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post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
over 8 years

hedger says

man, journey below into huckster into that windspeaker.

had 5 cards left in my deck, knew my only out was conceal, played auctioneer coin leeroy to kill his thing from below then prep into the conceal and lethal the next turn.

perhaps i should craft a second prep

in other news i just was you in an anon game lol
over 8 years

Shmeur says

I have Thalnos and VanCleef [I had a golden Leeroy but dusted him]

My miracle rogue does good in casual yet fails in ranked. IDK why

most decks can usually do pretty good in casual since people use it to try out weird things or play decks they don't normally play. Plus you kinda get matched up against anyone.
over 8 years
man, journey below into huckster into that windspeaker.

had 5 cards left in my deck, knew my only out was conceal, played auctioneer coin leeroy to kill his thing from below then prep into the conceal and lethal the next turn.

over 8 years
I have Thalnos and VanCleef [I had a golden Leeroy but dusted him]

My miracle rogue does good in casual yet fails in ranked. IDK why
over 8 years

This deck's actually pretty fun to play. It's actually pretty cruise control against tempo and aggro decks. Those greedy Druid lists seem to be the main problem, and getting damage in against control warrior and control priest is really hard as well, and you kinda need the opponent to draw badly so you can have a few minions stick to the board.

The decklist I have atm. Had Sylvanas but I wanted the second AoW just for that extra taunt. I'm not sure about Mire Keeper though. Doesn't put enough pressure on the board and doesn't really accomplish much apart from ramp early on.

over 8 years

Shmeur says

I am tempted to get Malygos cause I'm doing miracle rogue. Not sure if he's necessary doe.

Only need malygos if you're running the malygos version. Leeroy version is probably better, so I'd probably say craft cards more relevant to just a regular miracle rogue (Thalnos, VanCleef). If you have other decks you want to play that need malygos, then maybe you can craft him, but there aren't really any meta decks with him atm, although I have been playing a Malygos Druid which actually hasn't been too bad, although not enough plays to really make a true judgment.
over 8 years
I am tempted to get Malygos cause I'm doing miracle rogue. Not sure if he's necessary doe.
over 8 years
honestly just craft something that is a core component to a competitively viable deck u want to play. that's your best bet, and usually the most fun way to do it. sylvanas is top tier technically right now, but that doesnt mean she's in the top decks currently. in fact, i think she's only in 1 or 2 in the top 5 decks in the NA meta right now, but that doesn't change the fact that she has lots of longterm value as a classic legendary and a good 6-drop in a midrange meta.

so yeah, i would def craft her, but if u want to play midrange/control pally and dont have tirion, i would most def get tirion first.

basically, if u have a deck ur set on building, just go with that. even so though, stay in the Tier S / A range for almost all crafting endeavors, if only just to ensure you aren't wasting your dust.
over 8 years
uhh, wut.

over 8 years

Shmeur says

finally have enough dust to craft a legendary but which:
sylvanas, malygos, alexstraza, ysera, or yogg-saron

yeah, Sylvanas is the best choice to craft out of those. Ysera is a little too slow for the current meta but the other legendaries that you should craft probably depend on the decks you want to play.
over 8 years

hedger says

Well finally hit legend. Took long enough but we did it. Also poor Thrall, still not a single win in ranked ever, and will probably stay that way :3

totem more
over 8 years
Yogg is love yogg is life
over 8 years
Sylvanas is in a great place right now, goes in almost every midrange style deck. Malygos is kinda eh right now, outside of Mage and Rogue it's bad. Alex is weaker with freeze mage not being great, ysera is solid but a bit slow, and yogg is a coinflip
over 8 years
finally have enough dust to craft a legendary but which:
sylvanas, malygos, alexstraza, ysera, or yogg-saron
over 8 years
the fun of playing miracle rogue.

over 8 years

My great OTK deck. You play Yogg, it gives their 4/5 minion seal of champions, then it gives them blessed champion, then it gives them windfury and then they hit you for 28 in the face. That was definitely the point of this deck :D

Not to mention it played Silence on my own Yogg twice.... You could have thought one of them would silence his minion.
over 8 years

Arcbell says

Hedger how do U get that thing on the side that shows which cards have been drawn?

Yeah, you can just get any deck tracker. I just use the Innkeeper from Hearthpwn, not as sophisticated in keeping track of opponents decks or on which turn they drew specific cards (like the HSD) or just winrates with the deck, but I use it more for keeping track of my collection.
over 8 years

Arcbell says

Hedger how do U get that thing on the side that shows which cards have been drawn?
over 8 years
Hedger how do U get that thing on the side that shows which cards have been drawn?
over 8 years
Damn congrats man
over 8 years
Well finally hit legend. Took long enough but we did it. Also poor Thrall, still not a single win in ranked ever, and will probably stay that way :3

over 8 years

When Yogg pulls out the ice block. Feels great.
over 8 years
hmm. Sylvanas can steal either my 6/4 darkshire councilman, a 4/4 or one of four 1/1's, not surprising to see my councilman stolen tbqh
over 8 years

honestly sums up my disgusting day of hearthstone.
over 8 years
I'm tearing it up at rank 14