about 8 years

Nice to meet you.

My name is Matt12 and I'm from the slums of Main Lobby. I decided to stop being a try-hard for a moment and extend a warm welcome to all of you.

Exactly why do u play mafia if there are no points involved like what is that about??

Have a nice day,


*I used what I learned to report back to the slums of Main Lobby


about 8 years

izzy says

Matt12 says

Who are the cool kids in Sandbox? Who runs the forums and are feared by the peasantry

check our banner, those are the biggest players in our most recent catastrophe (bebop, merlot, jimbei, golbolco, myself, and eris)

golbolco's always around making threads or plugging her goofy setup. lastprophet used to make these insane threads too. meetterry owns general discussion.

I need to be friends with those who rule the school, thanks for this. Together, we'll strut down these forums with the whole school lookin' at us.
about 8 years

Matt12 says

Who are the cool kids in Sandbox? Who runs the forums and are feared by the peasantry

No one on Sandbox is cool, but earlier this week the clique was running Sandbox up until it imploded with drama and we had 2 new owners. We are waiting to see how Bebop does as owner this time around and if he'll stay away from the clique business.
deletedabout 8 years

Matt12 says

Who are the cool kids in Sandbox? Who runs the forums and are feared by the peasantry

check our banner, those are the biggest players in our most recent catastrophe (bebop, merlot, jimbei, golbolco, myself, and eris)

golbolco's always around making threads or plugging her goofy setup. lastprophet used to make these insane threads too. meetterry owns general discussion.
about 8 years
Go away Zhuorb, I'm learning
about 8 years
I never understood sandbox, all I did was click on the 4th person in the list and prayed
about 8 years
Sandbox is a place where people can have fun and be with friends instead of forced into games with supercompetitove people who only care about winning and insult you when you make a mistake. We realize that having fun is more important than a trophy-sized group of pixels or digits next to a win counter.

As for the community...memes
deletedabout 8 years
dust in the wind.......
about 8 years
Who are the cool kids in Sandbox? Who runs the forums and are feared by the peasantry
about 8 years
You're interesting, Izzy. You come in-between main & sandbox. A traveler of both worlds.
about 8 years

Matt12 says

also what is this MeetTerry person all about, should I be his friend or is he an enemy of the state

MeetTerry is fine. He posts a lot of serious discussion threads but he's a trollish person and so sometimes when he gives an opinion that isn't super liberal people take offense to it and think he's just trying to make a joke.
deletedabout 8 years

Matt12 says

also what is this MeetTerry person all about, should I be his friend or is he an enemy of the state

depends on how you feel about controversial topics and bait threads
deletedabout 8 years
sandbox definitely gets hostile and neurotic sometimes, but there are a handful of diamonds in the rough that make the community a good place to be. otherwise we just joke and rib each other until things go too far. and then you get conned into forcing someone to be deownered. :^)
about 8 years
also what is this MeetTerry person all about, should I be his friend or is he an enemy of the state
about 8 years
I'm assuming the 4chan /V/ presence died here
about 8 years

Matt12 says

So besides mafia, what about the community, tell me all the bizz about that

If you're playing the actual games and not sitting in the lobby chat all day every day, you'll be alright. The chat is where many of the toxic players who live for drama nest.
about 8 years
The Main community is hostile and neurotic
about 8 years
So besides mafia, what about the community, tell me all the bizz about that
deletedabout 8 years

Matt12 says

izzy says

Matt12 says

So who does Sandbox hate? Cheaters? Are they any if it's unranked though?

we hate people that ruin the game. when someone suicides and the game breaks or claims virgin as fool. that ain't cool.

and points don't really matter to us. if we need points to post on the forums or give karma or what have you, we pointfarm. but otherwise they mean nothing.

I agree, points & karma don't mean anything besides something to look at, but I guess the competitive nature is what's appealing to me

and hey man, that's fine. it's not for everyone. it stresses me out a little too much. in the same vein, sandbox isn't for everyone either. it's just based on preference.
about 8 years
I agree with y'all. No matter how "competitive" main is, the same 20 setups are rotated constantly.
about 8 years

Matt12 says

I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely curious. I've played ranked so much, even before tiered lobbies, that an unranked game to me isn't interesting because there isn't the payout that I would find in ranked

Sandbox games are different than main lobby unranked games. It's just a way different atmosphere and the factors are always changing, the threats are always changing. When you have the same exact setup every single time, I can see how it does get boring when there is no reward, but our games are entirely different.
deletedabout 8 years

Matt12 says

I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely curious. I've played ranked so much, even before tiered lobbies, that an unranked game to me isn't interesting because there isn't the payout that I would find in ranked

Tell me more bbygurl.
about 8 years

izzy says

Matt12 says

So who does Sandbox hate? Cheaters? Are they any if it's unranked though?

we hate people that ruin the game. when someone suicides and the game breaks or claims virgin as fool. that ain't cool.

and points don't really matter to us. if we need points to post on the forums or give karma or what have you, we pointfarm. but otherwise they mean nothing.

I agree, points & karma don't mean anything besides something to look at, but I guess the competitive nature is what's appealing to me
deletedabout 8 years

Matt12 says

So who does Sandbox hate? Cheaters? Are they any if it's unranked though?

we hate people that ruin the game. when someone suicides and the game breaks or claims virgin as fool. that ain't cool.

and points don't really matter to us. if we need points to post on the forums or give karma or what have you, we pointfarm. but otherwise they mean nothing.
about 8 years
I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely curious. I've played ranked so much, even before tiered lobbies, that an unranked game to me isn't interesting because there isn't the payout that I would find in ranked
deletedabout 8 years
inb4 OP is trolling