almost 8 years

Nice to meet you.

My name is Matt12 and I'm from the slums of Main Lobby. I decided to stop being a try-hard for a moment and extend a warm welcome to all of you.

Exactly why do u play mafia if there are no points involved like what is that about??

Have a nice day,


*I used what I learned to report back to the slums of Main Lobby

almost 8 years

Reamix says

Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay.

Reamix has actually been here since the beginning! it's so nice to see you, reamix(:
deletedalmost 8 years

Matt12 says

arianna says

ThomasDuBois says

Ain't nobody with my
Clique, clique, clique, clique, clique

classic howie

A 2013 user, nice to meet you, Arianna

we've already met you silly goose remember when you joined that game & I was like omg guys that's matt12 he's a legend & they were all like ari..... haha good times
almost 8 years
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay.
almost 8 years
forgot about the censor LMAO
almost 8 years

Platypops says

I think matt12 will fit in here just fine

Awh, I'm going to stay here now, thx
almost 8 years
I think matt12 will fit in here just fine
almost 8 years
get out zhuorb, there's not enough space for the two of us. primarily because i weigh 300+ pounds
deletedalmost 8 years
basically i carry all of the blame in this lobby matt

im the martyr i guess
almost 8 years
Hey man that was rude
deletedalmost 8 years
the power couples here are bebop & merlot, myself & eris, bdog1321 & potenate/dahlia, cute & art
almost 8 years
I'm not used to the lack of hostility in the air, its nice
deletedalmost 8 years
no one here hates u
almost 8 years
Look at all these new friends who embraced me with open arms
deletedalmost 8 years

Matt12 says

oh hi daemons, you drift into Main too

i started somewhere
almost 8 years

arianna says

ThomasDuBois says

Ain't nobody with my
Clique, clique, clique, clique, clique

classic howie

A 2013 user, nice to meet you, Arianna
deletedalmost 8 years

ThomasDuBois says

Ain't nobody with my
Clique, clique, clique, clique, clique

classic howie
almost 8 years
oh hi daemons, you drift into Main too
deletedalmost 8 years
sjw clique:

shouko, nocturnul, and friends

we are sjw but aren't clique:

bebop, merlot, and friends

meme clique:

blister, art, and friends

real clique u need membership to:

lilin, (vacant), and (vacant)
almost 8 years

ThomasDuBois says

Ain't nobody with my
Clique, clique, clique, clique, clique

*begins to shimmy*
almost 8 years
Ain't nobody with my
Clique, clique, clique, clique, clique
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
Platy, Jamal, Izzy & I are now the new #SandboxSquad
almost 8 years

izzy says

i'd hardly say we're cool. as jamal said, no one in sandbox really is cool. some people try to form cliques to make themselves seem superior, just like high school.

We can out-cool them, izzy.
deletedalmost 8 years
i'd hardly say we're cool. as jamal said, no one in sandbox really is cool. some people try to form cliques to make themselves seem superior, just like high school.
almost 8 years

JamalMarley says

Matt12 says

Who are the cool kids in Sandbox? Who runs the forums and are feared by the peasantry

No one on Sandbox is cool, but earlier this week the clique was running Sandbox up until it imploded with drama and we had 2 new owners. We are waiting to see how Bebop does as owner this time around and if he'll stay away from the clique business.

I'll join this clique business