almost 8 years

Nice to meet you.

My name is Matt12 and I'm from the slums of Main Lobby. I decided to stop being a try-hard for a moment and extend a warm welcome to all of you.

Exactly why do u play mafia if there are no points involved like what is that about??

Have a nice day,


*I used what I learned to report back to the slums of Main Lobby

almost 8 years
I get the impression that most people in the chat don't post in the forums
almost 8 years
plot twist1111
deletedalmost 8 years
:^) plot twist
deletedalmost 8 years
───▄▀──────────█──Watch out kids, he likes men!
almost 8 years

DrPeePee says

sl0nderman says

Maybe if SOMEBODY bothered to make a thread the vidya lobby wouldn't be dead smh

im banned from vidya lol

I was talking about myself I'm really lazy
almost 8 years
All these EM celebrities are in the chatbox now
deletedalmost 8 years

sl0nderman says

Maybe if SOMEBODY bothered to make a thread the vidya lobby wouldn't be dead smh

im banned from vidya lol
almost 8 years
Maybe if SOMEBODY bothered to make a thread the vidya lobby wouldn't be dead smh
deletedalmost 8 years

Matt12 says

DrPeePee says

Matt12 says

I'm assuming the 4chan /V/ presence died here

Community is pretty split between 4chan and tumblr users, however the lobby is much more tame. Tumblr users got into power, and a lot of SJWs changed sandbox into a safe space. Many of the 4channers have been either tamed, banned, or run off. You can see vidya lobby now, which is a shell of what it used to be.

It has always been split between Tumblr and /V/, but I thought /V/ would put up a bigger fight, but guess not

When the lobby had like 10 mods under Kenny 6 of them where SJWs, and the majority of the chatbox would report everything. You feared for your life if you were a troll then. Trolls and 4channers were silenced. No one would speak for their rights as an user in fear of being labeled a troll themselves. Tumblr had won that day, humanity had lost.

It's calmed down recently, with the major SJWs leaving, some becoming more lax, and others ignored. The power shuffles help, because no one group has been in power long enough to abuse it, and when new owners come in clean slates are implamented.
almost 8 years

DrPeePee says

Bebop says

DrPeePee says

Tumblr users got into power

are u calling me a tumblr user pp????

how dare u

Chris entertained the tumblr users, Kenny put them in power. You've been pretty neutral tbh.

Kenny oh Kenny
deletedalmost 8 years

Bebop says

DrPeePee says

Tumblr users got into power

are u calling me a tumblr user pp????

how dare u

Chris entertained the tumblr users, Kenny put them in power. You've been pretty neutral tbh.
almost 8 years

DrPeePee says

Tumblr users got into power

are u calling me a tumblr user pp????

how dare u
almost 8 years

DrPeePee says

Matt12 says

I'm assuming the 4chan /V/ presence died here

Community is pretty split between 4chan and tumblr users, however the lobby is much more tame. Tumblr users got into power, and a lot of SJWs changed sandbox into a safe space. Many of the 4channers have been either tamed, banned, or run off. You can see vidya lobby now, which is a shell of what it used to be.

It has always been split between Tumblr and /V/, but I thought /V/ would put up a bigger fight, but guess not
deletedalmost 8 years

Matt12 says

I'm assuming the 4chan /V/ presence died here

Community is pretty split between 4chan and tumblr users, however the lobby is much more tame. Tumblr users got into power, and a lot of SJWs changed sandbox into a safe space. Many of the 4channers have been either tamed, banned, or run off. You can see vidya lobby now, which is a shell of what it used to be.
almost 8 years
Welcome to Sandbox :)
It's much more fun to be here than in Main Lobby, tbh. ^_^
almost 8 years

aladrew says

Dude, stay here. best lobby. I immigrated here and its so much better

Sounds better, tbh
deletedalmost 8 years
Dude, stay here. best lobby. I immigrated here and its so much better
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
Sandbox is best games lobby
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
Go back to main
deletedalmost 8 years
Wait, you were in main lobby this whole time? I just thought you didn't play games often, wow I'm way out of the loop.
almost 8 years
I reported back to Main with what I learned, thx guys
almost 8 years

BurntToast says

I hope you love being lynched for no reason

i do thx!!
almost 8 years
I hope you love being lynched for no reason