  • Will kill anyone who tries to convert him at night.
  • Can only kill 2 people.
  • Can only be converted into a zombie.
  • Will kill the Ninja if visited by one.
  • Sided with the village.

In popular setups

Samurai played 147 times
Not Fancy Pants! played 144 times

Available Achievements

The True Path (35)
You killed a converter during the night.
about 13 years
What happened to the -700 karma? Isn't it like, everyone thinks it's a shit role
about 13 years
Terrible role
about 13 years
I still think it's lame. I mean, it's not THAT bad, but if I got a free pick at a role, I'd pick something better.
about 13 years
Fixed, yet again.
about 13 years
-1000 karma, can we make it?
about 13 years
*sigh* I'll fix the karma in a bit.
about 13 years
*prays that Lucid will take as long to put this up as he has to put host up*
about 13 years
I don't really like this...
about 13 years
Did I just see 400 votes go down in one day?
about 13 years
I prefer the second icon that is white.
about 13 years
lol at the -744 karma
deletedabout 13 years
what is the purpose of this character, really. where does it fit in?
about 13 years
WOAH. What happened with the k?
about 13 years
All of these ambitious role ideas... this one is too simple =P
about 13 years
I hate this role, it's terrible and is a waste of space, you need to lrn2pick Riot.
about 13 years
I don't even see how this is a samurai. Priest would be a better name.
deletedabout 13 years
Honestly, I like this role. It seems fun and simple to me.
about 13 years
Okok I've changed my mind. This role is going to be good and will have a massive impact on conversion setups.
about 13 years
Not really homer, yaks and masons can successfully convert grannies. Also, if there are more than 1 cultists and the cult leader did not hammer, the granny can also be converted into a cultist at the cost of the hammering cult member dying. The samurai's ability turns all of this around.
about 13 years
its a underpowered granny.
u shud have chosen somethin else, riot
about 13 years
butters: I keep having to use the karma exploit for role suggestions because someone else is doing the same thing to neg-bomb it.
about 13 years
OK riddler's Samurai Jack-esque char icon must win. Just for nostalgia's sake.
about 13 years
Why do the mods keep adding back rep to it if we are negging it? Or is it because someone neg bombed?
about 13 years
We need more simple roles like this. These are the ones that make the fun setups, not the ones with bullets flying everywhere. Good pick, riot.
about 13 years
AnonSilver 8 hours 19 minutes
But this is just a shrink variation that kills :/ ------------ Well, yakuza is just a mafia variant that converts.