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deletedabout 9 years

post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
about 8 years
got 30 free packs from the NA bug. nice.
about 8 years
Pirate Warrior is so nasty right now.
about 8 years

Shmeur says

I krafted Kazakus. Which of these should be the final card in the deck cause I can't decide: ice barrier, bloodmage thalnos, or sorcerer's apprentice

Barrier's usually better in more minion-based decks while if you're running a spell-heavy deck obviously roll Thalnos. I personally run both; mainly just use Thalnos for cycle though.
about 8 years

Forrest says

shoutout to jones & fingo for tutoring me, Ian for being my brother in arms, arcbell for virtually nothing but i think he deserves one anyway, and hot naked women getting naked and f*cking on video for making the game bearable

shout out to me for nothing
about 8 years
You get pity legendaries every 40 packs, bruh

I'd generally go thalnos but it depends on the deck
about 8 years
I krafted Kazakus. Which of these should be the final card in the deck cause I can't decide: ice barrier, bloodmage thalnos, or sorcerer's apprentice
about 8 years
i got the warlock legendary; should i dust it ?
i want goya just to try that gimmicky molten giant deck
about 8 years

Saine says

Wow... 50 packs and no White Eyes, no Aya Blackpaw. Literally the only two I wanted. I got two Goya's instead

Waa waa, try experiencing 150 packs without a single legendary.
about 8 years
Wow... 50 packs and no White Eyes, no Aya Blackpaw. Literally the only two I wanted. I got two Goya's instead, which I never plan on playing (at least I have an easy dust).

I'm going to try to slip mega mana wyrm into my miracle, it was one of the cards I was looking forward to. That and counterfeit coin (only got one).

Pirate Rogue is a little difficult without any weapons, I think, and the highest you'll ever buff your hero power is to 3/2, usually. I'll have to mess around with it and the new cards.
about 8 years

Orly says

rogues keep getting it from behind

pirate rogue got a big buff though [not big but i guess an increase in playability] also mega mana wyrm could fit in miracle rogue
about 8 years
rogues keep getting it from behind
about 8 years
I was on the Shaman train :D I'm gonna lose my early game for some sexy jade golems and healing. Control shaman is on its way, boys
about 8 years
Dragon priest and midrange/aggro hunter will be tier 1 heard it here first.
about 8 years
about time, Shamanstone was boring.
about 8 years
Is it fair to bump this with Meme Streets of Gadgetzan out tomorrow? I wanna get nerdy.
about 8 years
Forget 0 mana 5/5s, now we've got 0 mana 7/7s.
about 8 years
Reno Kazakus looks fun/OP af
Druid will be the new Shaman though bookmark me
about 8 years
when burgle rogue gets fandral into prep wisps of the old gods the next turn. rogue doing not so rogue things smh
deletedover 8 years
shoutout to jones & fingo for tutoring me, Ian for being my brother in arms, arcbell for virtually nothing but i think he deserves one anyway, and hot naked women getting naked and f*cking on video for making the game bearable
deletedover 8 years
alright i sat down and played a season

im ready to retire
deletedover 8 years
i hate it when i misplay

over 8 years
Havent played HS much since Whispers expansion, but heres my battletag anyway:
EU: zamorak #2354

I hope freeze mage still works
deletedover 8 years
I'm not really warlock fan, but I'm so hyped for discolock. Imagine the dream opening mal imp -> dark librarian which hops silverware golem on turn 2 with card draw. Even aggro shaman opening isn't that good.
deletedover 8 years
EU sequence#11447
over 8 years
Oh forgot to mention I switched accounts on euw new one is Bazzo#21312