I thought April had 31 days because I'm rètarded and I got stuck playing [fun] decks and ended up R13. Rough.
roadman says Mitch boy, what's your tag? rekocm #2248
420 boys.
Mitch boy, what's your tag?
deleted almost 9 years
just incase you need hearthstone apm training, here are some exercises: Pick two cards from Tracking, double Backstab on one minion, turn 3 coin mountain giant, double Preparation into 1 cost Sprint.
deleted almost 9 years
JimSpermWorm says So I've tested it at a few occasions and if you pop evolve quick enough after using your hero power you'll get the effect on the new minion. ex: this is one of those high apm hearthstone moves, another example is doubling bghing 2 stormwinds
Could be, if they all willingly attack it.
JimSpermWorm says So I've tested it at a few occasions and if you pop evolve quick enough after using your hero power you'll get the effect on the new minion. ex: Are you sure it isn't just a visual bug related to the amount of time the taunt animation takes to finish?
So I've tested it at a few occasions and if you pop evolve quick enough after using your hero power you'll get the effect on the new minion.
I very much enjoy aggro warrior.
wow first golden legendary, finally...
yea idk who did that. i plussed for ya
deleted almost 9 years
Grats on legend - even cooler that you did it with your own deck!
Mire Keeper is 100% essential. Without Mire Keeper, you'd basically find yourself in no man's land for most of your games. The more options to ramp up, the better, with the exception of Darnassus Aspirant as it as absolutely no value unless it's in your mulligan. Also, not sure who was mad enough to downvote my deck like 7 times, but ok.
either way it seems like a great deck. i think u can take out fandral and druid of the claw for two wraths though. the card draw is more important imo also i prefer icehowl and chromaggus over ysera and nefarian i also have aviana and forbidden ancient in there :P
deleted almost 9 years
sircyx says yea but you already run 2x nourish, innervate, wild growth, and naga sea witch to do that. not sure it's needed but im sure he's run the deck more than i have. i dont like it as a later draw that's all I've played the deck a lot and you definitely need that extra bit of ramp
yea but you already run 2x nourish, innervate, wild growth, and naga sea witch to do that (that's 8 cards in your deck devoted to mana ramp). not sure it's needed but im sure he's run the deck more than i have. i dont like it as a later draw that's all
deleted almost 9 years
sircyx says not sure i agree with mire keeper, since it doesnt give you any card draw once you've ramped up. rest is fine, i guess. i would go with bog creeper over ironbark, though. edit: not sure how useful fandral is, but then im not keen on the mirekeepers mire keeper is essential for ramping up though
not sure i agree with mire keeper, since it doesnt give you any card draw once you've ramped up. rest is fine, i guess. i would go with bog creeper over ironbark, though. edit: not sure how useful fandral is, but then im not keen on the mirekeepers
Japter says yeah I replaced cenarius with chillmaw since I don't have the former also lmao I saw, clearly they weren't mulliganing right Ideal mulligan: Coin/Innervate/Astral
Viable mulligans: Innervate/Nourish/X
Innervate/Mire Keeper/X (Don't play innervate into Mire vs control)
Wild Growth/Mire Keeper/X
Wild Growth/Coin/Nourish
etc, there's quite a big list in all honesty.
Sadly, most people probably throw away completely viable mulligans in hope for hitting their Astral Communion start.
deleted almost 9 years
yeah I replaced cenarius with chillmaw since I don't have the former also lmao I saw, clearly they weren't mulliganing right
Also, you should read some of the salty comments on the Hearthpwn page. Very nice.
Japter says roadman says I started playing Face Shaman at rank 2->rank 1 because it's the last day and I wanted to get legend, but then I dropped back to rank 2 so I reverted back to my Astral Communion deck. Anyway. Rank 16-Legend in basically no time playing 99% strictly Astral Communion. Here's my deck: I think chillmaw fits in the deck somewhere I considered it, but I dunno what I would replace for it. I think the other options are better 90% of the time. This deck doesn't exactly give you huge options with cards, so having Nefarian/Deathwing/Chillmaw simultaneously in hand is too rare for it to be viable.