM] sammy: (:
[10:58:46 PM] FannyChmelar: <3
[10:58:55 PM] sammy: told u it was an ezpz lemon aqueeze chortle teaz comp
[10:59:05 PM] Markus: Oooohhhh two noms top 2
[10:59:07 PM] Markus: Love it
about 7 years
[10:53:08 PM] sammy: why people on the internetdo a shouting? small letter, small voice, small baby bird. thank u
[10:53:31 PM] FannyChmelar: fhfhhfg
[10:53:35 PM] FannyChmelar: OMG SAMMY
[10:53:35 PM] agus strider: :S
[10:53:38 PM] FannyChmelar: u ahve a death sound right
[10:53:41 PM] sammy: yes
[10:53:46 PM] FannyChmelar: what is it again
[10:53:47 PM] sammy: its the " ME TOO THE F*CK" sound clipo
[10:53:51 PM] FannyChmelar: FHFHHFHFG
[10:53:52 PM | Edited 10:54:12 PM] TheStyleAisle: In sixth place, having died on the 23rd floor with 5830 Gold is................................... Verumbark!
[10:53:53 PM] Zarfot: (worry)
[10:54:04 PM] FannyChmelar: oh ya sammy if u wanna say hi 2 joan shes in chatbox
[10:54:13 PM] sammy: ill go show my face
[10:54:50 PM] dooze: Omg
[10:54:59 PM] dooze: This game must've been stressful af
[10:55:08 PM] FannyChmelar: honestly i wasnt last so im happy
[10:55:09 PM] TheStyleAisle: In fifth place, having died on the 18th floor with 5860 Gold is............................................................................................................................................................ deandean!
[10:55:14 PM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[10:55:21 PM] FannyChmelar: i wasnt second last im happier
[10:55:25 PM] Fred: same!
[10:55:28 PM] sammy: lol It was ezpz lemon squeeze I'm winning
[10:55:44 PM] verumbark: i
[10:56:06 PM] dooze: I want Sammy king to win
[10:56:11 PM] FannyChmelar: ^^^^^^
deletedabout 7 years
[8:06:52 PM] Samuel: YAYAYAYAYA
[8:06:54 PM] Samuel: (clap)
[8:06:58 PM] emmbaa: wtf.
[8:06:58 PM] Scott (FannyChmelar): are u kidding me fjhfhfg
[8:07:02 PM] ally: Fred: hey guys, co HoH is an interesting experience but we managed to work things out by each nomming our own choice. While I really didn't want to have to nom any of you, I decided to pick the one person who didn't reach out to us. I understand you've been busy zarf, and I'm sorry about this ):. Anyways, good luck noms!
[8:07:04 PM] Samuel: Oh no RIP Scott and Fede!!
[8:07:08 PM] ally: Verumbark: helo housemates! dont read too far into the noms or the key order, bc the noms know why already and i random dot orged the keys (except bean last key meme)

uhhhhhhh Also im not here to do drama! please take any complaints to the hoh room and dont make stuff complicated; ill b honest w anyone

i love u guys :'0
[8:07:12 PM] Scott (FannyChmelar): give me and zarfot a break????
[8:07:19 PM] c. verum: Im Sorry
[8:07:24 PM] ally: Fred and Verumbark: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
deletedabout 7 years
[8:05:44 PM] ally: Fifth key...
[8:05:45 PM] Anthony Eats: baabaa the survivor player
[8:05:45 PM] Samuel: Go queen!!
[8:05:49 PM] emmbaa: yes !!!!
[8:05:52 PM] ally: theturningRAY
[8:05:56 PM] Samuel: (clap)
[8:05:57 PM] agus strider: (clap)
[8:05:58 PM] ally: Camera pans to Markus, FannyChmelar, deandean and Zarfot
[8:06:00 PM] Samuel: Go TTR!!!
[8:06:05 PM] emmbaa: .
[8:06:08 PM] agus strider: :s
[8:06:08 PM] Samuel: please no...
[8:06:13 PM] ally: Sixth key...
[8:06:20 PM] ally: Markus
[8:06:23 PM] Samuel: (clap)
[8:06:24 PM] emmbaa: …………
[8:06:24 PM] Samuel: Go will!!
[8:06:30 PM] Samuel: Bring home the gold for egg family!
[8:06:31 PM] ally: Seventh and final key...
[8:06:40 PM] ally: ...
[8:06:42 PM] Samuel: (worried)
[8:06:42 PM] ally: ...
[8:06:47 PM] Samuel: my draft... pleas
[8:06:50 PM] ally: deandean
[8:06:52 PM] c. verum: we had to, and im sorry
[8:06:52 PM] ally: Verumbark and Fred: This means we have nominated Zarfot and FannyChmelar for eviction.
deletedabout 7 years
[8:04:27 PM] ally: Fred and Verumbark: Welcome to the nomination ceremony. As co-HoHs, we have been tasked to nominate 2 houseguests for eviction. If we did not come to a decision, we would both be nominated. However, we have made our choice. We will now pull the keys and the last two houseguests without keys will be nominated.
[8:04:37 PM] ally: First key....
[8:04:42 PM] c. verum: we say this in unison
[8:04:47 PM] Fred: I'm here!
[8:04:48 PM] ally: dooze
[8:04:50 PM] Samuel: (clap)
[8:04:53 PM] c. verum: we say the first part in perfect unison
[8:04:55 PM] Samuel: good job doozey!!!
[8:04:57 PM] ally: Second key...
[8:05:00 PM] c. verum: unblinking
[8:05:01 PM] Anthony Eats: you go dooze
[8:05:03 PM] dooze .: IM SAFE SHOT
[8:05:05 PM] ally: qrstuv
[8:05:06 PM] Samuel: YAAAASSSS DOOZE
[8:05:07 PM] Samuel: (clap)
[8:05:09 PM] Samuel: go ryan!!
[8:05:10 PM] Anthony Eats: ryan iconic
[8:05:11 PM] ally: Third key...
[8:05:18 PM] dooze .: Thank u I can now run out of battery in peace
[8:05:20 PM] ally: Ginga
[8:05:24 PM] Samuel: (clap)
[8:05:24 PM] c. verum: kyurstuv congrats
[8:05:24 PM] emmbaa: bye dooze <3
[8:05:27 PM] ally: Fourth key...
[8:05:29 PM] Anthony Eats: ew
[8:05:29 PM] Anthony Eats: ginga
[8:05:31 PM] Samuel: YAY Ginga continue ur dream daddy lp!!
[8:05:33 PM] c. verum: oh im late
[8:05:38 PM] ally: baabaa
[8:05:41 PM] Samuel: (clap)
[8:05:42 PM] emmbaa: !!
[8:05:42 PM] Samuel: YAY BAABAA
about 7 years
about 7 years
Results of the creative competition! Go check it, there is some really cool stuff there!
about 7 years
*looks wistfully into the distant sky, my long hair blowing in the wind* ill fight for you, logan
about 7 years
go verum avenge me
about 7 years
ive been writing for almost 7 hours straight
about 7 years
hahahahahaha its 3:40 am and im still awake because this hoh competition is a creative comp and therefore consuming all of my energy and i love it but i hate myself