When in a closed setup hovering over the fractions (town/maf/3rd) still displays them correctly. However they are still replacing maf roles.
Just email lucid about it.
For the record though im pretty sure they still work in-game the way they are supposed to, at least in setups that existed before the changes
If I wanted to buy up I'd go to the darknet tbh.
Buy the role again then, goy
This is what Funnersmith, Funnestsmith and Dog Lover look like right now
Lucid pls don't make EM look like this
How to change allignment of roles that are not made by you?
then change them back yourself you can do that with custom roles
the alignments of the custom roles seem to be f*cked i think
why is this still getting bumped btw is something not fixed?
deletedover 7 years
delet this
(daily bump)
not going to happen i guess :(
Look! It's another bump!
are these alignments going to be updated?
dogfucker is siding with maf
and a lot of the other roles are misaligned
the funnersmith is not supposed to be maf
the custom roles linked here should be working again