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deletedabout 9 years

post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
almost 9 years
op darkshire councilman. From 1 to 19 attack!

almost 9 years
I just got stomped by a murloc lock. "boo hoo my face decks gone"
almost 9 years

How's my driving?
almost 9 years
Im quite hyped for deathrattle hunter
almost 9 years

roadman says

JimSpermWorm says

Naga Sea Witch is a crazy buffer to Y'Shaarj decks. I hope people never start killing it.

Yeah, I'm running 2 in my Astral Communion deck.

I haven't had the resources to work up AC yet so my druid deck's slightly lackluster.
almost 9 years

Japter says

I feel like being disgustingly evil and playing mill rogue

Don't do it. You'll get countered by Astral Communion Druid.
almost 9 years

Japter says

I feel like being disgustingly evil and playing mill rogue

very evil
deletedalmost 9 years
I feel like being disgustingly evil and playing mill rogue
almost 9 years

JimSpermWorm says

Naga Sea Witch is a crazy buffer to Y'Shaarj decks. I hope people never start killing it.

Yeah, I'm running 2 in my Astral Communion deck.
deletedalmost 9 years

JimSpermWorm says

Naga Sea Witch is a crazy buffer to Y'Shaarj decks. I hope people never start killing it.

not a bad idea, can catch opponents off guard and force them to burn removal on the witch. If they can't remove it, it could be game over
almost 9 years
Naga Sea Witch is a crazy buffer to Y'Shaarj decks. I hope people never start killing it.
deletedalmost 9 years
One problem is that animations are taking too long now
almost 9 years
vanish yogg'saron is honestly pretty awesome.
almost 9 years

This guy's C'thun was scaled to 27-27 and I still rekt him.
almost 9 years
Then Staghelm or whatever is name is for double Nourish.
almost 9 years

sircyx says

ah theres the yshaarj deck ive been looking for. good call. is it competitively viable tho?

I'm running 2x Innervate/Raven Idol/Mire Keeper/Wild Growth. That way if I don't get it, I still have a good ramp.
almost 9 years
ah theres the yshaarj deck ive been looking for. good call. is it competitively viable tho?
almost 9 years
No Astral, but I'm such a good deck builder it doesn't matter.

deletedalmost 9 years
Yogg is just balls deep yolo
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
Told Japter I'd make an Astral Communion deck and troll some ranked games.

1st game in and it looks like this:

almost 9 years

Japter says

I've decided not to craft anything until I win the other 7 games for 5 packs. This is really annoying me because I see lots of people with new cards while I'm just playing old decks

I got shifter zerus in my last 5 packs, tbh I need to test that card out.
deletedalmost 9 years
I've decided not to craft anything until I win the other 7 games for 5 packs. This is really annoying me because I see lots of people with new cards while I'm just playing old decks
deletedalmost 9 years

hedger says

Japter says

4th pack in, pretty chuffed

still have never opened a golden legendary........

this is my 5th
almost 9 years

PrinceKazuya says

I just landed a golden doomcaller and deathwing. Pretty solid I think.

I'm hard for Deathwing.