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Fixing roles and mafia features

over 8 years

Everyone wants their role to be added. This isn't for everyone.

While lucid is actually active at present, this thread is for fixing roles and mafia-related features. Improving the game itself is more important than adding a bunch of role clones.

Some role fixes

Some mafia features (emjack does all of these)

What should be focused on
Impeaching Bebop
Fixing bugs and role issues
The next Dino Quest chapter
Adding my role suggestion
Adding minigames
Adding QOL features to the base game
over 8 years

admin says

xxerox says

When Butterfly dies, it resets those that see themselves as blue. I was blue, but when Butterfly died, i could see myself as Loudmouth.

what do you mean? you started as loudmouth and became blue? or you were blue and became loudmouth?

loudmouth sees itself as blue

when the butterfly reset the roles, the loudmouth could see that they were a loudmouth instead of appearing blue
over 8 years
Loudmouth see themselves as blue. Due to Butterfly dying, my role was revealed to me as a loudmouth.

So maybe this may happen to other roles that see themselves as blue.
over 8 years

xxerox says

When Butterfly dies, it resets those that see themselves as blue. I was blue, but when Butterfly died, i could see myself as Loudmouth.

what do you mean? you started as loudmouth and became blue? or you were blue and became loudmouth?
over 8 years
When Butterfly dies, it resets those that see themselves as blue. I was blue, but when Butterfly died, i could see myself as Loudmouth.
over 8 years
ok, i fixed dreamer so it works even with 3-way, please let me know if it doesn't work
over 8 years

xxerox says

Golbolco says

xxerox says

Where i can suggest an idea i had for ranked games? Cos i pretty much care only about that.

Suggesting new game mechanics or roles (or basically anything for the site that's not a fix) can go here:

Thanks Golbolco

You're welcome Golbolco!
over 8 years

Golbolco says

xxerox says

Where i can suggest an idea i had for ranked games? Cos i pretty much care only about that.

Suggesting new game mechanics or roles (or basically anything for the site that's not a fix) can go here:

Thanks Golbolco
over 8 years

xxerox says

Where i can suggest an idea i had for ranked games? Cos i pretty much care only about that.

Suggesting new game mechanics or roles (or basically anything for the site that's not a fix) can go here:
over 8 years
For a dreamer, i want to suggest that on a 3 way if the dreamer has a dream, to only be a trust dream.

Because i think it will break if on 3 way you get a dream, and you can't dream about yourself, yet you have to get 3 names.

(I just don't think, no matter what is done, as long as if it is last day you get 3 names with 3 ppls - or you will be in it, or you will get a double name)
over 8 years
you should just hire cub tbh
over 8 years
here :) just fixed the dreamer, i think. lemme know if it happens again. restarting game servers..
over 8 years
Where i can suggest an idea i had for ranked games? Cos i pretty much care only about that.
over 8 years
Is dreamer fixed yet to stop dreaming himself, and to stop dreaming same person twice?
over 8 years
also a usability feature

click on names in town meeting to vote them
includes yourself

over 8 years
also a role fix

if anarchist's target vegs, give anarchist his bomb

anarchist has a pretty tough job winning with vests and stuff and missing a bomb n1 to vegetables can easily cost the game
deletedover 8 years

it's a casualty in the new messaging system, all fixed. let me know if you find any other inconsistent messages

virgins have been doing the same thing not sure if that was fixed too but virgin will be shot during the day and then it'll go to nighttime and the virgin has been sacrificed message will pop up
over 8 years
a suggestion lucid

since i had to address the same problem in emjack, i created a postjack function and array that ran certain commands last when you get more than one at once, which is what i used for displaying roles in chat properly

also useful for other system messages and things that need to appear after the day/night transition
over 8 years

Ally says

i've been having this weird issue where nighttime meeting messages show up in the morning instead of at night. last night there was the message for when a party host hosts a party the morning after the party was hosted and just now there was a game where the mastermind message showed up in the morning. i didn't get a screencap of the party host one but here's mastermind. there was also a game with autocrat where there was no 'there appears to be an autocrat among you' message. this is a new thing so i'm not sure if altering like the messages for mistletoe and stuff changed this to make it weird?

can we talk about my amazing burn in that screencap
over 8 years

Ally says

i've been having this weird issue where nighttime meeting messages show up in the morning instead of at night. last night there was the message for when a party host hosts a party the morning after the party was hosted and just now there was a game where the mastermind message showed up in the morning. i didn't get a screencap of the party host one but here's mastermind. there was also a game with autocrat where there was no 'there appears to be an autocrat among you' message. this is a new thing so i'm not sure if altering like the messages for mistletoe and stuff changed this to make it weird?

it's a casualty in the new messaging system, all fixed. let me know if you find any other inconsistent messages
over 8 years
lucid probably bumped every system message up a day to fix the ones that always appeared at the end of the previous day instead of sending night/morning messages after the day/night ends
deletedover 8 years
i've been having this weird issue where nighttime meeting messages show up in the morning instead of at night. last night there was the message for when a party host hosts a party the morning after the party was hosted and just now there was a game where the mastermind message showed up in the morning. i didn't get a screencap of the party host one but here's mastermind. there was also a game with autocrat where there was no 'there appears to be an autocrat among you' message. this is a new thing so i'm not sure if altering like the messages for mistletoe and stuff changed this to make it weird?

over 8 years

admin says

so the deceiver basically makes himself seem like he/she visited whoever he/she chose?

other thread but yes it's like a ninja but misdirects instead of hiding visits
over 8 years

Zombie says

Lucid I'll have you know I just rolled zombie in a game that you broke.

ok no more updates today, sorry!
deletedover 8 years
Lucid I'll have you know I just rolled zombie in a game that you broke.
over 8 years

bdog1321 says

btw quotation marks in death messages are still broken. they show up as & instead of "

ok fixed