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EM Autohider

almost 8 years

Here's my 10 minute script that will automatically hide any post from Jamal, Plissken, Furry, fishswim, or iminthetoilet (by default). You are free to go into the script and edit the blocked users.

Recent updates also allow you to replace youtube embeds with links (IMPORTANT: feature disabled by default, go into the script to enable) and expand the script to the chatbox.

The script checks for their posts on the lobby wall every 2 seconds, and, if detected, hides and negs them. It ignores anyone that is not in the list at the start of the script which is set to the aforementioned people by default. If you like your daily relatable furry and ASMR, you are free to remove him from the list.

The script requires Tampermonkey for Chrome or Greasemonkey for Mozilla. It can run in tandem with EMJack or the EM Enhancement Suite.


To edit the hidden users, find the line at the start where it says:

["JamalMarley", "Plissken", "iminthetoilet", "Furry"];

Simply add names to the list in quotations and separated by commas to hide them or vice versa.

To make the script from only work on the wall and not the chatbox or vice versa, find where it says, "enableLobbyWall" or "enableChatbox" and set them to "true" or "false".



What? I can't hear you over my script.
I always relate to the daily furry.
about 7 years
nah he didn't. its a shame because it was originally a really elegant solution. too bad it doesnt work with a scrollbar.

its ok. i managed to find a work-around. kind of ugly though
about 7 years

Solace says

html experts please answer my question

front end web development is so much aids

I'm dog at CSS, sorry. Looks like some dudes answered it anyways

nick3 says

Rude you are hiding ivana and hannah :O

I guess since they said they weren't going to do the spam cult business anymore I could take them off
about 7 years
Rude you are hiding ivana and hannah :O
about 7 years
html experts please answer my question

front end web development is so much aids
about 7 years
I kindly ask all of you users shocked by the Church's downfall, read the new Restoration thread by me:

Stand Tall With Jamal Tiberius Marley. Restore the TRUE church!
about 7 years
ok temporarily disabled the chatbox stuff since that was somehow bugging it all out
about 7 years

Wahnn says

okay so like I'd like to mention that the current version of autohider lags out epicmafia quite a bit

Yeah I have noticed the same thing, but only when inside of a game. idk why.

I'll look into it some more, cause it's annoying me too
about 7 years
okay so like I'd like to mention that the current version of autohider lags out epicmafia quite a bit
about 7 years
still doing gods work i see
about 7 years

nearbeer says

v1.6: You can now filter phrases. They are treated as a regular expression, and "WOKEN" is filtered by default.

Thank you
about 7 years
You know what's the funniest part? WOKEN Plissken can be DELETED!
about 7 years
you're an angel
about 7 years

nearbeer says

v1.6: You can now filter phrases. They are treated as a regular expression, and "WOKEN" is filtered by default.

Bless you my friend, you are saving this world.
deletedabout 7 years
omfg thank goodness
about 7 years
based nearbeer
about 7 years
v1.6: You can now filter phrases. They are treated as a regular expression, and "WOKEN" is filtered by default.
about 7 years
owo what's this
about 7 years
Do you think you can add a feature so that whenever there is a mention of a certain phrase in a comment it autohides it as well?
almost 8 years

quiche says

Not sure what happened but the youtube vids aren't being turned to links?

If you updated, you have to apply the settings again. Sorry, persistent storage is just annoying to do for tampermonkey scripts.
almost 8 years
Not sure what happened but the youtube vids aren't being turned to links?
almost 8 years
To make your script more responsive I recommend hijacking Lucid's function that loads the comment pages like this:

You'll also want to add
// @run-at document-end
to the top of the script. With this method you will be able to modify the JSON of the comments before the comments are ever rendered and only when a comment page is actually loaded.
almost 8 years

shayneismyname says

I'm against the autohiding of youtube videos. They are few and far betwen and often good youtube videos get shared.

It doesn't hide them, just replaces them with the link that the embed points to
almost 8 years
So glad you added the youtube embed hiding feature. Now I can actually re-enable lobby wall comments.
almost 8 years
videos are the one thing that should be hidden

it should be expand to load instead of lagging me by default
almost 8 years
I'm against the autohiding of youtube videos. They are few and far betwen and often good youtube videos get shared.