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Official Sandbox Setup - Remastered

over 7 years

Hey everyone, I've been saying I would do this for the last few days and it's finally here. An update to the classic Sandbox closed-roles setup that everyone loves! The twist is, that the community can voice their opinions on what should and shouldn't be in it! I have made a shortlist of roles, seperating them into categories of Yes, No, and Maybe. Roles in the Yes category will be going in the setup, No roles obviously will not be going in the setup, and Maybe roles are up for debate whether or not they are in the official setup or not. Of course, if you see a role in Yes or No that you believe belongs elsewhere, you're absolutely welcome to voice that opinion also and it will be taken into consideration.

Without further ado, here are the roles sorted into their categories:

Please use this thread to discuss what should be added and what shouldn't. Primarily discuss the Maybe roles, but if there are discrepancies in the Yes and No categories, please voice them here too.

over 7 years
What if only town is breaded?
over 7 years
NO : Baker

Why? Because it makes games end n2 if maf gets a lucky shot in.
over 7 years
@Bebop Still going over the 2000 char limit :/
over 7 years
also i already came up with the best setup
over 7 years
If people actually tried to win, prophet can really affect the game by steering the game to end on a certain day.
over 7 years
Semi-agree with you on Snoop.
I think Pathologist should be added IMO.
Invisible Man just isn't fun to play as at all and I don't think anyone really likes it so I lean towards no on that.
Agent and Enchantress I agree with you on.
Huntsman could go either way for me.
Secretary I agree with you on, but then you say yes to Lightkeeper because "the effect is fun". Which I really disagree with, it basically just skips a day because rarely does anything ever happen on a blackout day.
Keymaker, Butterfly and Trickster I agree with.
Cthulhu is pretty weak and doesn't do much other than turn visiting roles into a garbling mess, which is why I put it at maybe.
Cyborg could go either way for me, but obvious no until it's fixed.
Nomad could also go either way.
Prophet is kinda boring and rarely leads to much other than just picking a day and then waiting but I can go either way on it.
Alien is pretty boring but I'd say it's more interesting personally than Prophet.
Creepy Girl is ehhhh but I really don't have strong feelings one way or the other.
Autocrat I'm fine with, but I wouldn't be upset if others said no.
Librarian is a no because library days are even less productive than lightkeeper blackouts, nobody really likes that role and it seems to be built more for non-closed setups.
Agree with you on Silencer, Fiddler, Blinder, Don, Whisperer and Spy.
I would lean towards no on Plumber because rarely are whispers ever that crucial to a closed roles sandbox game.
Diabolist is a more OP Voodoo Lady, but I'm okay with it being in the setup.
Apprentice is fine.
I'm very pro-Paparazzi, I think a mafia-only reveal of one blue when lynched can be useful.
Mastermind is fine with me too.
over 7 years
I'm slightly ashamed of how much time I spent on this.
Also I believe the agent/spy bug was fixed
Creepy Girl is a role like president where the game starts to revolve around them. I don't think it should be in sandbox.

Cyborg is just a really bad conversion role, it either bugs out and no one ever dies, or all of the borgs die the night after they're converted and eventually the newest borg gets killed or lynched and they all lose.

Not sure why baker is in the definitely keep list at all.
over 7 years
MAYBE roles are all a YES for me. Paranoid and Naïve cops are also a YES.
deletedover 7 years
Hey bebop do u wanna answer what I asked u over skype
over 7 years
NOs that should be a YES: No strong opinions on this one, but I am pretty okay with Lawyer, Sab, and Thief. I also like the variety of cop roles that one can role (makes the game more interesting imo).

MAYBEs that should be a YES: Thulu, Nomad, Alien, Silencer, Blinder, Fiddler. To a lesser extent; paparazzi, apprentice, spy, prophet, tricksterer.

No issues with the YES roles.
over 7 years
Call me crazy but I really do not care for Enchantress.
over 7 years

Bebop says

also some of the roles are in maybe not because they're bad but because they're kinda boring and nobody really enjoys having them

that's why bleeder should be maybe not tbh it's just blue w/ a prolonged suffering in 95% of the games
over 7 years
also some of the roles are in maybe not because they're bad but because they're kinda boring and nobody really enjoys having them
over 7 years

over 7 years
Siren, prophet, no
over 7 years

coolkidrox123 says

journalist is so useless!!

bad opinion
over 7 years
journalist is so useless!!
over 7 years

aquarius says

morgan i thought you werent permanent owner

I'm not, this has nothing to do with me being permanent or not.
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
Maybe sandbox should make a barber role so you can cut your hair.
over 7 years

collokey says

definitely voting for creepy girl, mastermind, diabolist, and agent.

definitely voting no for lightkeeper. awful role that makes no sense to be a town role.

very often one wants to make the town weaker without adding another mafia
over 7 years
Maybe creepy girl? I find doll just a throw around fool and rather annoying
deletedover 7 years
definitely voting for creepy girl, mastermind, diabolist, and agent.

definitely voting no for lightkeeper. awful role that makes no sense to be a town role.