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deletedabout 9 years

post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
deletedabout 8 years
what rank are you?
deletedabout 8 years
are you not just getting run over by pirate shaman / pirate warrior?
about 8 years
oh, and in case you were wondering. you will find jade idol every game if you think about when to play which cards. you will find cthun most games, but will have a slightly harder time, it helps to save mind vision for when they start acting like they are setting cthun up, or a thoughtsteal for when they are furiously drawing their decks. there are so many ways to get their cards that you should never have a problem with "rng screwed me" because even if you dont get what you want at first, most greedy decks have cards to help you stay alive, or set up unique combos for yourself. in the case of chtun decks, you find a ton of playable minions that buff your future find, and even if you never find it, you have enough value to just keep playing stuff until they are forced to play a chtun that doesnt kill you, only to be entombed or mind controlled.

im only going into detail about chtun because it was the hardest matchup to figure out
about 8 years
i think i found a solution for priest when queing up against the greedy decks that generally out value priest late game. it started as a novel " screw you jade idol" and turns out it counters every greedy deck in existence. I would like some help leveling it out to give me a chance vs agro but damn this is fun to play.

basically i just put in 2 copies of every card that uses your opponents weight against them, then added netherspites to combo with drakeOP and hopefully chainsteal... left out every draw card except azure drake because of all the card generation, and added twilight drakes because having cards is a thing that always happens.

so my opponents generally play against dragon priest until they get pummeled with their own deck. :)
about 8 years
for me, i play the karakus dragon priest.
Damnkorean #1448

NA Server

(i never used the internet to make a deck, i do use kripp to influence my deck.)
about 8 years
For anyone playing miracle pirate rogue, include Beneath the Grounds in your deck and it's auto-win against any sort of reno deck.
about 8 years

Orly says

needs x2 shadow word horror to deal with pirate warr etc imo. one less defender of argus, one less crazed alchemist should do the trick.

can also make it a one-off with potion of madness as the other. potion of madness works magic in the current meta

other than that, looks good. i saw someone using something similar at rank 5 in NA

personally im obsessed w dragon priest. it's so good. currently rank 3 with it. drakonid operative is an amazingly fun card

Unfortunately it gets **** on in the current NA legend meta, which I assume you'll be encountering shortly. (Currently mostly jade shaman, renolock and pirate miracle rogue.)
about 8 years
my boyfriend is cheating on me with this game f.uck you all
about 8 years
ye, ive been having fun with my version of dragon priest, but i rolled mana geodes instead of dragonfire potions so i made a deck that i only had to craft 1 card (dirty rat) for to feel nearly complete.

i feel like potion of madness is less likely to be cumbersome in most matchups, but horror sounds like it would help with the more annoying tempo mage mirror image play alot better. the only time i seem to struggle is when decks have a ton of direct damage and can get around damaging my minions... the pure agro decks tend to fall flat vs this as is unless they are packing hard removal, drawing it, and playing it accurately... which happened once in 10 of those types of matches so far
about 8 years
needs x2 shadow word horror to deal with pirate warr etc imo. one less defender of argus, one less crazed alchemist should do the trick.

can also make it a one-off with potion of madness as the other. potion of madness works magic in the current meta

other than that, looks good. i saw someone using something similar at rank 5 in NA

personally im obsessed w dragon priest. it's so good. currently rank 3 with it. drakonid operative is an amazingly fun card
about 8 years
something about this season made me want to whip out the zoo priest deck that i havnt tried since velens left standard. its convenient that talonpriest takes the space that velens used to, and the newish tentacles card that was useless until now has the spot as the highest cost card with all these low cost power cards begging to be buffed. the problem before was always either not enough buffs or not enough minions. it seems to be working better now. would like some help refining if possible
about 8 years

Orly says

reno dragon doesnt work

about 8 years

harodihg says

4) Malygos just plain doesn't fit your deck.

malygos is the finisher with kazakus potion + soulfire. all other points are valid, i'll be making some changes
about 8 years
reno dragon doesnt work because dragon decks rely on consistently having dragons on hand

also the only dragon deck that works well right now is dragon priest (drakonid operative OP), and it works much better than any other class currently due to the big board clear and based drakonid operative (deserves 2 mentions because so good)
deletedabout 8 years
Your deck looks fun xtal, but not exactly competitive. Like hedger said above, your deck really lacks a lot of synergy (although having it on paper). It seems like your deck would have trouble surviving early game against pirate deck (the current SMOrc deck), beating out shaman mid game, and holding it's own late game (I believe proper renolock and jade druids are the standard for this type of deck now). Which begs the question: what timing are you attempting to win at?

It appears obvious that you were going for a more late game oriented deck hence it being a reno kazakus deck, but it really won't tread water in any of the stages listed above.

To point out just a few issues that I see with it:

1) wrathion is a garbage card

2) Chillmaw does NOT fit your deck at all. To expand upon what hedger said above, Chillmaw fits 2 niche roles in hearthstone:

---a) it plays a solid survival card for dragons because of it's deathrattle ability and taunt, but you with most decks not being based around spawning hoards of small minions currently, the value from playing it this way is essentially diminished making it very weak for your deck.

---b) it plays very nicely with nzoth and curator (with it being dragon + deathrattle). This making it easy to draw out around mid game and you're guaranteed to see it twice. This makes it's value quite high even if you have no other dragons in your deck. But with you playing neither nzoth or curator it really doesn't fit this role for you.

3) Volcanic drake is really just a garbage card. 6 cost cards should not have 4hp -- and the conditions to which it's ability would make it favorable to play are very few and far in between making it almost never opportune to play.

4) Malygos just plain doesn't fit your deck.
about 8 years

xtal says

i will concede that it is probably garbage but please elaborate on which dragons are poor

well it's not that they're poor, it's just that there are better cards in general. Like Twilight Guardian is good, but it's not exactly spectacular, and you only really run it in dragon decks because it's drag. Chillmaw isn't as good as it looks on paper. All the late game dragons are pretty eh, Ysera is only good in control metas. And especially in reno lock, when you have a pretty full hand in control matchups, it just gets in the way cuz you just draw another card each turn. All in all, I've played dragon renolock before, I've played dragon warlock regularly. Dragon warlock is a lot more consistent, reno lock I never had any success with, and I can't see any of the new cards really making dragon renolock a better deck in general, although obviously a regular reno lock is definitely looking a lot stronger now.
about 8 years
i will concede that it is probably garbage but please elaborate on which dragons are poor
about 8 years
not going to lie, it kinda looks garbage, but I've only watched my friend play a bit of renolock since the expansion came out and that's basically it so I don't really have a heap of recommendations, but I think just a regular reno deck would be better. Running one of a heap of dragons is usually not the way to go about dragon decks, since some of the dragons are really poor, and usually cards like Blackwing Corrupter are usually really strong so only having 1 of the really strong dragons like that and then a heap of weaker dragons to act as synergy is not really going to work in a lot of cases.

Also Netherspite is also a waste of a slot even if you did have it.
about 8 years

btw rate my deck

i don't have netherspite historian/bookwyrm/kabal courier/new warlock boardclears. the deck would be better with any of these
about 8 years
bad game
about 8 years

Orly says

got 30 free packs from the NA bug. nice.

deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
Control's officially dead.
about 8 years
I got smacked by what I can only describe as a miracle druid - stacked Auctioneer with Jade Spirit when the game went late. It was the only jade spell in his deck, and it slew.
about 8 years