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about 7 years
about 7 years

cub says

LeChuck says

I don't know about the rest but Dog Enjoyer's still maf. He properlly attends the meeting now though

[role that you can't say the same of because it's in violation of the censor] is third party

let this topic die there's nothing left to fix

We have nothing to fix but the fix itself.
about 7 years

SirAmelio says

LeChuck says

I don't know about the rest but Dog Enjoyer's still maf. He properlly attends the meeting now though

from what i checked, it's 3rd party, only appearing as mafia if you filter custom roles by mafia in the roles page, but other than that i see it as 3rd party in every place i could think of
attends mafia meeting now
about 7 years

LeChuck says

I don't know about the rest but Dog Enjoyer's still maf. He properlly attends the meeting now though

from what i checked, it's 3rd party, only appearing as mafia if you filter custom roles by mafia in the roles page, but other than that i see it as 3rd party in every place i could think of
about 7 years

LeChuck says

I don't know about the rest but Dog Enjoyer's still maf. He properlly attends the meeting now though

[role that you can't say the same of because it's in violation of the censor] is third party

let this topic die there's nothing left to fix
about 7 years
I don't know about the rest but Dog Enjoyer's still maf. He properlly attends the meeting now though
about 7 years
should be fixed
about 7 years

cub says

SamuraiiJack says

Dog Flucker*

"hey lucid this role name breaks site guidelines mind letting me play it?"

"Ok. Sure. I added one of the most popular custom roles back. However making it actually playable would really cross the line. Here get a perma ban"
about 7 years

SamuraiiJack says

Dog Flucker*

"hey lucid this role name breaks site guidelines mind letting me play it?"
about 7 years

SamuraiiJack says

i just went through the whole thing.
here it is
Role/ Current Alignment/ Needed Correction
Slender/ Village/ Third
Dog / Mafia/ Third
Funnersmith/ Mafia/ Village
Funnestsmith/ Mafia/ Village
Gunsmtihsmith/ Third/ Village
Bendy/ Mafia/ Third
Walrus/ Third/ Village

And Gerry i'm not sure if thats supposed to be third or not.

ok i emailed lucid with this list, if there's any other one missing let me know and ill email him again
about 7 years
Is it possible for people with created roles (ie Golbolco) to go in and change their roles? That could begin the change
about 7 years
Just those? I was under the impression it was a majority. Ok ill email him when i get home
about 7 years

SirAmelio says

Just email lucid about it.

For the record though im pretty sure they still work in-game the way they are supposed to, at least in setups that existed before the changes

just tested this, the roles are misaligned in-game as well. the role quickdraw is also broken as of june 6 2017.
about 7 years
Gunsmithsmith was ch*cked up before tbh
about 7 years
without the "l"
about 7 years
Dog Flucker*
about 7 years
Dog = Dog , sorry
about 7 years
i just went through the whole thing.
here it is
Role/ Current Alignment/ Needed Correction
Slender/ Village/ Third
Dog / Mafia/ Third
Funnersmith/ Mafia/ Village
Funnestsmith/ Mafia/ Village
Gunsmtihsmith/ Third/ Village
Bendy/ Mafia/ Third
Walrus/ Third/ Village

And Gerry i'm not sure if thats supposed to be third or not.
about 7 years

SirAmelio says

Someone gather me a list of roles and real alignments and ill email him

I think it's just Dog 'Enjoyer' (3rd), Funnersmith and Funnestsmith (both village) that have a wrong allignment (mafia).
about 7 years
idk what you still need this thread for, this isn't productive in any way
about 7 years

SirAmelio says

Someone gather me a list of roles and real alignments and ill email him

just look at the role pages

and if the alignment isn't listed in the role description, whoever is telling you alignments could easily be trolling with the wrong ones
about 7 years

SirAmelio says

Tbf cub it is not the creator's fault they got screwed and a lot of them are inactive at this point

Are users even able to edit role logic once the role has been activated? I was under the impression that they can't.

I just went to look, and it definitely doesn't let me edit.
about 7 years
It is lucids fault since it was done exploting a glitch on the site he made lol.

Someone gather me a list of roles and real alignments and ill email him
about 7 years
its not lucid's fault either and he's not going to fix it

i'd be more annoyed if he did with all the other major bugs that need addressing, this isnt even a bug the bug was fixed already
about 7 years
Tbf cub it is not the creator's fault they got screwed and a lot of them are inactive at this point
about 7 years
can this be locked the bug was patched and the rest is up to the role creators, if they don't update their roles then make your own you wouldn't be asking lucid to make tweaks to other people's roles under other circumstances and as far as he's concerned this is the same thing

this is a non-issue and a month old let it die