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Sandbox Big Brother 2 Game Thread

almost 7 years
[9:32:08 PM] agus strider: dooze: feist
[9:32:15 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: :o
[9:32:34 PM] agus strider: dooze: Hey feist. So you're a good player. Competitive, high scorer, etc. Unfortunately, just like you nominating Fred and Ginga last week, that means you've also got a target on your back. You were the only person that didn't reach out to me after my HoH win. Not sure if you felt safe or uninterested or whatever, but for those reasons I've chosen to nom you. Court dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters.
[9:32:41 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar: This veto ceremony is adjourned.
[9:32:47 PM] agus strider: This means that the final nominees are Zarfot and feist. You guys have until 9pm EST on July 31st to send in your votes and goodbye messages.
[9:33:01 PM] Zarfot: :o
[9:33:02 PM] dooze: Fanny you are iconic
[9:33:21 PM] FannyChmelar: omg thank u
[9:33:32 PM] FannyChmelar: its an honor hearing such words from you...
[9:33:55 PM] FannyChmelar: gl to the noms!!!
[9:34:12 PM] Zarfot: ty fanny!
[9:49:44 PM] feist: Energy - Drake
[9:50:30 PM] TheTigress: i got enemies, got a lot of enemies, got a lot of people tryna drain me of my energy
[9:52:23 PM] feist: m00d
almost 7 years
[9:30:37 PM] agus strider: Pov Ceremony
[9:30:37 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: <3
[9:30:44 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar stands up.
[9:30:51 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar: As the veto holder, I have the choice to save someone from the nomination block, and therefore…
[9:31:06 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar: I save myself.
[9:31:09 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar: :*
[9:31:15 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar: dooze, as I have veto’d one of your nominees, you must name a replacement.
[9:31:25 PM] qrstuv: shook
[9:31:25 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: that's their entire speech lmao
[9:31:29 PM] agus strider: yep
[9:31:37 PM] agus strider: dooze stands up.
[9:31:38 PM] FannyChmelar: nothing more to be said
[9:31:41 PM] FannyChmelar: :)
[9:31:42 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: sorry that caught me off guard haha
[9:31:42 PM] agus strider: dooze: My replacement nominee is…
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years
[7/29/2017 10:07:11 PM] Ally: and finally
[7/29/2017 10:07:12 PM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[7/29/2017 10:07:14 PM] Ally: in 2nd place
[7/29/2017 10:07:25 PM] *** TheTigress BITES NAILS ***
[7/29/2017 10:07:47 PM] Ally: Zarfot, with a score of 1417519!
[7/29/2017 10:07:49 PM] Ally: Congratulations, FannyChmelar, with a score of 1559445 you have won the Power of Veto!
[7/29/2017 10:07:55 PM] FannyChmelar: OH THANK god fhfhfg
[7/29/2017 10:08:01 PM] theturningRAY: damn dude
[7/29/2017 10:08:10 PM] Markus: ayyyyy congrats scott! that is a f*cking crazy score
[7/29/2017 10:08:30 PM] TheStyleAisle: this combination of scores is so ridiculous I love it
[7/29/2017 10:08:36 PM] Markus: hahahah me with 0
[7/29/2017 10:08:44 PM] Zarfot: Nooo
[7/29/2017 10:08:46 PM] FannyChmelar: it was exactly like this in sbbb1 as well.,,,
[7/29/2017 10:08:53 PM] Zarfot: Lmao I thought I had it
[7/29/2017 10:08:55 PM] FannyChmelar: i was so Tense..
[7/29/2017 10:09:01 PM] Ally: FannyChmelar, you MUST use the POV due to the Forced Veto chest. Please submit your action and a speech by 9pm ET tomorrow. dooze, as hoh, you will need to submit a renomination and speech, also due at 9pm ET.
almost 7 years
[7/29/2017 10:05:00 PM] Ally: okay
[7/29/2017 10:05:16 PM] Ally: in 6th place, not submitting and receiving a STRIKE...
[7/29/2017 10:05:18 PM] TheStyleAisle: all
[7/29/2017 10:05:29 PM] Ally: Fred
[7/29/2017 10:05:37 PM] Markus: what on earth fred
[7/29/2017 10:06:17 PM] TheTigress: the fuk
[7/29/2017 10:06:18 PM] Ally: in 5th place, with a score of 0
[7/29/2017 10:06:23 PM] FannyChmelar: im here sry
[7/29/2017 10:06:24 PM] TheTigress: omfg my fav
[7/29/2017 10:06:25 PM] Ally: Markus
[7/29/2017 10:06:31 PM] TheTigress: luv u markus
[7/29/2017 10:06:32 PM] Markus: ahahahah killed it
[7/29/2017 10:06:37 PM] theturningRAY: which one is worse not submitting or submitting a 0
[7/29/2017 10:06:41 PM] verumbark: me kin id no doubles
[7/29/2017 10:06:41 PM] FannyChmelar: markus my life
[7/29/2017 10:06:42 PM] Ally: Not submitting !
[7/29/2017 10:06:42 PM] Markus: I COULDN'T WORK OUT HOW TO KILL ANYTHING
[7/29/2017 10:06:45 PM] Ally: in 4th place, with a score of 23772
[7/29/2017 10:06:50 PM] Ally: dooze
[7/29/2017 10:06:56 PM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[7/29/2017 10:07:00 PM] Ally: in 3rd place, with a score of 25075
[7/29/2017 10:07:02 PM] FannyChmelar: u clicked ur mouse on the zombies
[7/29/2017 10:07:07 PM] Ally: feist
[7/29/2017 10:07:08 PM] Markus: i was clicking on them!!
almost 7 years
[10:04:47 PM] agus strider: ill just go ahead and give you guys the PoV as well
[10:04:55 PM] agus strider: #4 PoV: Zombie Invasion

Participating: dooze, Zarfot, FannyChmelar, feist, Markus, Fred

Today you will be playing our first repeated challenge from SBBB1: Zombie Invasion

Be fast to shoot the zombies down! Win a lot of points by making it the farthest and the fastest.

As usual you must submit the screenshot showing your score, your skype and the timestamp.

You guys have until 9pm EST on July 29th to submit your scores.
Remember that due to our current Chest of Fate, if you win the PoV you MUST use it, whether or not you want to.
[10:05:22 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Cool
[10:05:28 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Good Luck Nominees :)
[10:05:35 PM] Zarfot: I'm gonna set my alarm clock now cause apparently it's a problem of waking up
[10:05:41 PM] Zarfot: Ty noavi :)
[10:06:11 PM] FannyChmelar: ok well obviously now ik not to show up to anymore nomination ceremonys
[10:06:15 PM] baabaa: gl guys!!
[10:06:16 PM] FannyChmelar: =)
[10:06:34 PM] verumbark: gllll
[10:07:53 PM] Zarfot: thanks!!
[10:08:08 PM] FannyChmelar: zarfot best of luck boo since we kno one of us is gnna be safe <3
[10:08:42 PM] Zarfot: yeah, that's true
almost 7 years
[10:03:11 PM] agus strider: Camera zooms in once again, this time showing Zarfot, theturningRAY and FannyChmelar
[10:03:11 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Wow ok
[10:03:13 PM] verumbark: dooze why
[10:03:13 PM] FannyChmelar: i better b this last key no offence zarfot n ray
[10:03:24 PM] agus strider: Last key goes to...............
[10:03:41 PM] Zarfot: ...
[10:03:44 PM] agus strider: theturningRAY
[10:03:47 PM] agus strider: dooze: Thus I have nominated Zarfot and FannyChmelar for eviction.
[10:03:51 PM] FannyChmelar: ok well f*ck you too dooze
[10:03:53 PM] agus strider: dooze: Hey guys! So this was a tough week. While I get the pleasure of not being voted out, unfortunately every light casts a shadow and I had to make a tough choice and nominate two people that I don't dislike. I guess these nominations are just a wake up call because I feel like these people were slacking a bit and hopefully, if neither of them go home (depending on who is nominated after the required Veto), you can both pick up the pace a bit! I know what it's like to not know what to expect!! I'm here for you guys!! Sorry for the wake up call
[10:03:54 PM] Zarfot: oh
[10:03:57 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: OH HECK
[10:04:06 PM] agus strider: dooze: The nomination ceremony is adjourned.
[10:04:18 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Wake up Call
[10:04:22 PM] Zarfot: queens of being nominated
[10:04:27 PM] FannyChmelar: ikr zarfot
[10:04:33 PM] verumbark: just like last week for me..... haha
[10:04:34 PM] FannyChmelar: queens of being left out to the dirt
[10:04:38 PM] qrstuv: sheesh good luck queens
almost 7 years
[10:00:49 PM] agus strider: 6th key goes to..............
[10:00:55 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Beep Beep I'm a Sheep
[10:01:02 PM] agus strider: Fred
[10:01:07 PM] baabaa: who
[10:01:12 PM] Fred: Whew
[10:01:19 PM] agus strider: Camera zooms in, showing Zarfot, Markus, deandean, theturningRAY and FannyChmelar
[10:01:30 PM] Markus: Yikes
[10:01:33 PM] FannyChmelar: pls zoom in on my beautiful face more
[10:01:35 PM] agus strider: 7th key goes to.............
[10:01:37 PM] baabaa: oh geez
[10:01:52 PM] agus strider: Markus
[10:01:54 PM] deandean: Has there been a week where I DIDNT get the last key?
[10:01:56 PM] FannyChmelar: i cant help it that im perfect im beautiful i look like linda evanglista and that im a model
[10:01:58 PM] Markus: Ayyyyy thanks dooze
[10:02:05 PM] qrstuv: @dean no lol
[10:02:07 PM] agus strider: 8th key goes to...................
[10:02:09 PM] verumbark: i think its a running gag at this point
[10:02:17 PM] verumbark: deandean always last key
[10:02:23 PM] TheStyleAisle: did you stone those tights....?
[10:02:25 PM] deandean: Wow that's a lot of people for the last key
[10:02:30 PM] deandean: Second to last*
[10:02:38 PM] agus strider: did that just send
[10:02:39 PM] agus strider: rip
[10:02:40 PM] FannyChmelar: i did stone these tights thank u...
[10:02:40 PM] agus strider: anyways
[10:02:44 PM] agus strider: 8th key goes to...............
[10:02:46 PM] agus strider: deandean (breaking last-key-dean meme)
[10:02:51 PM] deandean: AYYYYYYYY
[10:02:55 PM] qrstuv: dooze did that!
[10:02:56 PM] deandean: SUCK IT NERDS
[10:02:57 PM] baabaa: literally eho
[10:02:59 PM] baabaa: who
[10:03:00 PM] FannyChmelar: oh god umm
almost 7 years
[9:57:26 PM] agus strider: Nomination Ceremony
[9:57:33 PM] verumbark: deandean my beanbean
[9:57:35 PM] Zarfot: I'm here!
[9:57:37 PM] agus strider: dooze stands up
[9:57:37 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Woohoo
[9:57:41 PM] agus strider: dooze: As head of household, it is my duty to nominate two players for eviction. I will pull the keys of the players safe, until the two players left without keys are the nominees.
[9:57:57 PM] agus strider: first key goes to...............
[9:58:08 PM] agus strider: verumbark
[9:58:17 PM] deandean: I'm gonna get last key mark it
[9:58:26 PM] baabaa: hi dean : D
[9:58:27 PM] agus strider: 2nd key goes to...........
[9:58:28 PM] Fred: Dean has the last key I call it
[9:58:31 PM] deandean: Hi
[9:58:45 PM] agus strider: qrstuv
[9:58:46 PM] *** Group call ***
[9:58:51 PM] FannyChmelar: this is my first time actually being here when keys r being given out i think.
[9:58:51 PM] *** Missed group call. ***
[9:58:52 PM] qrstuv: plot twist ppl w keys are nominated
[9:59:01 PM] qrstuv: jkj ty dooze :)
[9:59:02 PM] agus strider: 3rd key goes to............................
[9:59:06 PM] *** verumbark eats their key ***
[9:59:11 PM] verumbark: vorebark
[9:59:12 PM] agus strider: feist
[9:59:23 PM] agus strider: 4th key goes to..................
[9:59:42 PM] agus strider: NoAviNoKnowledge
[9:59:44 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Vorebark? Is Verum key?
[9:59:57 PM] agus strider: 5th key goes to.............
[10:00:00 PM] verumbark: i vored the key
[10:00:06 PM] verumbark: i fcukign
[10:00:09 PM] verumbark: i vored it
[10:00:13 PM] agus strider: baabaa
[10:00:19 PM] baabaa: yay.
[10:00:27 PM] verumbark: beep beep a key for the sheep
[10:00:39 PM] Markus: Oh hey i'm here
[10:00:40 PM] baabaa: im not a sheep ;;
[10:00:41 PM] qrstuv: iconic key order
[10:00:48 PM] Markus: And haven't got a key yet :'(
deletedalmost 7 years
also i just realized i did this all on my alt lol rip sorry
deletedalmost 7 years

dooze says

is it 10 paces fire

I always thought it was 10, places, fire!


Ten paces!

deletedalmost 7 years
getting hoh on the week she went out in season 1? icon.
almost 7 years
is it 10 paces fire

I always thought it was 10, places, fire!
deletedalmost 7 years
[12:48:15 AM] ally ♠: Houseguests, please gather in the living room for an announcement!
[12:48:21 AM] wryan (qrstuv): :0
[12:48:25 AM] Will (Markus): ohhhhh the chest of fate
[12:48:27 AM] Will (Markus): forgot about that
[12:48:30 AM] baabaa: I'm here
[12:48:34 AM] ally ♠: dooze has opened up Chest #1 and released a twist upon the house!
[12:48:42 AM] ally ♠: This week, the twist that has been unleashed is….
[12:48:44 AM] Fred: whoa
[12:48:45 AM] dooze .: WE R NUMBA 1
[12:48:52 AM] wryan (qrstuv): im shaking
[12:48:56 AM] ally ♠: Forced Veto!
[12:48:57 AM] ally ♠: This means that this week, the winner of the Power of Veto will be forced to use the PoV to save one of the nominees from eviction. They will not have the option to not use it.
[12:48:59 AM] Fred: Robbie Rotten’s in the chest?
[12:49:00 AM] Fred: oh
[12:49:04 AM] ally ♠: Good luck gamers!
deletedalmost 7 years
[12:39:47 AM] ally ♠: NoAviNoKnowledge and dooze stand, facing each other, guns pointed at each other.
[12:39:51 AM] ally ♠: They enter a staring contest.
[12:39:55 AM] Will (Markus): i like ally's better, she has a nice lil story attached to it
[12:39:56 AM] Will (Markus): see
[12:40:01 AM] ally ♠: They continue to stare, waiting for one of them to break the contact.
[12:40:04 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: OH
[12:40:05 AM] dooze .: LOOK EM IN THE EYE AIM NO HIGHER
[12:40:05 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: OH
[12:40:13 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: SUMMON ALL THE COURGAE YOU REQUE
[12:40:15 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: THEN COUNT
[12:40:15 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: 1
[12:40:15 AM] dooze .: THEN COUNT
[12:40:15 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: 2
[12:40:15 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: 3
[12:40:16 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: 4
[12:40:16 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: 5
[12:40:16 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: 6
[12:40:16 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: 7
[12:40:16 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: 8
[12:40:17 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: 8
[12:40:19 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: FUCKKK
[12:40:23 AM] dooze .: 9
[12:40:27 AM] ally ♠: Suddenly, NoAviNoKnowledge starts to cry under the pressure AND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NUMBER 10 PACES FIRE NoAvi shoots himself in the head.
[12:40:27 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: 8 8
[12:40:29 AM] dooze .: NUMBER TEN PLACES FIRE
[12:40:30 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: DAMNIT
[12:40:31 AM] dooze .: omg
[12:40:31 AM] ally ♠: Dooze laughs and shoots the air.
[12:40:32 AM] dooze .: Omg
[12:40:33 AM] dooze .: Omg
[12:40:37 AM] ally ♠: Congratulations, Dooze, you are the new Head of Household!
deletedalmost 7 years
[12:16:33 AM] ally ♠: who wants results of the next round
[12:16:40 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: mE
[12:16:40 AM] baabaa: Me.
[12:16:40 AM] Fred: me!
[12:16:58 AM] ally ♠: NoAviNoKnowledge, dooze, and theturningRAY all stand in a circle with their guns in the air. They decide to make their action on the count of 3. 1... 2... 3... BANG! Two bullets fly into the air, while one hits a target...
[12:17:05 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: O HSHIT
[12:17:07 AM] baabaa: ;alsdjf
[12:17:10 AM] ally ♠: theturningRAY, his gun still pointed at the sky, drops to the ground, having been shot by dooze. NoAviNoKnowledge stares at her, his bullet having been fired into the air. Dead: theturningRAY
[12:17:19 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge.exe: O H F U C K
[12:17:21 AM] baabaa: OMG
[12:17:27 AM] ally ♠: Remaining: dooze, NoAviNoKnowledge. Your action is due at 1:30pm ET tomorrow, though we would appreciate them being submitted sooner. If the actions result in there being no winner, we will redo it.
deletedalmost 7 years
[2017-07-27 8:16:33 PM] ally ♠: who's ready for the results of the next round
[2017-07-27 8:16:38 PM] baabaa: me
[2017-07-27 8:16:48 PM] Fede (Zarfot): Me!
[2017-07-27 8:16:54 PM] Scott (FannyChmelar): give it to us ally babe
[2017-07-27 8:17:08 PM] Scott (FannyChmelar): (hearteyes)
[2017-07-27 8:17:33 PM] ally ♠: dooze and Zarfot are sitting on the couch, discussing their favourite pizza toppings, when dooze announces that she's a pineapple on pizza fan. Zarfot, disgusted, turns his gun on her and fires, but dooze is so disappointed in her own bad tastes that she shoots herself at the same time, and the bullet bounces back, killing Zarfot. Dead: Zarfot
[2017-07-27 8:17:45 PM] baabaa: pro
[2017-07-27 8:17:51 PM] Scott (FannyChmelar): omg . shooketh
[2017-07-27 8:18:05 PM] ally ♠: NoAviNoKnowledge and qrstuv watch this go down and think hey, that's kinda fun, and decide to copy them. qrstuv aims for NoAvi and shoots while NoAvi turns the gun on himself, and qrstuv follows Zarfot to death. Dead: qrstuv
[2017-07-27 8:18:22 PM] Scott (FannyChmelar): omg shook even more
[2017-07-27 8:18:23 PM] baabaa: omg
[2017-07-27 8:18:29 PM] ally ♠: theturningRAY watches all this go down, and fires a warning shot in the air so no one with him.
[2017-07-27 8:18:34 PM] ally ♠: Remaining: dooze, NoAviNoKnowledge, theturningRAY. Your actions will be due in 12 hours at 9:30am ET.
almost 7 years
[11:35:55 AM] agus strider: #tea
[11:36:11 AM] Markus: That's what you get dean you assh*le
[11:36:50 AM] Zarfot: Lmao
[11:36:52 AM] Ally: dooze, FannyChmelar, qrstuv, and theturningRAY all stand in a circle. They decide on the count of 3, they're all going to shoot the air. One of them counts, and they all take aim. 1... 2... 3...! 4 guns go off simultaneously... and FannyChmelar drops to the ground, having been shot by theturningRAY while everyone else aired. Dead: FannyChmelar
[11:37:27 AM] Ally: Fred watches the goings on in a corner of the house, fearing for his life every time a bullet flies. Finally, he decides the stress just isn't worth it, and shoots himself in the head. Dead: Fred
[11:37:34 AM] Markus: Omfg
[11:37:41 AM] Markus: I did not expect so many deaths
[11:37:48 AM] Ally: Remaining: NoAviNoKnowledge, Zarfot, dooze, qrstuv, theturningRAY. Your actions are due at 10:30pm ET tonight.
[11:38:36 AM] Markus: Glad I stayed awake for this :)
[11:39:35 AM] Zarfot: That was a fun story
[11:43:11 AM] Ally: thank u i worked very hard on it.
almost 7 years
[11:34:06 AM] Ally: I'd just like to say that all of these story aspects are FICTIONAL and written by me half asleep I haven't had coffee yet let me live
[11:34:22 AM] Markus: What's your coffee of choice
[11:34:44 AM] Ally: I will drink anything that has extreme amounts of sweetener/creamer because I'm a little b*tch
[11:34:50 AM] Markus: Oh
[11:35:01 AM] Ally: I have a vanilla sweet cream cold brew from starbucks but I have not drank it yet cos i was wrITING RESULTS.
[11:35:02 AM] Ally: ok
[11:35:04 AM] Markus: I'm a triple shot flat white man myself
[11:35:08 AM] Ally: iconic
[11:35:16 AM] Markus: Quad shot if i'm feeling super groggy
[11:35:17 AM] Ally: NoAviNoKnowledge is hanging out with baabaa and verumbark when all of a sudden baabaa pulls a gun on him! Taking aim, she fires at NoAvi. Quicker than lightning, however, NoAvi pulls a gun and aims at.... himself! The bullet reflects back to baabaa, killing her. Verumbark screams, unable to handle the stress of what they just witnessed, and shoots themself. Dead: baabaa, verumbark
[11:35:44 AM] baabaa: amazing.
[11:35:52 AM] Ally: Markus, deandean, and Zarfot are goofing off with their guns. Laughing, Markus says "Check this out!" and fires at the air. deandean doesn't find it funny, and shoots Markus in the head in response. Zarfot decides he wants to join in the bloodshed, and fires his gun off at deandean. Dead: Markus, deandean
almost 7 years
Jokers Ratings Week 3:

0. Sammy (+17)
1. feist (+11)
2. verumbark (+1)
3. baabaa (+4)
4. Fred (-1)
5. FannyChmelar (+6)
6. NoAviNoKnowledge (-4)
7. Ginga (+7)
8. dooze (-)
9. deandean (+4)
10. Markus (-)
11. theturningRAY (-10)
12. qrstuv (-6)
13. Zarfot (-8)
14. blood4bloodgod(-5)
15. sigh (-)
16. view (-)
almost 7 years
[7/26/2017 11:53:45 PM] deandean: and then apparently told people about my irl
[7/26/2017 11:53:47 PM] Markus: tbh i literally had nothing to do with blood at all
[7/26/2017 11:53:49 PM] deandean: because he thought i was lying
[7/26/2017 11:53:50 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: oh wait is it week 4?
[7/26/2017 11:53:54 PM] deandean: Which is a D*CK move
[7/26/2017 11:53:57 PM] Markus: that guy just existed in his own yuck bubble
[7/26/2017 11:54:35 PM] deandean: hey let's out that [redacted]
[7/26/2017 11:54:42 PM] deandean: [redacted]
[7/26/2017 11:54:44 PM] baabaa: oh..............
[7/26/2017 11:54:47 PM] deandean: just because LOL he MUST be lying
[7/26/2017 11:54:50 PM] deandean: d*ck f*cking move
[7/26/2017 11:55:02 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: that was a p d*ck move
[7/26/2017 11:55:09 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: i just voted him because he was just generally being a d*ck
[7/26/2017 11:55:20 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: i like watching drama and sh*t but ill end it when it gets that far
[7/26/2017 11:55:27 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: he took this game too seriously
[7/26/2017 11:55:45 PM] deandean: yeah
[7/26/2017 11:55:53 PM] deandean: also we havent spoken since week 1
[7/26/2017 11:55:54 PM] deandean: :/
almost 7 years
[7/26/2017 11:52:08 PM] Markus: yikes let it all out guys
[7/26/2017 11:52:22 PM] deandean: oh wait you didnt
[7/26/2017 11:52:23 PM] TheTigress: yes
[7/26/2017 11:52:24 PM] deandean: it was blood
[7/26/2017 11:52:24 PM] deandean: my b
[7/26/2017 11:52:26 PM] TheTigress: i am here to mediate
[7/26/2017 11:52:27 PM] deandean: MY BAD
[7/26/2017 11:52:27 PM] theturningRAY: was I right earlier when I said things were about to pick up
[7/26/2017 11:52:35 PM] theturningRAY: is the drama starting to come out
[7/26/2017 11:52:39 PM] deandean: MY BAD
[7/26/2017 11:52:42 PM] deandean: Im wrong
[7/26/2017 11:52:44 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: sure (envy)
[7/26/2017 11:52:46 PM] theturningRAY: o
[7/26/2017 11:52:51 PM] Markus: dean who would you have voted out of ginga and verum
[7/26/2017 11:52:55 PM] Markus: you could've been the deciding vote
[7/26/2017 11:52:58 PM] deandean: ginga
[7/26/2017 11:53:03 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: i think drama this season is gonna heavily pick up around week 6
[7/26/2017 11:53:13 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: hopefully i love watching drama but hate creating it
[7/26/2017 11:53:20 PM] verumbark: i hate drama of all kinds
[7/26/2017 11:53:22 PM] deandean: nah blood was like
[7/26/2017 11:53:29 PM] deandean: "yo im not in any alliances"
[7/26/2017 11:53:30 PM] theturningRAY: is week six when ur planning to vote me out noavi
[7/26/2017 11:53:31 PM] baabaa: drama is nice when you're not involved
[7/26/2017 11:53:34 PM] deandean: when i could just tell
[7/26/2017 11:53:35 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: no
[7/26/2017 11:53:36 PM] deandean: he was lying
[7/26/2017 11:53:45 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: week 4 is
almost 7 years
[7/26/2017 11:50:34 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: dean will send it to you when he makes jury
[7/26/2017 11:50:37 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: WHICH IS NEVER
[7/26/2017 11:50:39 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: ha get it
[7/26/2017 11:50:44 PM] deandean: haha i voted you
[7/26/2017 11:50:52 PM] theturningRAY: oh sh*t
[7/26/2017 11:50:59 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: WERE YOU THAT ONE F*CKER THAT VOTED ME
[7/26/2017 11:51:01 PM] baabaa: what
[7/26/2017 11:51:12 PM] deandean: i was
[7/26/2017 11:51:12 PM] verumbark: SDKJFHSKDJFHKJDHKJHJHJK
[7/26/2017 11:51:13 PM] deandean: the lone vote
[7/26/2017 11:51:15 PM] deandean: on you no avi
[7/26/2017 11:51:15 PM] Zeezo: Dean - Today 7:50 PM
> haha i voted you

:o tea?
[7/26/2017 11:51:16 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: OH SH*T
[7/26/2017 11:51:18 PM] agus strider: :o
[7/26/2017 11:51:25 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: RUIEGNIODFTUNHF
[7/26/2017 11:51:30 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: I TRUSTED YOU
[7/26/2017 11:51:39 PM] deandean: did you?
[7/26/2017 11:51:42 PM] Zeezo: How does it feel noavi
[7/26/2017 11:51:43 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: kinda yeah
[7/26/2017 11:51:46 PM] deandean: yikes
[7/26/2017 11:51:50 PM] deandean: you lied to me week one
[7/26/2017 11:51:50 PM] deandean: so
[7/26/2017 11:51:51 PM] deandean: i mean
[7/26/2017 11:51:54 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: ?
[7/26/2017 11:51:54 PM] deandean: shrug
[7/26/2017 11:52:01 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: the f*ck did i say week 1??
[7/26/2017 11:52:03 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: excuse me???
almost 7 years
[10:56:09 PM] Ally: oh hey Hayley !!!
[10:56:09 PM] Ally: :)
[10:56:10 PM] qrstuv: omggg tigress queen alert
[10:56:18 PM] TheTigress: stop it you
[10:56:28 PM] Ally: is ur name rly still kevin martin I'm screaming
[10:56:33 PM] TheTigress: LMFAO
[10:56:35 PM] Ally: love THAT kevin martin
[10:56:45 PM] TheStyleAisle: THAT ROBERT KEVIN MARTIN.........................
[10:56:51 PM] TheStyleAisle: YA CANT TRUST A GUY WITH THREE FIRST NAMES.......................
[10:56:57 PM] TheTigress: LOLLLLLLLL
[10:57:03 PM] FannyChmelar: me as soon as hayley got added:
[10:57:13 PM] verumbark: im afraid now
[10:57:30 PM] TheTigress: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO
[10:57:44 PM] FannyChmelar: queen of being the ORIGINAL runner up
[10:57:56 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: TIGRESS OMG
[10:57:59 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: <3
[10:58:03 PM] TheTigress: HEY <3 <3 <3
[10:58:37 PM] agus strider: hey hayley
[10:58:40 PM] agus strider: you have to
[10:58:41 PM] agus strider: say your thing
[10:58:47 PM] TheTigress: omg I don't even have it
[10:59:10 PM] agus strider: What an absolute f*cking b*tch. That’s my response to this load of you can keep your sh*tty jury vote because this is not worth responding to bye
[10:59:17 PM] TheTigress: thank u!!!!!
almost 7 years
[10:54:15 PM] agus strider: okay
[10:54:20 PM] agus strider: lets meet our second special guest
[10:54:27 PM] baabaa: oh boy!
[10:54:34 PM] FannyChmelar: oh boy
[10:54:49 PM] agus strider: fun fact about being the second special guest? they got second place in SBBB1! our queen TheTigress
[10:54:55 PM] Markus: omg!!!
[10:54:57 PM] *** agus strider added TheTigress ***
[10:55:00 PM] FannyChmelar: omg...
[10:55:02 PM] TheStyleAisle: I AM
[10:55:02 PM] verumbark: oh......... my god
[10:55:03 PM] TheStyleAisle: SHOOK
[10:55:04 PM] TheStyleAisle: WHAT
[10:55:04 PM] agus strider: welcome!
[10:55:09 PM] Zeezo: omg!!
[10:55:13 PM] baabaa: O:
[10:55:14 PM] theturningRAY: whoop
[10:55:15 PM] FannyChmelar: Hi tigresss omgg
[10:55:23 PM] Markus: hi thetigress, i'm will/markus
[10:55:27 PM] TheTigress: hello lil sweeties!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
[10:55:39 PM] deandean: ITS HAYLEY
[10:55:41 PM] FannyChmelar: honestly i must say u dont seem like a kevin
[10:55:51 PM] TheTigress: I wholeheartedly agree, Scott
[10:56:08 PM] FannyChmelar: (: