
april's for the homies

Family Created By: rs1993, God, and the Holy Spirit


11. beastman2764: March 12 - Present

                         Former Leaders

10. Schikgil (2): Nov 12 2018 - Jan 19 2019

9. Schikgil: Sep 10 2018 - Nov 11 2018

8. Knife (2): June 9 2018 - Sep 9 2018

7. FFSierraDamnThomas: April 29 2018 - June 8 2018

6. jgriff (2): April 1 2018 - April 28 2018

5. jbomber732: Jan 23 2018 - March 31 2018

4. Jpriced: Nov 26 2017 - Jan 22 2018

3. Knife: Sep 16 2017 - Nov 25 2017

2. MegaRaptor789: July 25 2017 - Sep 15 2017

1. jgriff: July 6 2017 - July 24 2017


RIP Ex-Members: KatyaWasRobbed, YanmegaMan, benfox2, support, Picante, ai2739, bushidoboxer, joejoejoe17, colester112, jgriff, bboy29, Vibrage, withered

                      Major Accomplishments

EMVV3 - MegaRaptor789 - Gold

EMBB7 - jbomber732 - Gold

SBVV1 - Knife - Gold

Tahiti - rs1993 - 1st Place

BeastBrother 2 - jgriff - 1st Place

SBVV2 - Schikgil - Silver

Round 729 - Dared - Silver

EMVV3 - FFSierraDamnThomas - Bronze

EMBB7 - Knife - Bronze

SBBB4 - Schikgil - Bronze

TG19 - angkoror - Bronze

EMVV4 - Chanman123 - Bronze

EMBB9 - FFSierraDamnThomas - Bronze


Rule 1: Don't disrespect the turtle

Rule 2: Have fun

Rule 3: ???????????

Rule 4: You don't have to be from April 2017 to join if ur lit

Rule 5: Schik is a fan of the hit 1999 cinema release Fight Club, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton


Rule 7: Fuck Schik am i right (jk Schik's pretty chill)

Rule 8:

Rule 9: 1000 visitors!

Rule 10: Schik is ok at dice wars. I guess.

Rule 11: Jbob is only on s9 dont spoil pls

Rule 12: I am not ok

Rule 13: Jgriff's Gamble TM for Glory TM is the best game on EpicMafia

Rule 14: Don't call Knife

Rule 15: 19000 visitors!

Rule 16: Tbh megadapter > megaraptor

Rule 17: Hasdanta was robbed in aprilfam big brother

Rule 18: Drinking game: Drink every time Knife bubbles.

Rule 27: This rule is property of CJKelly

Rule 42: April fam blew a 4-2 lead

Rule 789: JT was robbed in HvV


deletedabout 7 years
ok I had this idea lmk what yall think. Instead of a mini game in april we do a 15 day org with all of us and one or two hosts. It would be lit and we would see who the real abller of aprilfam is upvote if u want this downvote if its dumb thanks
about 7 years
and angkoror
about 7 years
except jbomb
about 7 years
floaters and snakes the lot of you
about 7 years
hey now bushi the people dubbed me that for Survivor Lobby Superlatives 2017. but yes i agree with the second part
about 7 years
I see knife dubbed himself best new player of 2017, that's quite a preposterous claim. He will find solace in knowing he is at least better than mega who is unfit to do anything =)
deletedabout 7 years
jbomber should be useing his veteran status to get us trophies, but all he does it create pointless councils.

Schik would be different.
about 7 years
that silver trophy looks so lonely
about 7 years
rip mega he had a good run
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
dont let aprilfam winning every gold trophy distract you fromt he fact jgriff lost a jury vote 3-2 to benkenobi
about 7 years
about 7 years
we're getting stacked wtf??
deletedabout 7 years
good luck to Hasdanta and Jpriced! icons
deletedabout 7 years
GL to my EM brothers in EMVV4!!! Here’s hoping we can continue the tradition and make F3?!!
about 7 years
Did you just compare yourself to Adolf Hitler
about 7 years
blaming me for a dead family wall would be like blaming the jews for getting genocided by hitler
about 7 years
oooh i member
deletedabout 7 years
remember when people said jbomber winning april fam leader was the end of times but nothing bad has happened. jbomber732? more like jobama732
about 7 years
nothing but respect for MY president
about 7 years
too soon too soon
deletedabout 7 years
congrats to our leader jbob for being a finalist in embb and knife for flopping
about 7 years
was dunn rly a swing tho
about 7 years
Charlie won Tahiti what a pro!! Even though he lost all 3 swing votes!!
deletedabout 7 years
father i'm home