[6:56:59 PM] Elmo: can we not be fake
[6:57:01 PM] Anthony Eats: Third vote
[6:57:03 PM | Edited 6:57:08 PM] Anthony Eats: Lelmoo
[6:57:11 PM] MegaRaptor: flop
[6:57:13 PM] MegaRaptor: i saw that
[6:57:18 PM] MegaRaptor: smh!
[6:57:22 PM] Anthony Eats: Fourth vote, 16th person voted out, and the 8th member of the jury
[6:57:24 PM] Anthony Eats: Lelmoo
[6:57:27 PM] Elmo: thank you for the season everyone
[6:57:29 PM] MegaRaptor: damn
[6:57:30 PM] Jackson (FFS): Elmo: you are someone who i grew surprisingly closer with and further apart for most of the game, and that's something I will always treasure when looking back on this game because I think, in the end, it made our relationship more interesting, if anything. You don't deserve the bubble. You were/are the player of the game.
[6:57:30 PM] Elmo: it's been an honor
[6:57:32 PM] Jack: 8th and final member of our jury smh anth
[6:57:34 PM] MegaRaptor: elmo you rock man
[6:57:42 PM] Elmo:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KQ7s1L-ePFXvLK_By1aWS3QgTQMAZ8fEKmUaOsSXrHk/edit?pli=1[6:57:46 PM] Elmo: ignore
[6:57:48 PM] Elmo: the wasabi salmon
[6:57:49 PM] Elmo: DSGFDSFG
[6:57:53 PM] MegaRaptor: I knew you only on reputation my friend
[6:58:06 PM] Anthony Eats: Lelmoo, the tribe has spoken
[6:58:07 PM] Anthony Eats:

[6:58:07 PM] MegaRaptor: was a blast getting to see why so many people like you buddy
[6:58:12 PM] *** Anthony Eats removed Elmo from this conversation. ***