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post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
over 8 years
what about huckster ?
over 8 years

Shmeur says

i just noticed you [hedger] don't use sidestep or shiv. should i take them out

Shiv is fine. I just don't like it that much. I used to alternate between that and Violet Teacher depending on what matchups I was running into, but I switched to one Journey Below instead, as I think it's a lot better since it can give you an extra bit of reach in longer matchups where that extra big minion can give you that bit of damage you need to close out a match, use it to find a minion just to contest the board early on (especially if you dont draw any minions) and it's just a cheap spell to cycle with auctioneer.

Shadowstep you probably wanna take out though. You kinda just use that with Leeroy for that 20 damage combo (Leeroy double cold blood shadowstep), but I honestly haven't seen it played at all since the expansion came out. It'd probably be useful in a reno miracle rogue though.
over 8 years
i just noticed you [hedger] don't use sidestep or shiv. should i take them out
over 8 years
man I love the feeling of the auto concede when I harrison a turn 5 doomhammer.
over 8 years

Shmeur says

I crafted a second Prep and second S:17 Agent

definitely worth it if you're gonna play miracle rogue.
over 8 years
I crafted a second Prep and second S:17 Agent
over 8 years
I was 10-0 in arena and then I went 10-3

over 8 years

Escurai says

I think there's one option that comes to mind ^~^

too bad he had Leeroy in his deck so I knew I couldn't stabilise at 2hp.

Also holy ****, Yogg you champion. Pulled out Ice Block, Mirror Entity + Eye for an Eye. He played Malygos into double sinister strike, so he basically lethaled himself through it.
over 8 years
I think there's one option that comes to mind ^~^
over 8 years
f--- this brawl honestly. What am I supposed to do with this hand.

over 8 years

hedger says

Escurai says

Also forgot how hard it is as a new player when on both rank 20 and casual people sport full legendary decks

yeah, I had that problem on the EU server which made it impossible to do quests with classes I had no cards for.

Yeah dude, right now I just wait for Tavern Brawls which give premade decks to do these and to level up classes
over 8 years

Escurai says

Also forgot how hard it is as a new player when on both rank 20 and casual people sport full legendary decks

yeah, I had that problem on the EU server which made it impossible to do quests with classes I had no cards for.
over 8 years
Thanks man I didn't know that, seems like a complete mess :s
over 8 years
what is this and why
over 8 years
just to clarify something: casual has its own hidden ranking system, and therefore u will face players based on your W-L strictly, rather than a tiered ranking system (ladder). think of legend ranks but invisible and spanning the entire breadth of players. thus, if u do really well early on, like escurai may have done, you end up playing people with very high W-L. afaik there is little to no barrier for new players facing veterans in casual

one of the reasons why i never bother with casual anymore, since its matchmaking is basically worse than ladder imo. granted, you can face fun decks in casual, but i don't think it's worth it.
over 8 years
Also forgot how hard it is as a new player when on both rank 20 and casual people sport full legendary decks
over 8 years
Made a new EUW account and recently finished budget shaman, but Zoo just appears every game
over 8 years

pereking says

the first legendary i opened was ragnaros :)

hedger says

Also man, what's with all the zoo on ladder rn

zoo has never not been a huge part of ladder pls its zoo

yeah, but it's like twice as common as shaman rn, while shaman was like 3 times as common last season.

Not sure how this dude ever planned on winning this game.
over 8 years
the first legendary i opened was ragnaros :)

hedger says

Also man, what's with all the zoo on ladder rn

zoo has never not been a huge part of ladder pls its zoo
over 8 years
Also my Rag never doesn't go face. 50/50, oops goes face. Next turn, 2 minions on board, still goes face, lul. Kinda funny though because that 16 damage was the only damage I did to his face and the rest he did from tapping, before it set up lethal for me lul.
over 8 years
malygos was the first legendary I opened I think. It was either that or Ysera.

Also man, what's with all the zoo on ladder rn. I swear hardly anybody was playing it last season and now it's basically every second game. Even Shaman is hardly seen. (Only when I play Rogue cuz game hates me).
over 8 years
well i have 1950 dust
over 8 years
the game just doesn't want me to play rogue. i only recently got my first prep, never had edwin/malygos/thalnos. i did get xaril as my first legendary of this expansion tho lol
over 8 years
i disenchanted my 3 auctioneers back when auctioneer got nerfed and to this day have not gotten another auctioneer
over 8 years

Shmeur says

hedger says

man, journey below into huckster into that windspeaker.

had 5 cards left in my deck, knew my only out was conceal, played auctioneer coin leeroy to kill his thing from below then prep into the conceal and lethal the next turn.

perhaps i should craft a second prep

in other news i just was you in an anon game lol

yeah, you definitely want to craft that before malygos.