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deletedabout 9 years

post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
deletedover 8 years

roadman says

I'm not sure what you were thinking, Gloria.

I was just trying to build cards that could benefit Priest. I just want Priest to be good. ;_;
over 8 years
over 8 years
call it unruly library
over 8 years
priest silence zoo new meta. unicorn deck incoming


over 8 years
priest secrets should cost less if they are to fit the priest curve and the effects you gave them, tyrande does not seem balanced- but with the general inability of the priest class in flooding the board or establishing a strong board presence, the card may be overpowered but completely useless for strictly priest.
Priest trainer is op
the staff is awkward.

I think your cards are basically extensions of the card doomsayer where they force a response from the other player, and can't be used by the playing priest to respond to the opposing player's threats.
over 8 years
nerd alert
over 8 years
RE: Weapons.

This is Anathema/Benediction

over 8 years

Seems legit.

Plus it's a spell so you can have 2 of them AND have Deathwing, Dragonlord re-draw a bunch of dragons for you.

So if you have Shifting Shade pulling out Chillmaw & Deathwing, Dragonlord, you can basically just keep re-filling the board with dragons.

I'm not sure what you were thinking, Gloria.
over 8 years
FURTHERMORE, dragons have no ties with Draenor. The only time you see dragons on Draenor are through invasions, or they're the nether dragonflight which were not found on Draenor until Sargeras and the Burning Legion invaded. This irks me.
over 8 years
I like your Tyrande and Atonement cards. I actually think they're viable and balanced.

Priest Trainer makes no sense because it either gives you a free win with Circle of Healing at the start, or gives you a flooded board of useless minions towards the end with no way to synergise, with the exception of Confusion, but I mean...

Staff of Protection makes absolutely no sense, especially when you consider that Competitive Spirit costs 1 mana. I don't think you're ever going to be in a situation as priest where you can get away with having that card, unless you were to heal say C'thun, but any deck running Harrison Jones or Acidic Swamp Ooze will be saving it for that, and C'thun will be at full health when their turn comes around, or they'd just have removal like Siphon Soul, Entomb, etc.

Power Word Radiance is kinda interesting, although the mana cost means you're never going to find a spot at any point in the game where it becomes useful. Turn 1 + 2 you play minions, you're going to have Northshire Cleric and Museum Curator or something. The only time I can see it as viable is if you play a turn 4 Auchenai Circle, and use it offensively, and then capping off 2 more damage with your summoner ability.

Pain Suppression is absolutely a Paladin card, and you can't really work around the lore to suit deckbuilding.

Dragons of Draenor is well.... lmao.
over 8 years

Gloria says

I'd like to think that Priest should be given secrets. Due to its lack to put minions on board and its inability to go aggro, secrets could serve Priest to be more, in short terms, "fun to play." Without constantly losing and such as well as actually having the opportunity to comeback from OTK, Freeze mage, Renolock, etc.

Anyways, have you guys made any cards? I actually made a few and would have posted on Hearthpwn, but the community there is...well, odd.

I used to post on Hearthpwn a lot when I was actively deck building, and I liked their card competition.


This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen lmao.

Gloria says

I...I don't know why I felt Priest should have a weapon, but it should. They use staves, don't they?

If they were to bring out a weapon for priest it would probably be Benediction/Anathema, as it has the potential to make things interesting. It would probably be the most consistent way to bring in card mechanics like Shadowform into the game. Shadowform only saw play during one stage of Hearthstone, and that was when people were experimenting with Reno priest. Having 3 mana to switch your summoner ability is just too much of a tempo soaker vs most decks, but if you were to somehow implement a weapon which would allow you to switch between shadow and holy then I think it would encourage people to really think outside of the box with their deckbuilding.
over 8 years
Ahh well do come back for a chat, I'm holding you to it!
over 8 years
No no not a bad time at all my friend.
over 8 years
actually nah I should go to sleep
over 8 years
For Arcthebell tolls, in the flesh

What's up man? Did I catch you at a bad time? Maybe this thread isn't the most suitable place for a chat, perhaps we should make our own thread?
over 8 years
Hello Bronto.
over 8 years
ah, here we are. Thanks
over 8 years
Now what you could do is make it a spell that has a moderate cost and fully heals all minions, combo with Aucheni to clear the board :D
over 8 years
I also don't like priest weapons, and the one you put there is waaaaaywayawaywyawyawyy too weak. 3 mana for NEXT TURN restoring the health of ALL minions (including opponents).. compare to circle of healing which usually heals minions to full health (how often are your minions sitting there with 5 or more health missing as a priest with the heal hero power) on the turn you use it, costs 0 mana.
over 8 years
I'm not sold on priest secrets at all. I'm pretty sure the move would feel clunky to the playerbase, besides, there are no secret synergy cards for priest.

I like pain suppression and atonement though setting aside the fact that they're priest secrets.
over 8 years
Bad game
over 8 years
The dragons one is... well, too strong. Imagine just having that card and 4 late game dragons in your deck. It just wins the game if they don't have a hard board clear. If you don't get the card, you've still just got a basic control archetype and can do fine.
over 8 years
I actually think your Tyrande is fine the way it is. The effect isn't really that crazy, your opponent has a whole turn to deal with other things on the board if it needs to.
deletedover 8 years
I like the concept of spell-oriented Priest. I actually tried a deck that revolved around spells + reno + yogg. It's a fun deck, but I don't think it'd actually help anyone reach legend-tier, lol.

For Tyrande: What about 9 mana 4/8? I think lowering the attack is eh. The other legendary Priest card (Prophet Velen) is a 7 mana 7/7. 9 mana 4/8 with an effect like that shouldn't hurt anyone.
over 8 years
i like your ideas, but weapons/secrets arent really needed for those effects, and they actually dont solve priest's fundamental issue: lack of any board presence in early game.

deathlord was basically priest's key card for board presence, and without it, they really lack something to stop the current aggro push. it has strong removal and lategame options, but getting there is hard right now.

im all for a spell-oriented priest, but the effects you have on your secrets could easily be put on minions.

also your dragons spell and tyrande are OP. would be fun to see tyrande, but those stats + that effect is insane. needs to be weaker for that crazy effect.

anyway here's my concept for a 2-drop, something that priest sorely needs right now