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EM Autohider

almost 8 years

Here's my 10 minute script that will automatically hide any post from Jamal, Plissken, Furry, fishswim, or iminthetoilet (by default). You are free to go into the script and edit the blocked users.

Recent updates also allow you to replace youtube embeds with links (IMPORTANT: feature disabled by default, go into the script to enable) and expand the script to the chatbox.

The script checks for their posts on the lobby wall every 2 seconds, and, if detected, hides and negs them. It ignores anyone that is not in the list at the start of the script which is set to the aforementioned people by default. If you like your daily relatable furry and ASMR, you are free to remove him from the list.

The script requires Tampermonkey for Chrome or Greasemonkey for Mozilla. It can run in tandem with EMJack or the EM Enhancement Suite.


To edit the hidden users, find the line at the start where it says:

["JamalMarley", "Plissken", "iminthetoilet", "Furry"];

Simply add names to the list in quotations and separated by commas to hide them or vice versa.

To make the script from only work on the wall and not the chatbox or vice versa, find where it says, "enableLobbyWall" or "enableChatbox" and set them to "true" or "false".



What? I can't hear you over my script.
I always relate to the daily furry.
almost 8 years
^ ... what an odd script
almost 8 years
fufu script is a script that changes all the em icons in games of roles to fufu counterparts
almost 8 years
Updated to 1.1.1.

It may or may not have fixed your issue, coolkid.
almost 8 years

coolkidrox123 says

the only thing it hid for me was fufu script so i deleted it oop. fufu script > hider

It just doesn't do anything else? What is the fufu script?
almost 8 years
the only thing it hid for me was fufu script so i deleted it oop. fufu script > hider
almost 8 years
it doesnt work for me :<
almost 8 years

shayneismyname says

Also, it wont let me go back pages.

I checked and I'm getting the same issue. I'll look into it.
almost 8 years

MrMongrel says

nearbeer for sandbox owner

almost 8 years
nearbeer for sandbox owner
almost 8 years
Also, it wont let me go back pages.
almost 8 years
if you hide the daily furry i understand. not all of you want to be reminded how ugly and fat you are because of fatphobia and shallow people. embrace how fat, stupid, ugly, and any other particularly pathetic qualities you have and start relating to the daily relateable furry
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
why would you want to hide jamal's posts lmao
almost 8 years
Do not download the programs that nearbeer is trying to get you to download. This could be a keylogger that steals your password. I hope you all remain safe and again, do not download anything nearbeer promotes.
almost 8 years

blood4bloodgod says

is there a way to do the corollary without having to manually enter names? I'd like everyone blocked save jamal, fury, and plissken.

you could just invert the if statements

I only have like 2 of them, the ones where it says hiddenUsers.indexOf()
almost 8 years
is there a way to do the corollary without having to manually enter names? I'd like everyone blocked save jamal, fury, and plissken.
almost 8 years
i belive u will see a demmand for this app in main lobby too
almost 8 years

quiche says

hey so would it block posts from any users added here?: hiddenUsers = ["JamalMarley", "Plissken", "iminthetoilet", "Furry"];

Been wanting to filter the wall comments for sometime now and this is v helpful bless.

almost 8 years
hey so would it block posts from any users added here?: hiddenUsers = ["JamalMarley", "Plissken", "iminthetoilet", "Furry"];

Been wanting to filter the wall comments for sometime now and this is v helpful bless.
almost 8 years

somethingwhatever says

could u adapt for mainlobbies and make it hide my posts?

Yes, all that they would have to do is add your name to the list.
almost 8 years
thanks for the jamal blocker
almost 8 years
could u adapt for mainlobbies and make it hide my posts?
almost 8 years
Updated to include the chatbox.
almost 8 years
Who is this.. 'Plissken?'
almost 8 years

Volta says

I wonder if Jamal has commented anything about this thread.

Don't worry, I'll get around to the forums soon enough :^)