Kylo says calvin says yeah dude how's that peta gimmick going along 5 Years in, I'm getting laid, and I think I've surpassed him. Excuse me?
deleted almost 8 years
annabelle says you're unoriginal deal with it. looks like yall need to deal with being inferior
Im a cool kid but i dont wanna join your family
deleted almost 8 years
annabelle says why are you so obsessed Back in my day, I scored 4 touchdowns at the 1966 City Championship game at Polk High.
deleted almost 8 years
annabelle says you're unoriginal deal with it. Is your family in the hall of fame?
We're sorry. You've been rejected.
deleted almost 8 years
calvin says annabelle says why are you so obsessed with something that happened like over a 2 years old that's just sad man get other accomplishments like you know an original family hey it was a monumental time in his life and he's proud of it don't bring him down Damn straight. I conquered an internet world, and it was almost as fun as good p.ussy .
deleted almost 8 years
Every upset comment in this thread, whether it be because I stole a family name or because the individual was rejected, makes me harder and harder.
deleted almost 8 years
annabelle says why are you so obsessed with something that happened like over a 2 years old that's just sad man get other accomplishments like you know an original family hey it was a monumental time in his life and he's proud of it don't bring him down
deleted almost 8 years
annabelle says why are you so obsessed stop right there!
deleted almost 8 years
calvin says yeah dude how's that peta gimmick going along 5 Years in, I'm getting laid, and I think I've surpassed him.
deleted almost 8 years
why are you so obsessed with something that happened like over a 2 years old that's just sad man get other accomplishments like you know an original family
deleted almost 8 years
is he impressed yet
deleted almost 8 years
annabelle says you're unoriginal deal with it. You're uncool, and rejected.
Enjoy your fake family, you will never enjoy the sweet sensation that is a badge of approval on your profile from me.
deleted almost 8 years
yeah dude how's that peta gimmick going along
deleted almost 8 years
calvin says so how much do you guys buy your oreganos for i know that germatron gets his for $400, where ever he is
deleted almost 8 years
Never in EpicMafia history has someone so successfully pushed so many buttons as me in Demod Jericho Now. It's not even close, and there is 117 pages proving it.
deleted almost 8 years
you're unoriginal deal with it.
deleted almost 8 years
calvin says i never posted in it i was out for christmas and new years like a normal person, but hey whatever helps you sleep at night Rejected, also, killed in a record breaking public riot incited by me.
You didn't really have to be there to be killed by the writhing mass of bloodlusted morons I created : )
deleted almost 8 years
so how much do you guys buy your oreganos for
deleted almost 8 years
did he get beaten up before or after the beheading?
deleted almost 8 years
i never posted in it i was out for christmas and new years like a normal person, but hey whatever helps you sleep at night