4chan talks: the return of roothoot?
local british fuccboi discovers: fire/ ground and water/ fighting starters?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivaRqb0oEsE DrPeePee says Just bought pokemon X to catch up, am I in for a good time or nah kill the preschoolers' pokemon and take their money
deleted over 8 years
Just bought pokemon X to catch up, am I in for a good time or nah
and it better learn acrobatics
of course water/ dark is also a possibility again
if maniac clown, id rather not fairy idk. water/psychic or even water/ghost. honestly.
i hope it becomes fairy or psychic cause of the mime jr. look
poppliwise the clown poplee makara popjuggalio
deleted over 8 years
Shmeur says ChaoticDoom says DrPeePee says Rainer says might be the first game where i dont pick the water starter because he is dopey as heck He's dopey but he's gonna be majestic you'll see putting money on maniac clown i hope so. Who doesn't love the circus
ChaoticDoom says DrPeePee says Rainer says might be the first game where i dont pick the water starter because he is dopey as heck He's dopey but he's gonna be majestic you'll see putting money on maniac clown i hope so.
Kenny says DrPeePee says Kenny says Just from this one island alone I am hyped. this region is gonna be beautiful It looks so small to me. There must be another island or an underground, no way there's 8 gyms and an elite four there. It also looks linear AF, like there's one path that goes around the island and leads to the middle. There's 8 islands that make up Hawaii. So ya. I swear, if that makes IGN give these games a 7.8/10 again...
DrPeePee says Rainer says might be the first game where i dont pick the water starter because he is dopey as heck He's dopey but he's gonna be majestic you'll see putting money on maniac clown
deleted over 8 years
Rainer says might be the first game where i dont pick the water starter because he is dopey as heck He's dopey but he's gonna be majestic you'll see
deleted over 8 years
might be the first game where i dont pick the water starter because he is dopey as heck
Okay but the trainer runs really awkwardly
DrPeePee says Anthony says Fire cat all day unless the thing ends up standing on 2 legs. If that happens, I'm officially done with fire starters. All fire starters stand on two legs hate to break it to ya bro, I mean charizard could fly and Infernape was like hunched over but that's it m8 cats should never stand on 2 legs pls leave
Anthony says Fire cat all day unless the thing ends up standing on 2 legs. If that happens, I'm officially done with fire starters. AAHHH TRU
deleted over 8 years
Anthony says Fire cat all day unless the thing ends up standing on 2 legs. If that happens, I'm officially done with fire starters. All fire starters stand on two legs hate to break it to ya bro, I mean charizard could fly and Infernape was like hunched over but that's it m8
Fennekin had so much promise, it looked like it was going to be such a freaking baller. And then...Delphox. Which in retrospect it's design isn't that bad but I mean...getting teased with a four legged fox only to have it turn into a magician was kinda lame
Fire cat all day unless the thing ends up standing on 2 legs. If that happens, I'm officially done with fire starters.
deleted over 8 years
Why do this many ppl like litten
rowlet is the only good pokemon ever now.