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Official Sandbox Setup - Remastered

over 7 years

Hey everyone, I've been saying I would do this for the last few days and it's finally here. An update to the classic Sandbox closed-roles setup that everyone loves! The twist is, that the community can voice their opinions on what should and shouldn't be in it! I have made a shortlist of roles, seperating them into categories of Yes, No, and Maybe. Roles in the Yes category will be going in the setup, No roles obviously will not be going in the setup, and Maybe roles are up for debate whether or not they are in the official setup or not. Of course, if you see a role in Yes or No that you believe belongs elsewhere, you're absolutely welcome to voice that opinion also and it will be taken into consideration.

Without further ado, here are the roles sorted into their categories:

Please use this thread to discuss what should be added and what shouldn't. Primarily discuss the Maybe roles, but if there are discrepancies in the Yes and No categories, please voice them here too.

over 7 years
Dude baker is the best role DO NOT REMOVE IT

seriously nomad is good too and creepygirl

Half of the maybe and no roles would work if only town wasnt stupid and outed crepy girl and outed roles as werewolf

Just give out violations for those things and sandbox will be more fun
over 7 years
morgan i thought you werent permanent owner
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
I'd put mechanic under maybe rather than no.

Spy and Don should be definitely yes. Mastermind should be a yes.

Apprentice I'm kind of meh on. On one hand, if amn is a yes, apprentice should be a yes. On the other....idk.

Diabolist should be yes, so should alien. Paparazzi is a probably yes.

Butterfly, agent, invisible man should be yes. Agent especially is werewolf is a yes.

Baker should be a solid no.
over 7 years
over 7 years
From the maybe list:

YES to butterfly, agent, lightkeeper, snoop, pathologist, trickster, keymaker, cthulhu, prophet, alien, silencer, librarian (it's useful when not used d1 :^)), Don, Diab, Apprentice, Paparazzi, Mastermind

NO to Cyborg (until it gets fixed), Nomad (people use it as an investigative role??), Creepygirl (this is more of a preference,I would be ok with it still being around)

Maybe to all the rest of the maybes

200% YES to hosting non closed role setups (Bring Aliens vs Zombies and Cult vs Mason back pls)
over 7 years
Please get rid of librarian no one likes it when you cant speak day 1
over 7 years
Butterfly definitely yes just to troll cult, mason, yak, etc.

Still of the opinion of having people host their own setups instead of having a default one though,
over 7 years

Bebop says

dooze says


yeah borg is super op but some people seem to like it

Lol, I wouldn't call a role that is glitched to automatically die after one day OP, but w/e. It definitely should not be in the setup.
over 7 years
I'm here for you, Bebop.

I can go either way on Pathologist. If Journalist can be in the setup, then Pathologist should too, because they serve the same purpose during different periods.

Leader often causes confusion for inexperienced players so I would traditionally leave it out, but the other day my good friend sl0nderman said something while we were discussing game modes: expect the best, prepare for the worst. I lean towards leaving leader out, but it's the player's issue if he/she doesn't get it.

The rest of the maybe roles should be put in (except Cyborg.) Autocrat is no longer buggy as far as I know, and Creepy Girl doesn't win N1 as often as its detractors seem to believe (and does an N1 win really ruin one's day?)

Why leave Warlock out? If Monk gets in, I'd say Warlock should too. Siren isn't as essential so I don't mind it being left out.

I also don't see why leaving Turncoat out is a good idea. It does no harm and adds a little bit of intrigue while playing as mafia.

Also, did you mean to put Telepath under "maybe"? Because Whisperer is there, and it does the same thing.

Other than that, the no list and the yes list both look fine to me.
over 7 years
cyborg is glitched as **** it shouldnt be included in setups until it gets fixed
over 7 years
my opinions on roles
over 7 years
just make all players nilla village, mafia, and survivor
over 7 years

dooze says


yeah borg is super op but some people seem to like it
over 7 years
I also really like don and think that'd be a good one to keep
over 7 years
over 7 years

Bebop says

desta says

surely interrogator and don should be in the yes category? especially since jailer & gov are as well

i meant to put interrogator in the yes list (will change now) but don has restrictions on it that gov doesn't, like not being able to revert a maf-lynch

don is good for avoiding a virgin/orc/whatnot lynch, seems useful enough
over 7 years

desta says

surely interrogator and don should be in the yes category? especially since jailer & gov are as well

i meant to put interrogator in the yes list (will change now) but don has restrictions on it that gov doesn't, like not being able to revert a maf-lynch
over 7 years
surely interrogator and don should be in the yes category? especially since jailer & gov are as well
deletedover 7 years
I see quite a lot of hosts do their own thing Shwartz you're overthinking this if you don't like the lack of setup diversity you make your own like I did
over 7 years
this isn't about setup diversity, it's about making the same old same old setup that we play at least a little more enjoyable for users of the lobby
over 7 years

Shwartz99 says

Bebop says

Jimbei says

Yes for people creating their own setups instead of living off of a default one

not everyone wants to make their own setup to host individually every time, i thought it would be useful for the "default" setup to be at the very least community-decided so that it can appeal to as many people as possible

Our default setup already suffices, the problem here is that people aren't creative enough to make their own setups and they don't want to join any setups that are different-looking in any way.

in the current setups there are some pretty useless roles that i think people just sui when they get or at the very least have minimal enjoyment during the game, and i think we could do with removing them. on the flipside, there are roles that aren't in the setup (like paparazzi) that i think have no reason not to be in there.
over 7 years
What most of the community wants is just to play the default setup; changing something that everyone plays isn't going to fix setup diversity.
deletedover 7 years
I feel most maybe roles work best in closed setups anyways but this is just me making a defense to anyone else who may make setups in the future
over 7 years

Bebop says

Jimbei says

Yes for people creating their own setups instead of living off of a default one

not everyone wants to make their own setup to host individually every time, i thought it would be useful for the "default" setup to be at the very least community-decided so that it can appeal to as many people as possible

Our default setup already suffices, the problem here is that people aren't creative enough to make their own setups and they don't want to join any setups that are different-looking in any way.