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EM Autohider

almost 8 years

Here's my 10 minute script that will automatically hide any post from Jamal, Plissken, Furry, fishswim, or iminthetoilet (by default). You are free to go into the script and edit the blocked users.

Recent updates also allow you to replace youtube embeds with links (IMPORTANT: feature disabled by default, go into the script to enable) and expand the script to the chatbox.

The script checks for their posts on the lobby wall every 2 seconds, and, if detected, hides and negs them. It ignores anyone that is not in the list at the start of the script which is set to the aforementioned people by default. If you like your daily relatable furry and ASMR, you are free to remove him from the list.

The script requires Tampermonkey for Chrome or Greasemonkey for Mozilla. It can run in tandem with EMJack or the EM Enhancement Suite.


To edit the hidden users, find the line at the start where it says:

["JamalMarley", "Plissken", "iminthetoilet", "Furry"];

Simply add names to the list in quotations and separated by commas to hide them or vice versa.

To make the script from only work on the wall and not the chatbox or vice versa, find where it says, "enableLobbyWall" or "enableChatbox" and set them to "true" or "false".



What? I can't hear you over my script.
I always relate to the daily furry.
almost 8 years
v1.4: Added the dimming of text that is too bright. Adjust the value at the top of the script.
almost 8 years

fishswim says

If i download this will i downvote myself

No the autodownvote feature is off by default now. You won't be able to see your stuff tho

shint says

add a thing that turns off jenny's text colors

k, I can do that later
almost 8 years
add a thing that turns off jenny's text colors
almost 8 years
If i download this will i downvote myself
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
friendly reminder that if you're a fat ugly stupid bxtch that cant handle being reminded of how much of a fat ugly stupid bxtch you are because of fatphobes, ableists, and body negativity activists. you are valid. its okay. embrace it. unautohide the daily furry and relate to it because you know deep down that you are exactly like whatever pimple ridden rat i post and theres nothing wrong with that
almost 8 years
nearbeer i thank you for your service to this community
almost 8 years
v1.3: Added youtube embed hiding feature: replaces youtube embeds with just links. Also moved everyone to the hide only list. You can still re-enable the auto neg feature if you'd like, but my fun was had already.
almost 8 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

add an option for downvoting/hiding embedded videos

Would you rather the link replace the video, or hide the post entirely?
almost 8 years
add an option for downvoting/hiding embedded videos
almost 8 years

Kitt says

i don't think fishswim should be on this list he's not nearly as annoying as the other four

and if fish is on the list cory needs to be too

The current list is just what I use. Anyone may make changes to their version if they'd like.

Also, Cory doesn't really spam the wall, while fishswim has. I, personally, wouldn't care if he was in the hide-only list, though.
almost 8 years
i don't think fishswim should be on this list he's not nearly as annoying as the other four

and if fish is on the list cory needs to be too
almost 8 years

imgr8 says

ah yes, a new s'hitty epicmafia script. just what i needed!!

Precisely, user imgr8. The great lobby of Sandbox must know how divine and delightful the amazing Jamal Tibberus Marley is.
almost 8 years
ah yes, a new s'hitty epicmafia script. just what i needed!!
almost 8 years
Updated to v1.2
almost 8 years
This is a beautiful thing, and I thank you for sharing it with us.
almost 8 years

tifennie says

are you taking suggestions for other users to be added here

let's cut to the chase and just add everyone

it's where this all leads
almost 8 years
I think we banned iminthetoilet so he won't be a problem anymore!
almost 8 years
are you taking suggestions for other users to be added here
deletedalmost 8 years
pro hackers here
almost 8 years
almost 8 years

EpicSides says

Woah awesome work!! I'm impressed.

Now make a version where we can choose who to hide/neg and it's perfect!!

*Currently* you may, but you have to edit the script (after every update, unfortunately).

Find the line where it says ["JamalMarley", "Plissken", "iminthetoilet", "Furry"]; and then change the list as you'd like. It should be at the start.
almost 8 years
Woah awesome work!! I'm impressed.

Now make a version where we can choose who to hide/neg and it's perfect!!
deletedalmost 8 years

shayneismyname says

^ ... what an odd script

you're officially blocked from sandbox 2014
almost 8 years