Renounce darkness actually kinda annoying. Dude got 2 confessor paletress's that brought out Alextrasza and the new mage legendary. Then I top decked N'Zoth and cleared his board and won.
renounce darkness because i can't afford yogg. for a serious deck i am using divine pally spam
deletedalmost 9 years
Renounce Darkness is not optimal except in the FUN department. Or so I'm told, I wouldn't waste my time diddling around the plebian lower ranks when I could grind face shaman with 4 mana 7/7s until my fingers bleed and I haven't the physical stamina to draw another virtual card.
reno seems unreliable. Won't you get a fair few multiples if you're transforming a heap of cards. You won't know what's in your deck either. Also just renounce darkness can't ever be good. Why would you ever want random cards rather than a deck you can build yourself even if you get a discount on them, not to mention the fact that warlock's hero power is better than any other hero power, so why would you want to change it.
Haha, you should have seen this game hedger was spectating of mine where this warlock used Renounce Darkness and RNG'd the crap out of me. Still crushed him though, obviously.