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Sandbox Big Brother 2 Game Thread

almost 7 years
[8:56:50 PM] agus strider: Ginga stands up.
[8:56:56 PM] agus strider: Ginga: My replacement nominee is…
[8:56:58 PM] baabaa: I love you fede <3
[8:56:59 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: may the real ginga please stand up
[8:57:02 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: please stand up
[8:57:07 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: please stand up
[8:57:07 PM] agus strider: Ginga: sigh
[8:57:10 PM] baabaa: what
[8:57:11 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: :oo
[8:57:11 PM] baabaa: OH
[8:57:12 PM] baabaa: THE USER
[8:57:13 PM] agus strider: Ginga: Don't talk to me, then I nom you.
[8:57:13 PM] baabaa: nvm
[8:57:16 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: SHOOK X2
[8:57:19 PM] theturningRAY: o:
[8:57:19 PM] *** qrstuv sighs ***
[8:57:22 PM] agus strider: Zarfot: This veto ceremony is adjourned.
[8:57:27 PM] agus strider: This means that the final nominees are view and sigh! You guys have until July 14th at 9pm EST to submit your vote, alongside with your goodbye messages. view, sigh, as the nominees you do not get to vote. Ginga, as the HoH, you don't vote either. The three of you must still submit goodbye messages.
[8:57:30 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: ha ha get it wryan sighs
[8:57:32 PM] verumbark: what
[8:57:34 PM] verumbark: oh
[8:57:37 PM] verumbark: sh*t
[8:57:42 PM] Fred: Whoa
[8:57:45 PM] Ginga: did u like my speech
[8:57:51 PM] Ginga: (:
[8:57:56 PM] verumbark: jack,,,,
[8:57:57 PM] verumbark: b nice
[8:57:59 PM] qrstuv: battle of the 4 letter words
[8:58:04 PM] Fred: Terrible
almost 7 years
[8:55:57 PM] agus strider: Power of Veto Ceremony
[8:55:58 PM] Ginga: so he technically didnt
[8:55:59 PM] Ginga: (:
[8:56:02 PM] agus strider: Zarfot stands up.
[8:56:04 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: :ooo
[8:56:09 PM] agus strider: Zarfot: As the veto holder, I have the choice to save someone from the nomination block, and therefore…
[8:56:14 PM] agus strider: Zarfot: I save myself
[8:56:18 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: ZARFOT
[8:56:20 PM] baabaa: YES
[8:56:20 PM] agus strider: (I bet the audience is so shook!!!)
[8:56:21 PM] qrstuv: shook
[8:56:24 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: SH00K
[8:56:27 PM] agus strider: Zarfot: I'm happy to be able to continue playing! Thanks everyone who cheered for me :)
[8:56:31 PM] Ginga: sh00k
[8:56:36 PM] agus strider: Zarfot: Ginga, as I have veto’d one of your nominees, you must name a replacement.
[8:56:38 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: zarfot you selfish mf
[8:56:43 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: ily though
[8:56:43 PM] Fred: Ayyy
[8:56:44 PM] theturningRAY: whoop whhoop
[8:56:48 PM] qrstuv: shook
almost 7 years
[6:56:00 PM] (turningray): hey u guys ever buy a pair of jeans and have em rip when putting them on for the first time cause I have and I’m still pissed off about it
[6:56:23 PM] (sigh): omg u keep saying unrelatable things
[6:56:31 PM] (sigh): first ur finger thing and now this
[6:56:52 PM] (sigh): what was your finger thing again
[6:56:57 PM] (sigh): or am I remembering it wrong
[6:57:17 PM] (sigh): oh yeah the fingernail thing
[6:57:36 PM] (sigh): but rip your jeans
[6:57:50 PM] (sigh): pun not intended
[6:58:14 PM] (turningray): they were like 30 bucks that couldve been spent on better jeans
[6:58:14 PM] verumbork: when u said the finger thing my mind went to smth else entirely
almost 7 years
[5:20:08 PM] (dooze): when we learning sl*t
[5:20:28 PM] (fred): Give a strike to dooze please
[5:20:28 PM] (ginga): when we learning sl*t
[5:20:38 PM] (dooze): fine
[5:20:44 PM] (qrstuv): insert pizza
[5:20:44 PM] (dooze): i'll use correct grammar
[5:20:49 PM] (dooze): When are we learning, sl*t?
almost 7 years
[10:03:49 PM] Ginga: gg zarfot
[10:03:51 PM] Zarfot: wooo
[10:03:51 PM] qrstuv: omg congrats Zarfot!
[10:03:59 PM] Fred: Eyyyy!
[10:04:07 PM] Zarfot: I played all day lol
[10:04:11 PM] Fred: Loool
[10:04:14 PM] verumbark: yo!!! nice!!!
[10:04:14 PM] Fred: Congrats!
[10:04:22 PM] verumbark: inb4 zarf doesnt use it
[10:04:25 PM] Ginga: lmfao
[10:04:33 PM] Zarfot: i am seeing bubbles everywhere
[10:05:23 PM] agus strider: Zarfot, as the PoV you get to choose someone to save. It may be yourself, view or neither. Report that in your Diary Room alongside a speech.

Ginga as the HoH you must pick a renomination in case Zarfot saves someone, alongside a speech. You can send in one general renomination or a different one depending on his decision

You both have until 9pm EST on July 13th to decide.
[10:05:42 PM] agus strider: Also you must still only talk to Ginga about nominations in the HoH Room or Alliances
[10:05:58 PM] Zarfot: great agus!
[10:06:27 PM] Zarfot: mhh now I'll have to think who to save... (think)
[10:06:46 PM] Ginga: wanna not use it
[10:06:46 PM] Ginga: ;)
[10:08:07 PM] sigh: omg grats you beat my score hahahaha
[10:08:32 PM] Markus: Ayyyyy congrats Zarfot!
almost 7 years
[10:00:11 PM] agus strider: PoV Results Ceremony
[10:00:28 PM] Ginga: time for 2ndga
[10:00:29 PM] Ginga: to strike
[10:00:50 PM] agus strider: There were 6 of you playing this game, the HoH Ginga, the nominees Zarfot and view, and the randomly selected sigh, Markus and deandean
[10:01:05 PM] agus strider: so, coming in 4th place.
[10:01:18 PM] Ginga: dweh
[10:01:22 PM] agus strider: Markus with a score of 66320 points
[10:01:26 PM] Ginga: what about
[10:01:27 PM] Fred: Hey!!
[10:01:28 PM] Ginga: 5th and 6th
[10:01:38 PM] agus strider: 3rd place goes to..........................
[10:01:59 PM] agus strider: Ginga with 149560 points
[10:02:04 PM] Ginga: yikes
[10:02:08 PM] baabaa: flop
[10:02:08 PM] Zarfot: :o
[10:02:18 PM] agus strider: The winner is.....................
[10:02:27 PM] deandean: Deandean!
[10:02:31 PM] verumbark: me
[10:02:33 PM] baabaa: : D
[10:02:37 PM] Ginga: deandean outta nowhere inb4
[10:02:45 PM] deandean: Nah I had to abstain
[10:02:48 PM] Ginga: figured
[10:03:26 PM] Fred: Suspenseful
[10:03:39 PM] agus strider: Zarfot with a score of 286320 points over sigh's 155110 points

deandean abstained and thus he won't receive a strike despite not participating

However, view did not submit and did not warn us that they were abstaining, therefore they have received the first STRIKE of Sandbox Big Brother 2.
almost 7 years
[2:02:52 PM] sigh: yea me and ally are tight
[2:03:03 PM] sigh: that's why we know each other's birthdays
[2:03:08 PM] sigh: yea i have connections
[2:03:16 PM] sigh: with HOSTS so be careful if u wanna vote me out
[2:03:50 PM] sigh: just consider urself warned ok
[2:03:55 PM] sigh: dont be like omg i didnt see this coming
[2:04:35 PM] sigh: nepotism is alive and breathing ok dont think it doesnt hgappen just bc its the internet
[2:05:19 PM] sigh: just like stay woke keep your eyes open
[2:08:29 PM] sigh: it's a cruel world no one said it was fair
[2:08:42 PM] sigh: these things happen it's just normal
[2:09:03 PM] sigh: sure in a perfect world these things wouldnt happen but like this isnt a perfect world
[2:09:40 PM] sigh: who knows one day you might have connections and be tight with the hosts
[2:09:50 PM] sigh: then u will be the one in my shoes
almost 7 years
[12:35:18 AM] agus strider: baabaa -- Until 4PM EST tomorrow, you will only be able to say "Insert Coin" in every game related conversation. This includes: House chat, Alliances, private conversations with players, so everything except your DR.
[12:35:30 AM] dooze: WHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[12:35:45 AM] Ginga: bahahahahhahahahaha
[12:35:49 AM] FannyChmelar: bye
[12:35:59 AM] Fred: wait what?
[12:36:00 AM] dooze: Brb messaging baabaa
[12:36:01 AM] qrstuv: lmfao
[12:36:02 AM] verumbark: baabaa is thulud
[12:36:14 AM] agus strider: failing to do so 3 times will either give you an strike or make you inelegible during the next 3 challenges
[12:36:24 AM] agus strider: also everyone please snitch her if she talks to you saying something else (:
[12:36:28 AM] Fred: loooool
[12:36:33 AM] FannyChmelar: will do sweatie(:
[12:36:40 AM] dooze: HOLY SUIT
[12:37:02 AM] dooze: also baaabaa just message jack insert coin and see if he inserts his coin
[12:37:07 AM] Ginga: ;)
almost 7 years
[12:32:44 AM] Ginga: where are the dpovs
[12:32:45 AM] Ginga: the coups
[12:32:49 AM] Ginga: s m h
[12:33:01 AM] Fred: hmmmmmm Jack you know a lot about big brother
[12:33:04 AM] Fred: have you PLAYED before??
[12:33:08 AM] Ginga: p-pls I'm not a threat
[12:33:12 AM] Ginga: im the oldest child
[12:33:16 AM] Ginga: i only have a little brother
[12:33:17 AM] agus strider: also there may be other ways of getting coins eventually
[12:33:17 AM] baabaa:
[12:33:22 AM] agus strider: baabaa
[12:33:26 AM] baabaa: you Are the big brother
[12:33:28 AM] agus strider: are you ready for your punishment?
[12:33:32 AM] baabaa: no ;;
[12:33:54 AM] agus strider: too bad youre getting it anyways
[12:34:00 AM] baabaa: you're awful
[12:34:01 AM] Ginga: autoeviction
[12:34:11 AM] verumbark: everyone needs to see the haikus i wrote about them though???
[12:34:18 AM] baabaa: OK BUT
[12:34:21 AM] baabaa: punishment pls
[12:34:31 AM] theturningRAY: u wrote haikus
[12:34:41 AM] verumbark: especially deandean i poured my heart and soul into that one
[12:34:49 AM] verumbark: ray it was my fun activity
[12:34:56 AM] theturningRAY: o snap
[12:35:15 AM] baabaa: hhhhh h h h h h h
almost 7 years
[12:30:48 AM | Edited 12:30:56 AM] agus strider: Tier 1 (costs 2 coins, only valid until F6):

1)+10 in the next competition's score,
2) -5% in the next competition score to someone else
3)+15% in the next competition score to someone else
[12:31:11 AM] Ginga: wow those are sh*t
[12:31:16 AM] baabaa: you're sh*t
[12:31:19 AM] Fred: nice!
[12:31:19 AM] Ginga: and i cant even buy THAT for singing
[12:31:21 AM] Ginga: god bless
[12:31:34 AM] Ginga: i hope baabaas punishment is major
[12:31:39 AM] agus strider: Tier 2 (costs 4 coins, only valid until F7):

1) Immunity for next nomination (must be bought before the nominees are announced)

2) Vote Spy (will tell you someone's vote after an eviction)
[12:31:47 AM] baabaa: I hope it's sending me to the gulag
[12:31:57 AM] Ginga: slightly better...
[12:32:10 AM] Fred: whoa, that’s really good
[12:32:27 AM] agus strider: Tier 3 (costs 6 coins, only valid until F8)

1) Vote Nullifier (nullifies someone's vote)
2) Double Vote (your vote will count twice)
3) Special Vote (You get to vote once even if you are the HoH or a nominee.)
almost 7 years
[12:28:59 AM] agus strider: so ginga
[12:29:03 AM] agus strider: do you want to know your prize?
[12:29:05 AM] Ginga: sure
[12:29:12 AM] agus strider: The prize for doing the Special Fun Activity is... 1 coin!
[12:29:15 AM] FannyChmelar: i hope ur prize is nothng
[12:29:15 AM] Ginga: tf
[12:29:21 AM] FannyChmelar: oh wow 1 whole coin
[12:29:23 AM] agus strider: What's this for? On it's own, not useful really.
[12:29:26 AM] Ginga: is there a shop
[12:29:32 AM] agus strider: But this season we have a Shop open!
[12:29:34 AM] Ginga: NICE
[12:29:39 AM] baabaa: god
[12:29:41 AM] agus strider: Basically, you will be able to buy advantages in the game with these coins!
[12:29:46 AM] Ginga: sounds lit as hell
[12:29:52 AM] theturningRAY: can i buy clues to a hidden immunity idol
[12:29:56 AM] Ginga: idol in bb
[12:29:57 AM] Ginga: yes please
[12:29:59 AM] agus strider: There are three different tiers of items.
[12:30:18 AM] Zarfot: ohh nice
[12:30:23 AM] Ginga: o k
[12:30:29 AM] Fred: lol
almost 7 years
Houseguest Ginga sings "I like to move it move it" for the house!
almost 7 years
[9:26:06 PM] Markus: Also lol @ ginga giving dean last key
[9:26:14 PM] Ginga: ew
[9:26:16 PM] deandean: ikr
[9:26:18 PM] deandean: f*ck u ginga
[9:26:44 PM] Ginga: lmao
[9:27:06 PM] Markus: Oh hey i'm in POV cool
[9:28:00 PM] qrstuv: good luck in veto fams
[9:28:11 PM] FannyChmelar: wtf!!! THE ONE GAME id want to play and im not included ://
[9:28:12 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: So none of us but them need to read that ok
[9:28:21 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Good Luck Guys :)
[9:28:38 PM] FannyChmelar: yeah omg gl!!
[9:28:57 PM] Fred: Whew I was so close to getting in
[9:29:22 PM] agus strider: well
[9:29:26 PM] agus strider: everyone should read the last 3 paragraphs
[9:29:32 PM] FannyChmelar: i cant believe i missed the tense key bit bc i was watching anime fhfhg
almost 7 years
In order for your submission to count, you must submit like in the following screenshot: which is to say, completely full screen and showing your skype (you do not need to circle the score, that was just to show the score we are counting, but feel free to if you want)

You may only submit once. Once you have submitted we will not accept newer submissions, so make sure to only submit your score once you are sure you will not be playing more.

Finally, this should go without saying, but if we ever run into someone cheating (which includes but isn't limited to: actual in-game cheating, editing screenshots, etc) you will not only lose the challenge but also be AUTOMATICALLY EJECTED from the house.

If there is any questions regarding anything of the above, feel free to ask in your DR.

The players participating have until July 12th at 9pm EST to submit their scores.
almost 7 years
[9:25:54 PM] agus strider: PoV #1: Bubble Bobble

Participating: Ginga, Zarfot, view, deandean, sigh, Markus (Ginga for being HoH, Zarfot and view for being nominees, deandean, sigh and Markus were randomized, with the list being randomized 7 times because Ray's number )

In this classic Arcade game, you will control a green dragon that instead of breathing fire, it breathes bubbles! With them you can trap your enemies and then jump on them, destroying them!

The player with the highest score will win the Power of Veto, which will give them the choice to save a nominee or not. If a player is saved, then Ginga, as the HoH, will decide who takes their place. If you win the PoV without being nominated, even if you do save someone, you will not become a victim of renomination, as the PoV will make you immune.

Note that we will only accept the score for Player 1 (on the top left side of the screen, as marked in the screenshot you'll see below.) Also we will only accept scores from the specific website we provided, anything else will not be accepted, even if its the exact same game.
almost 7 years
[9:22:39 PM] agus strider: Camera zooms in, showing Zarfot, theturningRAY, feist, view and deandean
[9:22:55 PM] agus strider: Eleventh key...
[9:23:09 PM] agus strider: theturningRAY
[9:23:16 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: :oo
[9:23:22 PM] agus strider: Twelfth key...
[9:23:31 PM] agus strider: feist
[9:23:37 PM] agus strider: Camera zooms in once again, this time only showing Zarfot, view and deandean
[9:23:49 PM] agus strider: Final key goes to............................
[9:23:54 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: AHHHH
[9:24:00 PM] agus strider: deandean
[9:24:04 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: :oo
[9:24:06 PM] baabaa: d e a n
[9:24:15 PM] agus strider: Ginga: Thus I have nominated Zarfot and view for eviction.
[9:24:19 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Dun Dun Dun
[9:24:19 PM] agus strider: Ginga: Communication is the key to success.
[9:24:23 PM] Fred: Way to pick dean last jack
[9:24:30 PM] agus strider: (that's his hoh speech)
[9:24:35 PM] agus strider: Ginga: The nomination ceremony is adjourned.
almost 7 years
[9:20:50 PM] agus strider: Seventh key goes to...
[9:21:01 PM] agus strider: blood4bloodgod
[9:21:16 PM] agus strider: Eighth key goes to............
[9:21:26 PM] agus strider: dooze
[9:21:46 PM] agus strider: Ninth key goes to.............
[9:21:58 PM] agus strider: Markus
[9:22:01 PM] verumbark: does my key number mean anything other than its the third one
[9:22:09 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: No
[9:22:14 PM] verumbark: ok
[9:22:16 PM] Fred: Nice
[9:22:21 PM] agus strider: Tenth key goes to...
[9:22:31 PM] agus strider: baabaa
[9:22:34 PM] baabaa: oh thank god
almost 7 years
[9:18:07 PM] agus strider: Third key goes to.......................................
[9:18:10 PM] Fred: Any time!
[9:18:26 PM] agus strider: verumbark
[9:18:37 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Oh dang
[9:18:39 PM] verumbark: :0
[9:18:50 PM] *** verumbark puts the key in their mouth ***
[9:18:51 PM] agus strider: Fourth key goes to...............
[9:18:53 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Oh
[9:19:01 PM] agus strider: sigh
[9:19:11 PM] baabaa: oh I thought amelio was sighing
[9:19:12 PM] agus strider: the user I'm not /me that
[9:19:14 PM] verumbark: i thought id be the first out
[9:19:19 PM] Fred: Lol
[9:19:21 PM] qrstuv: hehe
[9:19:21 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Me too verum m
[9:19:25 PM] agus strider: Fifth key goes to...
[9:19:31 PM] agus strider: FannyChmelar
[9:19:49 PM] agus strider: Sixth key goes to...
[9:20:05 PM] agus strider: NoAviNoKnowledge
[9:20:09 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Oof
[9:20:10 PM] baabaa: !!
[9:20:23 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: My heart is relieved of pain
[9:20:37 PM] agus strider: 6 keys given, 7 remaining
almost 7 years
[9:17:10 PM] agus strider: Nomination Ceremony
[9:17:15 PM] verumbark: no you got here 2 minutes ago noavi
[9:17:18 PM] agus strider: Ginga stands up
[9:17:19 PM] verumbark: scroll up
[9:17:29 PM] agus strider: Ginga: As head of household, it is my duty to nominate two players for eviction. I will pull the keys of the players safe, until the two players left without keys are the nominees.
[9:17:39 PM] agus strider: First key, by default, goes to.......................................
[9:17:43 PM] agus strider: Fred
[9:17:47 PM] Fred: : D
[9:17:50 PM] agus strider: Second key, also by default, goes to.....................................
[9:17:53 PM] NoAviNoKnowledge: Good
[9:17:54 PM] agus strider: qrstuv
[9:18:00 PM] qrstuv: ty again fred <3
almost 7 years
Fred <3
almost 7 years
[3:48:10 PM] Ginga: damn there goes my nom
[3:48:10 PM] Ginga: kek
[3:48:15 PM] Fred: : D
[3:48:18 PM] Ally: Ginga, your nominations are going to be due at 9pm ET tomorrow, July 11th. Along with your nominations, you must include a speech and a key order. Fred and qrstuv are not eligible for nomination.
[3:48:42 PM] Ally: Have a lovely day, houseguests, and expect the unexpected!!
[3:49:03 PM] Fred: How to we request to be added to the HoH room?
[3:49:06 PM] Ginga: you ask me
[3:49:09 PM] Ginga: I am ur GOD
[3:49:11 PM] Ginga: for the week
[3:49:12 PM] Fred: Can I be added?
[3:49:29 PM] blood4bloodgod: odd, you’re immune fred
[3:49:39 PM] Ginga: mood: cant type in my own hoh room
[3:49:43 PM] Ginga: skype get it together please
[3:49:45 PM] Fred: LOL
[3:49:50 PM] Ally: oh no
almost 7 years
[3:46:11 PM] blood4bloodgod: do these twists only affect the week their respective chest was opened, or do they affect the entire game going forward?
[3:46:24 PM] Ally: The week it was opened, in this case.
[3:46:31 PM] Ally: This may not be the case for every chest.
[3:46:39 PM] FannyChmelar: ohh fun
[3:47:27 PM] blood4bloodgod: I assume it will be specified when such a case occurs
[3:47:29 PM] Ally: Fred has chosen to give Qrstuv immunity for this week.
[3:47:33 PM] Ally: yes it will
almost 7 years
[3:42:41 PM] Ally: Not only will the Head of Household have to submit two nominees for eviction, they will also have another role this summer.
[3:42:58 PM] Ally: Each week, after the HoH is crowned, they will have to pick one of our Chests of Fate! We will start with 8 chests and each week, the Head of Household will choose a chest and unleash whatever is inside upon the house. Each chest will contain a potentially game-changing twist that will immediately shake up the season!
[3:43:41 PM] Ally: Can I get at least one excited reaction (:
[3:43:46 PM] blood4bloodgod: hurray
[3:43:46 PM] baabaa: wow!!!!
[3:43:47 PM] FannyChmelar: wow!
[3:43:48 PM] Ginga: woOOooOooOoOOoOoOo
[3:43:50 PM] Ally: thank u i appreciate u
[3:43:55 PM] Ally: Ginga, the first Head of Household, has already selected the first chest.
[3:44:12 PM] Ally: Ginga has opened up Chest #2 and released a twist upon the house! This week, the twist that has been unleashed is….
[3:44:18 PM] Fred: Oh boy
[3:44:26 PM] baabaa: we're All evicted
[3:44:33 PM] FannyChmelar: if only
[3:44:36 PM] Ally: VIP!
[3:45:05 PM] Ally: This means that this week, the runner-up of the Head of Household competition and another houseguest of their choosing will become VIPs for the week and cannot be nominated for eviction. Fred, due to our HoH rules, you were already immune. However, you will still have to pick someone to be safe along with you. Please message your DR with your selection immediately.

Good luck gamers!
[3:45:35 PM] FannyChmelar: oh wew
[3:45:39 PM] Fred: Oh hey!
[3:45:47 PM] Fred: DOUBLE immunity!
almost 7 years
[3:39:19 PM] Ally: Houseguests, please gather in the living room. I have an announcement!
[3:39:47 PM] Fred: I sit by the fire place
[3:39:47 PM] TheStyleAisle: Rings the bell EVERYONE TO THE LIVING ROOM!!!
[3:39:51 PM] blood4bloodgod: are people kicked from the hoh room after talking to jack, or can anyone, once invited, see all others and their chats with jack?
[3:40:11 PM] Ally: people are kicked if they leave/jack desires them to be kicked, and no, chat history is hidden
[3:40:18 PM] blood4bloodgod: I see
[3:40:28 PM] Ally: Is anyone else here?
[3:40:34 PM] Ally: You're not going to want to miss this!!!
[3:40:57 PM] baabaa: I'm here
[3:41:02 PM] Ginga: I'm here I'm queer
[3:41:05 PM | Edited 3:41:10 PM] Ginga: jk I'm straight
[3:41:13 PM] Ally: straig\ht
[3:41:20 PM] baabaa: whoa
[3:41:28 PM] Ally: Okay I'm going ahead with it!
[3:41:33 PM] Ally: It’s time for our first major twist of the season.
[3:41:44 PM] TheStyleAisle: ALLY.
[3:41:44 PM] Fred: The safe player gets evicted?
[3:41:50 PM] Ally: WHAT......
[3:42:03 PM] Ally: Did I f*ck up already!!!
[3:42:11 PM] TheStyleAisle: Apparently several players and not just the host can't post in the main chat so you do have an audience!!! They love u!!!
[3:42:18 PM] Ally: oh my god
[3:42:21 PM] Ally: can ppl actually not talk here rn
[3:42:34 PM] Ally: okay i'll carry on
[3:42:38 PM] TheStyleAisle: SKYPE IS EVICTING US ONE BY ONE....
[3:42:38 PM] Ally: since they can read it
almost 7 years
[3:30:05 PM] Ally: I'm going to start off by explaining how Head of Household works for those that may be confused.
[3:30:25 PM] Ally: Ginga, as Head of Household, will now have the job of naming two houseguests for eviction.
[3:30:39 PM] Ally: These can be any of you except for Fred, because he won immunity in the competition.
[3:30:53 PM] Ally: He will have approximately 24 hours to do so.
[3:31:02 PM] Ally: Following the nomination ceremony, we will have the Power of Veto competition.
[3:31:32 PM] Ally: In the Power of Veto competition, the Head of Household, both nominees, and 3 randomly selected players will compete for the Power of Veto, and the winner will have the option to save one of the nominees from eviction.
[3:31:40 PM] Ally: If the PoV is used, then Ginga will make a renomination.
[3:31:52 PM] Ally: The PoV holder, the person the PoV is used on, and Fred will not be eligible for renomination.
[3:32:15 PM] Ally: Following this, the house will vote to evict. The HoH only votes in the event of a tie. The two nominees do not vote.
[3:32:19 PM] Ally: Does this make sense to everyone?