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deletedabout 9 years

post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
over 8 years
well I suppose this also works....

over 8 years
the occasional decent Mulch.

over 8 years

hedger says

Shmeur says

imma try thistle tea
getting triplicate of a cheap spell should be tight tbh

lol pretty sure that's not the greatest card. It's just way too expensive to ever be good, and honestly usually you want 3 different cards rather than 3 of the same ones.

And lol, I'm 50 wins away from golden druid, my next best is like warlock with around 200 wins :P

i won with it cause of triplicate cold blood
over 8 years
over 8 years

the occasional perfect rng Yogg, I lul
over 8 years
Anyone watching europe championships?
over 8 years

Holy **** when MCT steals Rag. (I did get pretty gay rng though, didn't play around mirror entity since he was playing a reno list so I figured it was probably ice barrier or counterspell and then he killed my sylvanas with a 50/50 shot to take back rag which missed and then the Rag killed the stolen minion so that kinda screwed me). (Rag hit me in the face twice was the only reason I was so low).
over 8 years
I've not played hunter since near post-beta, turns out it's preeeetty good.
over 8 years
thank god for MCT and sylvanas to save me from n'zoth. Man beating a rogue which drew both saps which were used on a dark arrakoa and ancient of war though. Dunno how you manage to win a game like that.

over 8 years
casual fandral value.

over 8 years

Shmeur says

imma try thistle tea
getting triplicate of a cheap spell should be tight tbh

lol pretty sure that's not the greatest card. It's just way too expensive to ever be good, and honestly usually you want 3 different cards rather than 3 of the same ones.

And lol, I'm 50 wins away from golden druid, my next best is like warlock with around 200 wins :P
over 8 years
Gonna start the grind to gold warrior cuz it just looks so damn cool ^~^
over 8 years
imma try thistle tea
getting triplicate of a cheap spell should be tight tbh
over 8 years
I learnt from my mistakes. Literally did not do anything until I drew my final swipe to hit him for 35 damage in a turn. Dunno what was going through his mind at casual feral rage armour pass twice in a row. Also lul cuz 6 0 mana spells.

over 8 years
Note to self. Draw Malygos before playing Yogg which then casts Tracking to discard it.

over 8 years
Kaioxys #1199
I'm always up for friendlies.
over 8 years
well I'm on the steady decline to rank 20 after losing about 20 games in a row.
over 8 years

Man I bet he's wishing he didn't hero power pass turn 7 when I had an Azure Drake + Druid of the Claw both at 4/2 with his explosive shot up. Just dropped down Ragnaros and said w/e, I'm gonna win this race. Even back to back Call of the Wilds couldn't save him.
over 8 years
man my luck. Can't even win a 4/5 brawl. Baited out the first brawl as well then ofc he has the second one and gets so lucky.
over 8 years
it's hard to play hs on my laptop though cause it only connects 10% of the time
over 8 years

Shmeur says


and it's just that my ipad is laggy af

yeah, dunno if miracle rogue is the best deck to play if you're on an ipad.
over 8 years

and it's just that my ipad is laggy af
over 8 years

Shmeur says

i keep getting the rope cause of long gadgetzan turns

Yeah, you kinda need to play as you go on your auctioneer turns. When you play auctioneer, you really don't wanna give yourself more than 15 seconds before you start cycling because you're gonna have to react to the cards you get. It gets easier with time though, just try and use the turns leading up to your auctioneer turns to plan it out a little better.

Also, do you play on EU or NA?
over 8 years
i keep getting the rope cause of long gadgetzan turns
over 8 years

Shmeur says

what about huckster ?

Huckster isn't bad. Probably wouldn't run 2 of them though unless you're playing N'Zoth as well.