"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IMMA TELL MY MOM! i’m definitely going to get blindsided and not play it like, thats just 100% what’s going to happen"
I was fcked by the entire casttd like i was their bitchhh
deletedover 7 years
hi i just want to say thank u to all the hosts for being amazing and putting together such a great season we (the cast) love you and appreciate all your work!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to MegaRaptor789 for winning the GOLD TROPHY against annajane and FFSierraDamnThomas in the Final 3 of EMVivor 3, in a vote of 4-4, with FFSierraDamnThomas breaking the tie!
Also, congratulations to annajane for winning the Fan Favorite award!
Third, Congratulations to the player of the season, Lelmoo!
Good luck to everyone in EMBB7, and we'll see you in a few months for EMVivor 4!