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Sandbox Big Brother 2 Game Thread

almost 7 years
[12:05:34 AM] agus strider: #2 PoV Competition: Threes

Participating: Fred, NoAviNoKnowledge, blood4bloodgod, theturningRAY, Ginga, verumbark thanks to feist for picking the number 4.

Today you will be playing Threes

Sum up your numbers in multiples of threes to score points. Fun fact, typical game used in ORGs, 2048 was actually inspired by Threes and not viceversa like you may originally think when you see it!

In order for your submission to count, you must submit like in the following screenshot: which is to say, completely full screen, showing timestamp, and showing your skype

You may only submit once. Once you have submitted we will not accept newer submissions, so make sure to only submit your score once you are sure you will not be playing more.

Finally, this should go without saying, but if we ever run into someone cheating (which includes but isn't limited to: actual in-game cheating, editing screenshots, etc) you will not only lose the challenge but also be AUTOMATICALLY EJECTED from the house.

If there is any questions regarding anything of the above, feel free to ask in your DR.

You guys have until 10pm EST on July 18th to send in your results.
[12:05:41 AM] FannyChmelar: thank u for the key!!
almost 7 years
[7/17/2017 11:56:17 PM] verumbark: aaaaaaaaa
[7/17/2017 11:56:22 PM] verumbark: skype isnt bork anymore
[7/17/2017 11:56:25 PM] verumbark: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[7/17/2017 11:56:34 PM] feist: I'm jealous he's HOH AND at the redwoods
[7/17/2017 11:56:40 PM] Zarfot: gl blood and avi!
[7/17/2017 11:56:49 PM] Markus: What's the redwoods
[7/17/2017 11:56:58 PM] qrstuv: the trees
[7/17/2017 11:57:55 PM] agus strider: someone tell me a number 1-10 pls
[7/17/2017 11:58:01 PM] feist: 6
[7/17/2017 11:58:05 PM] Fred: I can't see anything rip
[7/17/2017 11:58:05 PM] feist: Wait 4
[7/17/2017 11:58:09 PM] agus strider: thx!
[7/17/2017 11:58:11 PM] feist: 4 is my lucky number
[7/17/2017 11:58:13 PM] feist: Pls
[7/17/2017 11:58:14 PM] feist: Not 6
[7/17/2017 11:58:35 PM] Fred: OH ITS ALL LOADING
[7/17/2017 11:58:39 PM] feist: Welcome
[7/17/2017 11:59:23 PM] Markus: Sh*t's loading finally
[7/17/2017 11:59:38 PM] Fred: Okay I'm here
[7/17/2017 11:59:41 PM] Fred: Finally
[7/17/2017 11:59:43 PM] agus strider: pov competition coming soon btw
[7/17/2017 11:59:48 PM] feist: The redwoods are those enormous old af trees in california
[7/17/2017 11:59:54 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: UMM
[7/17/2017 11:59:59 PM] feist: I hope im in it i need practice
[12:00:07 AM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Fred why I trusted you
[12:00:08 AM] feist: Hey buddy..
[12:00:24 AM] baabaa: s a f e a g a i n
[12:00:29 AM] feist: Relax, you're doing great!
[12:00:36 AM] Fred: I'm sorry noavi ): it was a hard pick
[12:00:52 AM] Fred: I ended up picking in a pretty arbitrary way tbh
[12:02:07 AM] Fred: Okay it's still not loading every message lol
[12:02:17 AM] Fred: It'll probdbly be better when I get back to my laptop
[12:05:17 AM] FannyChmelar: oh i had to go on my phone just to see all of this fhfjfg
almost 7 years
[7/17/2017 11:52:44 PM] feist: Well, well, well
[7/17/2017 11:52:44 PM] agus strider: 7th key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:52:49 PM] Zarfot: yayy
[7/17/2017 11:52:57 PM] agus strider: feist
[7/17/2017 11:53:11 PM] agus strider: 8th key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:53:22 PM] agus strider: baabaa
[7/17/2017 11:53:37 PM] agus strider: 9th key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:53:45 PM] agus strider: theturningRAY
[7/17/2017 11:53:59 PM] agus strider: camera zooms in showing view, blood4bloodgod, NoAviNoKnowledge, deandean and Ginga
[7/17/2017 11:54:15 PM] feist: :o
[7/17/2017 11:54:18 PM] agus strider: 10th key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:54:24 PM] agus strider: view
[7/17/2017 11:54:31 PM] feist: Lol
[7/17/2017 11:54:34 PM] agus strider: 11th key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:54:47 PM] verumbark: SKYPE BORK SKYPE BORK SKYPE BORK SKYPE BORK
[7/17/2017 11:54:49 PM] agus strider: Ginga
[7/17/2017 11:54:54 PM] agus strider: camera zooms in again, showing blood4loodgod, NoAviNoKnowledge and deandean
[7/17/2017 11:55:07 PM] feist: Damn i thought fred was gna make ginga work hard for it w a nom xd
[7/17/2017 11:55:14 PM] feist: But isnt he safe or smth
[7/17/2017 11:55:22 PM] agus strider: Final key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:55:46 PM] TheStyleAisle: noot noot
[7/17/2017 11:55:58 PM] agus strider: deandean
[7/17/2017 11:56:01 PM] agus strider: Fred: Thus I have nominated blood4bloodgod and NoAviNoKnowledge for eviction.
[7/17/2017 11:56:07 PM] agus strider: Fred: hey guys! I'm looking at redwoods today so I didn't have a ton of time for a speech! I didn't have a lot of time for a decision either so I just went with the two people who didn't reach out to me in the past two days, haha. Anyways, good luck everyone!
[7/17/2017 11:56:13 PM] agus strider: Fred: The nomination ceremony is adjourned.
almost 7 years
[7/17/2017 11:49:29 PM] agus strider: Nomination Ceremony
[7/17/2017 11:49:39 PM] agus strider: Fred: As head of household, it is my duty to nominate two players for eviction. I will pull the keys of the players safe, until the two players left without keys are the nominees.
[7/17/2017 11:49:45 PM] agus strider: 1st key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:49:59 PM] agus strider: dooze
[7/17/2017 11:50:10 PM] agus strider: 2nd key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:50:27 PM] agus strider: qrstuv
[7/17/2017 11:50:36 PM] agus strider: 3rd key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:50:38 PM] Markus: Nice
[7/17/2017 11:50:43 PM] agus strider: verumbark
[7/17/2017 11:50:53 PM] agus strider: 4th key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:51:25 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar
[7/17/2017 11:51:38 PM] qrstuv: whew
[7/17/2017 11:51:55 PM] agus strider: 5th key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:52:01 PM] agus strider: Markus
[7/17/2017 11:52:09 PM] Markus: Ayyyyy
[7/17/2017 11:52:14 PM] Markus: Thx fred
[7/17/2017 11:52:18 PM] agus strider: 6th key goes to...
[7/17/2017 11:52:26 PM] agus strider: Zarfot
almost 7 years
hey look verumbark drew the cast hehe
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
how come everyone is mean to me
deletedalmost 7 years

rockgirlnikki says

Ginga sucks at vivor, sigh. Trust me. :)

This is flat out not true :)
almost 7 years
[9:48:00 PM] agus strider: Fred has opened up Chest #7 and released a twist upon the house! This week, the twist that has been unleashed is….
[9:48:13 PM] verumbark: Twists of Fate #7: Verumbark Dies In Real Life
[9:48:14 PM] agus strider: Punishment Week!
[9:48:27 PM] Ginga: classic
[9:48:29 PM] baabaa: what ;;
[9:48:31 PM | Edited 9:48:38 PM] agus strider: This week, the entire house will be punished. At random times throughout the day, a host will say THE BOSS ATTACKS! 5 unique people will need to reply in the house chat with FIGHT BACK. They will have 5 minutes to do so. If enough people do not fight back in time, the house will lose a life. If the house loses 5 lives, the house will receive a much more severe punishment, to be unveiled if necessary. This punishment will last until the eviction ceremony.

Good luck gamers!
[9:48:43 PM] Ginga: that's gay
[9:48:46 PM] baabaa: youre gay
[9:48:51 PM] TheStyleAisle: I'm gay.
[9:48:58 PM] agus strider: THE BOSS ATTACKS!
[9:49:00 PM] Ginga: FIGHT BACK
[9:49:03 PM] Fred: I thought it'd be lucky number 7 ):
[9:49:07 PM] verumbark: FIGHT BACK
[9:49:09 PM] Zarfot: fight back!
[9:49:11 PM] baabaa: FIGHT BACK
[9:49:19 PM] agus strider: 3/5
[9:49:22 PM] agus strider: it has to be FIGHT BACK
[9:49:30 PM] Zarfot: FIGHT BACK
[9:49:30 PM] Fred: FIGHT BACK
[9:49:33 PM] blood4bloodgod: bring more punishment
[9:49:41 PM] agus strider: ok 5/5
[9:49:43 PM] agus strider: good job gamers
almost 7 years
[9:42:22 PM] qrstuv: Fred did that omfg
[9:42:28 PM] agus strider: view did not submit in time nor decided to abstain so they have received their second strike. One more strike will get them EJECTED from the game as well as blacklisted from ever playing in a future season.
[9:42:43 PM] Fred: There's a mario party 2 minigame just like that
[9:42:47 PM] blood4bloodgod: what was his first strike for?
[9:42:51 PM] Fred: I play a lot of Mario party 2
[9:42:51 PM] Markus: View pull yo self together dude
[9:42:56 PM] Ginga: he didn't submit in pov iirc
[9:43:08 PM] verumbark: hhhh
[9:43:16 PM] blood4bloodgod: my opinion of view has increased lmao
[9:43:16 PM] verumbark: i wonder if theyre okay?
[9:43:18 PM] baabaa: Amelio do I have a strike?
[9:43:26 PM] Zarfot: oh that was close! congrats fred!!
[9:43:37 PM] verumbark: like genuinely, im worried about view and their safety at this point
[9:43:42 PM] verumbark: what happened?
[9:43:56 PM] Fred: Yeah, I'm a little worried too
[9:43:56 PM] blood4bloodgod: he talked after sigh was voted out, so i dunno
[9:44:01 PM] Ginga: ^
[9:44:31 PM] Markus: He has said stuff in the chat
[9:44:39 PM] Markus: So i'm guessing disinterest maybe?
[9:44:47 PM] Markus: Or maybe just time mismanagement
[9:47:28 PM] agus strider: Okay folks. Fred opened the #7 Chest
[9:47:36 PM] verumbark: oh boy
almost 7 years
[9:40:49 PM] agus strider: it is down to Fred, Zarfot and theturningRAY
[9:40:52 PM] Markus: 1 second difference hahahha
[9:40:56 PM] deandean: AND VIEW
[9:41:01 PM] deandean: VIEW LIVES MATTER
[9:41:01 PM] Markus: Oh so view strikes again
[9:41:05 PM] agus strider: OOPS
[9:41:05 PM] Ginga: view didn't submit
[9:41:06 PM] qrstuv: kings
[9:41:07 PM] Ginga: lmao
[9:41:08 PM] agus strider: and view
[9:41:09 PM] TheStyleAisle: Smfh
[9:41:11 PM] agus strider: 3rd place...............................
[9:41:12 PM] verumbark: view strikes again........
[9:41:12 PM] baabaa: DUN DUN D U N
[9:41:22 PM] agus strider: theturningRAY with a time of 1:04
[9:41:27 PM] verumbark: ur making him sound like a cartoon villain
[9:41:46 PM] agus strider: So, the winner of the HoH Competition is.....................
[9:41:46 PM] Markus: Ayyyyyyyy fred v Zarfot
[9:41:47 PM] verumbark: them
[9:41:52 PM] Fred: I'm shakin in my boots
[9:41:53 PM] verumbark: sorry
[9:41:58 PM] agus strider: Fred with a time of 0:35 over Zarfot's time of 0:59
[9:42:00 PM] Ginga: LMFAO
[9:42:02 PM] Ginga: DEMOLISHED
[9:42:04 PM] baabaa: FRED WTF
[9:42:05 PM] Fred: Hey!!!
[9:42:07 PM] verumbark: HOLY FRED
[9:42:09 PM] Markus: Ayyyyyy 35 seconds wtf lol
[9:42:15 PM] Ginga: literally stomped on them
[9:42:17 PM] baabaa: W T F
[9:42:18 PM] agus strider: Congratulations Fred you are the HoH for week 2. You have until 9pm EST on July 17th to submit your nominations, order of keys and speech.
Reminder to every houseguest to only talk about nominations in the HoH Room. We will come soon with an update on the chest Fred picks.
almost 7 years
[9:37:33 PM] baabaa: omg....
[9:37:39 PM] verumbark: i tried ok,
[9:37:45 PM] agus strider: 8th place.................
[9:37:49 PM] baabaa: Baabaa
[9:37:52 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar with a time of 1:37
[9:37:55 PM] baabaa: oh
[9:37:58 PM] verumbark: my mind kept losing track and counting the same thing twice
[9:38:02 PM] verumbark: shshbdjdjd
[9:38:03 PM] agus strider: 7th place...
[9:38:19 PM] agus strider: Markus with a time of 1:30
[9:38:22 PM] Markus: Oh nice I got top half JUST hahhahaha
[9:38:29 PM] baabaa: Markus qween
[9:38:32 PM] deandean: You didn't nerd
[9:38:36 PM] blood4bloodgod: made it to bottom half hurray
[9:38:39 PM] deandean: It's out of 13 scores he said
[9:38:39 PM] Markus: 7/14
[9:38:41 PM] agus strider: 6th place...............
[9:38:46 PM] Markus: That's top half
[9:38:51 PM] baabaa: Mid
[9:38:52 PM] deandean: Oh wow I'm stupid
[9:38:54 PM] agus strider: blood4bloodgod with a time of 1:21
[9:38:55 PM] Ginga: I assume 1 person didn't submit
[9:38:59 PM] deandean: Sorry I'm autistic
[9:39:05 PM] deandean: Uhhh view
[9:39:06 PM] deandean: Clearly
[9:39:09 PM] Ginga: lmao
[9:39:11 PM] deandean: Is winning HOH
[9:39:16 PM] baabaa: We started with 16. Jack couldn't play and sigh got evicted? So 14?
[9:39:22 PM] baabaa: www????
[9:39:24 PM] Ginga: yeah
[9:39:28 PM] Ginga: but he started with 13th place
[9:39:32 PM] qrstuv: :0
[9:39:34 PM] baabaa: did he?
[9:39:34 PM] agus strider: 5th place................
[9:39:38 PM] baabaa: oh dam
[9:39:42 PM] agus strider: baabaa with a time of 1:19
[9:39:52 PM] baabaa: Holy shot
[9:39:53 PM] Markus: Oof baabaa
[9:39:57 PM] qrstuv: slay
[9:39:58 PM] Fred: Whoa
[9:40:11 PM] baabaa: So close....
[9:40:20 PM] agus strider: 4th place................
[9:40:30 PM] agus strider: dooze with a time of 1:18
[9:40:35 PM] baabaa: DOOZE
[9:40:40 PM] baabaa: OMG
[9:40:44 PM] Fred: One second, whew
almost 7 years
[9:35:20 PM] agus strider: HoH Ceremony
[9:35:28 PM] agus strider: 13th place...
[9:35:44 PM] agus strider: NoAviNoKnowledge with a time of 3:10
[9:35:49 PM] Markus: Oh i'm here
[9:35:56 PM] deandean: Oh I didn't win if that's 13
[9:35:58 PM] agus strider: 12th place...
[9:36:01 PM] deandean: Congrats whoever won
[9:36:07 PM] Markus: Yeah same lol
[9:36:09 PM] agus strider: feist with a time of 2:32
[9:36:16 PM] deandean: Yeah I'm not even close
[9:36:21 PM] blood4bloodgod: yeah not looking good for me either
[9:36:25 PM] qrstuv: rt
[9:36:26 PM] blood4bloodgod: welp
[9:36:30 PM] agus strider: 11th place...
[9:36:34 PM] agus strider: deandean with a time of 2:11
[9:36:39 PM] deandean: Lmao
[9:36:49 PM] deandean: Challenge threat
[9:36:53 PM] agus strider: 10th place................
[9:37:01 PM] baabaa: dean.. Ur winning
[9:37:05 PM] agus strider: qrstuv with a time of 1:51
[9:37:08 PM] deandean: I'm a winner
[9:37:09 PM] Markus: I'll be happy if i'm top half tbh
[9:37:12 PM] qrstuv: hehe
[9:37:19 PM] agus strider: 9th place.......................
[9:37:26 PM] Markus: Oh actually doesnt look like i'll even get to top half hahahhaha
[9:37:26 PM] deandean: You know it's bad when ryan beats you in a challenge :(
[9:37:31 PM] agus strider: verumbark with a time of 1:40
almost 7 years
[11:13:15 PM] Ginga: suck my d*ck
[11:13:19 PM] baabaa: hi jack : D
almost 7 years
sigh goes into the main house again to say his goodbyes!

[8:50:02 AM] *** TheStyleAisle added sigh ***
[8:50:07 AM] sigh: HI LMAO
[8:50:11 AM] TheStyleAisle: Sigh, you have five minutes!
[8:50:19 AM] TheStyleAisle: Idk if anyone is here but
[8:50:31 AM] sigh: dam i feel betrayed but it's fine like i didnt like staying up so late/early anwyay the timezones were soooo bad
[8:50:41 AM] sigh: but omg u snakes
[8:50:58 AM] sigh: andd what else do i say
[8:51:14 AM] sigh: oh yeah some of you were so nice and im glad i got to know you better
[8:51:28 AM] sigh: idk who actually voted me i guess im out of the loop but ty if you didnt vote me :O
[8:52:01 AM] sigh: and that "fight" was fun to fake
[8:52:06 AM] sigh: sry for being annoying if i was ever annoying
[8:52:17 AM] sigh: andddddddddd oh yeah the challenge was fun
[8:52:28 AM] sigh: sad i only got to do one rip since that was the funnest part
[8:52:40 AM] sigh: but yeah omg good job for making things interesting and exciting
[8:52:50 AM] sigh: it'l lbe cool to see what happens next
[8:53:17 AM] sigh: ALSO BE MY FRIEND IN EM
[8:53:24 AM] sigh: friend(s)
[8:53:30 AM] sigh: also
[8:53:32 AM] sigh: thx for hosting
[8:53:35 AM] sigh: and also thx for playing
[8:53:36 AM] sigh: and also
[8:54:02 AM] sigh: and also r00d if you voted me
[8:54:18 AM] sigh: and also i wouldnt have betryaed the people i was actually close to
[8:54:53 AM] sigh: but omg im glad i liked all the people i talked to
[8:55:03 AM] sigh: and fu if u didnt talk to me >:(
[8:55:06 AM] sigh: > : (*
[8:55:30 AM] sigh: and also yeah
[8:55:54 AM] sigh: i actually dont know why people dont like me it's like this everywhere literally what is wrong with me
[8:56:01 AM] sigh: u can remove me now
[8:56:13 AM] TheStyleAisle: I'm on mobile would you be able to exit yourself?
[8:56:15 AM] TheStyleAisle: (:
[8:56:22 AM] TheStyleAisle: sweatie....
[8:56:25 AM] sigh: yea i will ems
[8:56:31 AM] *** sigh has left ***
almost 7 years
#2 HoH Competition - Comboplatter

As the outgoing HoH, Ginga is NOT allowed to participate in this challenge.

Also notice that we NO LONGER give immunity to second place. That was only a thing during week 1.

This challenge is called Comboplatter. When you are ready to compete in your challenge, you will be given a picture on imgur that has 5 different objects. You will have to post how many times each object appears. For example: Here is a loose interpretation. Once I give you the picture, you would have to guess the correct amount of times each object appears. The correct answer for this example would be:

Square - 3
Circle - 2
Triangle - 3
Flag - 2
Rounded Rectangle - 1

All the houseguests will be timed once they receive the picture. Once they send in the correct answer, the timer will stop. The houseguest with the fastest time will win the HoH. You have until 11:00pm on July 15th to compete.
You will receive no penalties for guessing wrong and you may keep guessing. A host will notify you once you have sent in the correct answers Please message your Diary Room when ready to compete.
You are NOT allowed to discuss the HoH Competition with any other houseguests AT ALL.

(also special thanks to the EMVV2's hosts which I basically copy pasted these instructions from (giggle) )
almost 7 years
Jokers Ratings Week 1

1) verumbark
2) blood4bloodgod
3) Fred
4) sigh
5) Ginga
6) theturningRAY
7) FannyChmelar
8) Zarfot
9) Markus
10) baabaa
11) NoAviNoKnowledge
12) dooze
13) feist
14) deandean
15) qrstuv
16) view
almost 7 years
First eviction ceremony!
almost 7 years

rockgirlnikki says

Ginga sucks at vivor, sigh. Trust me. :)

almost 7 years

Ally says

rockgirlnikki says

Ginga sucks at vivor, sigh. Trust me. :)

where's your vivor trophy :/

Keep hating, Ally. I know reality is hard for you.
deletedalmost 7 years

rockgirlnikki says

Ginga sucks at vivor, sigh. Trust me. :)

where's your vivor trophy :/
almost 7 years

SirAmelio says

After sigh comes back to see himself nominated, some drama breaks out in the house!

[10:44:40 PM] sigh: ??????????????????????????
[10:44:46 PM] sigh: WTF
[10:44:55 PM] sigh: are you actually serious?????
[10:45:08 PM] Ginga: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[10:45:11 PM] verumbark: hhhhh
[10:45:12 PM] sigh: ...
[10:45:21 PM] Ginga: don't hate the player hate the game
[10:45:23 PM] verumbark: no fightin Shakira Shakira
[10:46:40 PM] sigh: ok what the actual hell is wrong with you this "game" would be dead without me I'm one of the only people that actually talk LMAO.

im sorry i actually talk and make things fun and entertaining and im sorry for actually trying to be nice to people like jfc
[10:46:54 PM] Ginga: whoa there
[10:46:57 PM] baabaa: ;; sigh
[10:47:01 PM] Ginga: sounds like you got some pent-up anger there pal
[10:47:22 PM] sigh: im sorry i didnt fking suck up to people or the OH SO GLORIOUS GINGA wow ur sooo good at survivor and challenges xd ur sooooo cool!!11 seriously gtfo this is such a sh*t nom i really dont understand why you would choose me over people who are actually INACTIVE. like it makes 0 sense unless you dont like me for whatever reason but least im not a fake as hell snake.... seriously go back to survivor lobby and take anyone that's in your stupid clique with you

Ginga sucks at vivor, sigh. Trust me. :)
almost 7 years
[10:50:20 PM] verumbark: its ,, just a game ,
[10:50:23 PM] Ginga: as resident weeb I say no
[10:50:33 PM] baabaa: lol jack's a weeb?
[10:51:00 PM] verumbark: hes gonna win like every challenge
[10:51:07 PM] verumbark: it doesnt matter if hes a weeb
[10:51:11 PM] FannyChmelar: weebs??? in MY SANDBOX???
[10:51:12 PM] baabaa: bc he's a weeb?
[10:51:13 PM] verumbark: hes The Vivor Lobby Guy
[10:51:17 PM] sigh: grats on making yourself a priority target lmao
[10:51:21 PM] baabaa: literally just evict jack now
[10:51:27 PM] FannyChmelar: ikr
[10:51:31 PM] theturningRAY: we can get jack next week tbh
[10:51:39 PM] verumbark: ):
[10:51:41 PM] Ginga: im
[10:51:42 PM] sigh: and please vote out view like he isn't even active like please ;~;
[10:51:45 PM] Ginga: the vivor lobby guy(tm)
[10:51:49 PM] FannyChmelar: ok tru turninf
[10:52:04 PM] baabaa: that's all youre known for
[10:52:29 PM | Edited 10:52:30 PM] Ginga: :c
almost 7 years
[10:47:33 PM] blood4bloodgod: sigh is on the war path
[10:47:48 PM] Zeezo: hey
[10:47:50 PM] sigh: seriously you made a sh*t decision grats on taking this so seriously
[10:47:59 PM] Ginga: I like how you're mad
[10:48:03 PM] Ginga: but not mad enough to say sh*t
[10:48:03 PM] Zeezo: tea
[10:48:06 PM] Ginga: without censoring it
[10:48:08 PM] sigh: ??????????
[10:48:09 PM] Zeezo: LMAO
[10:48:18 PM] sigh: IF YOU SWEAR
[10:48:20 PM] sigh: IT'S IN THE RULES
[10:48:31 PM] baabaa: (is it?)
[10:48:32 PM] Ginga: if you're so active why did I forget you were in this cast until I checked the cast list
[10:48:32 PM] Ginga: ???
[10:48:38 PM] sigh: wow
[10:48:47 PM] Ginga: your profile picture is LITERALLY invisible
[10:48:54 PM] Ginga: talk about not being here
[10:48:54 PM] sigh: maybe because you're inactive and don't read the chat? and only participate in the challenges bc it's the only thing youre good at
[10:49:00 PM] sigh: f off
[10:49:02 PM] verumbark: guys,,,,,
[10:49:07 PM] Ginga: good clapback I respect that
[10:49:08 PM] sigh: if i get voted out instead of someone who is literally PERMANENTLY AFK i swear to god
[10:49:17 PM] Ginga: okay true view should still be out
[10:49:23 PM] Ginga: but I wanted ur to feel the hot seat
[10:49:24 PM] blood4bloodgod: rules, sigh what do you care about rules, the weeb alliance is throwing you out
[10:49:39 PM] Ginga: WEEB NATION
[10:49:42 PM] Ginga: WORLDSTAR
[10:49:53 PM] sigh: honestly the weebs are going to get picked off one by one
almost 7 years
After sigh comes back to see himself nominated, some drama breaks out in the house!

[10:44:40 PM] sigh: ??????????????????????????
[10:44:46 PM] sigh: WTF
[10:44:55 PM] sigh: are you actually serious?????
[10:45:08 PM] Ginga: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[10:45:11 PM] verumbark: hhhhh
[10:45:12 PM] sigh: ...
[10:45:21 PM] Ginga: don't hate the player hate the game
[10:45:23 PM] verumbark: no fightin Shakira Shakira
[10:46:40 PM] sigh: ok what the actual hell is wrong with you this "game" would be dead without me I'm one of the only people that actually talk LMAO.

im sorry i actually talk and make things fun and entertaining and im sorry for actually trying to be nice to people like jfc
[10:46:54 PM] Ginga: whoa there
[10:46:57 PM] baabaa: ;; sigh
[10:47:01 PM] Ginga: sounds like you got some pent-up anger there pal
[10:47:22 PM] sigh: im sorry i didnt fking suck up to people or the OH SO GLORIOUS GINGA wow ur sooo good at survivor and challenges xd ur sooooo cool!!11 seriously gtfo this is such a sh*t nom i really dont understand why you would choose me over people who are actually INACTIVE. like it makes 0 sense unless you dont like me for whatever reason but least im not a fake as hell snake.... seriously go back to survivor lobby and take anyone that's in your stupid clique with you