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EMVivor 3 Trophy Game

over 7 years

Season Intro:

Cast Reveal and Fantasy Draft:

EMVivor Rules

                                 The Hosts

                      eatemuptigs      nattless            Ginga


               cinnanie           itxLuca           Drachus               jack


                        EMVivor 3: Aleutian Islands



EMVivor 3: Day 39: Final Tribal Council

annajane's Speech

FFSierraDamnThomas's Speech

MegaRaptor789's Speech

Juror Responses

rs1993's Speech

seamusofkansas's Speech

Ally's Speech

JohnBatman's Speech

FannyChmelar's Speech

loris's Speech

Tobi's Speech

Lelmoo's Speech

over 7 years
over 7 years

Jakulore says

Congrats to the two finalists! Good luck for the final!! :)

deletedover 7 years

Jakulore says

Congrats to the two finalists! Good luck for the final!! :)

omg Jakulore is here i'm living
over 7 years

Jakulore says

Congrats to the two finalists! Good luck for the final!! :)

its a final 3
over 7 years
Congrats to the two finalists! Good luck for the final!! :)
over 7 years
just think it's against the spirit of the game :P
over 7 years
true but it isn't like it hasn't happened in other EM orgs, it was literally a jury "question" in embbas to redo them
over 7 years
as in like it shouldn't be allowed unfair lol :3
over 7 years
it is
over 7 years
I like Jackson but I think making a second ROP is a bit unfair lol
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
wonder who hals' jury vote will go to

over 7 years
Updated schedule due to early tribal:

November 5th 8PM: Opening Speeches due

November 7th 8PM: Juror Speeches due

November 9th 8PM: Finalists responses due

November 10th 8PM: Votes due, Finale
deletedover 7 years
Congrats you three, you all did an amazing job to make F3!!

And massive props to Lelmoo, played a great game!
over 7 years
my heart hurts
over 7 years
Three redditors have now trophied before HardCarry. What a shame....
over 7 years
over 7 years
[7:04:26 PM] MegaRaptor: so question hosts
[7:07:06 PM] Jack: yes
[7:09:38 PM] AJ ♛: I feel so bad
[7:10:21 PM] MegaRaptor: whoops I forgot
[7:10:22 PM] MegaRaptor: lmao
[7:13:00 PM] Jackson (FFS): What was ur Q
[7:13:07 PM] Anthony Eats: okay
[7:13:10 PM] Anthony Eats: congratulations guys
[7:13:13 PM] Anthony Eats: you've made the final 3
[7:13:17 PM] Jack: may i
[7:13:18 PM] Jack: anth
[7:13:19 PM] Anthony Eats: yes
[7:13:24 PM] Anthony Eats: you can do the honors
[7:13:24 PM] Anthony Eats: jack
[7:13:43 PM] Jackson (FFS): YA YEET
[7:14:17 PM] Jack: anna, jackson, mega. you three have gone as far as you can in this game. now, the power shifts to the jury: 8 people that you directly or indirectly are responsible for being out of this game. they will choose which one of you is worthy of the title of sole survivor. we’ll see you later for your final tribal council.
[7:14:24 PM] Jack: ok i just wanted to say that CONTINUE
[7:14:33 PM] Anthony Eats: You have 2 days
[7:14:37 PM] Anthony Eats: to write your opening speech
[7:14:45 PM] Anthony Eats: good luck
over 7 years
[6:58:24 PM] Jackson (FFS): AHHHHHH
[6:58:29 PM] Jackson (FFS): I TROPHIED
[6:58:32 PM] Jackson (FFS): MOM GET THE CAMERA
[6:58:46 PM] MegaRaptor: fake
[6:58:58 PM] MegaRaptor: this season sux why did 2 redditors trophy
[6:59:09 PM] Jackson (FFS): Exactly
[7:03:07 PM] Jackson (FFS): I would like to point out that i had this f3 in a dream in september
[7:03:19 PM] Jackson (FFS): Highkey a prophet, ngl
[7:03:27 PM] MegaRaptor: wait
[7:03:33 PM] MegaRaptor: omg you did
[7:03:35 PM] MegaRaptor: didn't you
[7:03:36 PM] MegaRaptor: tell me
[7:03:39 PM] MegaRaptor: or something
[7:03:42 PM] Jackson (FFS): Yes
[7:03:44 PM] MegaRaptor: i could have sworn
[7:03:46 PM] MegaRaptor: LMFAO
[7:03:49 PM] Jackson (FFS): And you said no
[7:03:53 PM] MegaRaptor: JACKSON WTF
[7:03:59 PM] MegaRaptor: UR A PROPHET????
[7:04:03 PM] Jackson (FFS): Bc there was no way aj was trophying
[7:04:05 PM] MegaRaptor: WAT IS THIS
[7:04:10 PM] Jackson (FFS): But i KNEW
[7:04:15 PM] MegaRaptor: LMAO
[7:04:17 PM] Jackson (FFS): THE FUTURE
over 7 years
[6:56:59 PM] Elmo: can we not be fake
[6:57:01 PM] Anthony Eats: Third vote
[6:57:03 PM | Edited 6:57:08 PM] Anthony Eats: Lelmoo
[6:57:11 PM] MegaRaptor: flop
[6:57:13 PM] MegaRaptor: i saw that
[6:57:18 PM] MegaRaptor: smh!
[6:57:22 PM] Anthony Eats: Fourth vote, 16th person voted out, and the 8th member of the jury
[6:57:24 PM] Anthony Eats: Lelmoo
[6:57:27 PM] Elmo: thank you for the season everyone
[6:57:29 PM] MegaRaptor: damn
[6:57:30 PM] Jackson (FFS): Elmo: you are someone who i grew surprisingly closer with and further apart for most of the game, and that's something I will always treasure when looking back on this game because I think, in the end, it made our relationship more interesting, if anything. You don't deserve the bubble. You were/are the player of the game.
[6:57:30 PM] Elmo: it's been an honor
[6:57:32 PM] Jack: 8th and final member of our jury smh anth
[6:57:34 PM] MegaRaptor: elmo you rock man
[6:57:42 PM] Elmo:
[6:57:46 PM] Elmo: ignore
[6:57:48 PM] Elmo: the wasabi salmon
[6:57:49 PM] Elmo: DSGFDSFG
[6:57:53 PM] MegaRaptor: I knew you only on reputation my friend
[6:58:06 PM] Anthony Eats: Lelmoo, the tribe has spoken
[6:58:07 PM] Anthony Eats:
[6:58:07 PM] MegaRaptor: was a blast getting to see why so many people like you buddy
[6:58:12 PM] *** Anthony Eats removed Elmo from this conversation. ***
over 7 years
[6:53:35 PM] Anthony Eats: I don't do gifs
[6:53:38 PM] Anthony Eats: in FTC
[6:54:43 PM] Anthony Eats: is
[6:54:44 PM] Anthony Eats: anna
[6:54:44 PM] Anthony Eats: here
[6:54:46 PM] Anthony Eats: ?
[6:54:54 PM] Elmo: dont think so
[6:54:55 PM] Elmo: i can ping her
[6:54:58 PM] Nat: she might be at work
[6:55:02 PM] Jack: she’s at work iirc
[6:55:18 PM] Anthony Eats:
[6:55:28 PM] Anthony Eats:

[6:55:41 PM] Anthony Eats:
[6:55:55 PM] MegaRaptor: gl guys
[6:56:07 PM] MegaRaptor: no one deserves a bubble no matter who gets it
[6:56:13 PM] Jackson (FFS): ^
[6:56:31 PM] Anthony Eats:
[6:56:45 PM] Anthony Eats: First vote
[6:56:51 PM] Anthony Eats: Lelmoo
[6:56:54 PM] Anthony Eats: Second vote
[6:56:57 PM] Elmo: we all know whos gonna bubble DSFGSDFG
[6:56:58 PM] Anthony Eats: FFSierraDamnThomas
over 7 years
[6:51:35 PM] Nat: anthony ask me a q
[6:51:35 PM] Anthony Eats: Elmo and annajane are u here
[6:51:37 PM] Anthony Eats: nat!
[6:51:40 PM] Nat: yes
[6:51:43 PM] Anthony Eats: do you love love jack?
[6:51:48 PM] Nat: i love love him the most!
[6:52:05 PM] Anthony Eats: Guys this is the last tribal of EMVivor 3 how do you feel
[6:52:06 PM] Jackson (FFS): Im on mobile, half naked
in a foreign country worried about whether or not i will place 4th, please cut me some slack ant
[6:52:08 PM] Anthony Eats: general question
[6:52:13 PM] Jackson (FFS): Scared
[6:52:26 PM] Anthony Eats: Okayh
[6:52:28 PM] Anthony Eats: Elmo?
[6:52:29 PM] Anthony Eats: anna?
[6:52:31 PM] Anthony Eats: are u here
[6:52:54 PM] Elmo: hi
[6:52:54 PM] Elmo: yeah
[6:52:57 PM] Anthony Eats: elmo
[6:53:03 PM] Elmo: hello!!
[6:53:04 PM] Anthony Eats: do u have anything u wanna say
[6:53:09 PM] Anthony Eats: that's ur tribal q
[6:53:14 PM] Elmo: can i answer that after the votes
[6:53:16 PM] Jackson (FFS): Lol
[6:53:18 PM] Anthony Eats: yes
[6:53:20 PM] Elmo: ok
[6:53:21 PM] Elmo: !
[6:53:23 PM] MegaRaptor: this isnt the last one anthony
[6:53:28 PM] MegaRaptor: final tribal council
[6:53:29 PM] MegaRaptor: boi
[6:53:30 PM] Anthony Eats: mega
[6:53:32 PM] Anthony Eats: stfu
[6:53:35 PM] MegaRaptor: : (
over 7 years
[6:47:52 PM] Anthony Eats: Who wants a QUESTION
[6:47:54 PM] Anthony Eats: I'm improvising
[6:48:05 PM] MegaRaptor: me I suppose!
[6:48:12 PM] Anthony Eats: MEGARAPTOR
[6:48:23 PM] Anthony Eats: Are you scared this vote?
[6:48:36 PM] Jackson (FFS): He paranoid asf
[6:48:43 PM] Anthony Eats: did I ask u
[6:48:50 PM] Jackson (FFS): Yes
[6:49:26 PM] Anthony Eats: damn mega typing an essay
[6:49:52 PM] MegaRaptor: of course i am! right now there is a 33% shot for me or for anyone to go. so its definitely scary for everyone to make sure its not them this vote. I could definitely see my demise, or anyones here. Hope w/e happens is all for the best, and if I die, welp! good luck to the trophiers
[6:50:02 PM] Jackson (FFS): Im in bed right now in a foreign country half naked worried about whether or not i will place fourth in an online game
[6:50:14 PM] Anthony Eats: Jackson I didn't need to know you were naked
[6:50:14 PM] Jack: dude
[6:50:17 PM] Jack: this is a family game
[6:50:20 PM] Anthony Eats: anyways
[6:50:26 PM] Anthony Eats: FFSIERRADAYUMTHOMAS
[6:50:43 PM] Jackson (FFS): I said HALF
[6:50:48 PM] MegaRaptor: not in my Christian Valar Morghulis Tribe Chat jackson
[6:50:50 PM] Nat: i don't need the details mate
[6:51:07 PM] Jackson (FFS): Omg im just shirtless yall can die
[6:51:10 PM] Anthony Eats: Does annajane winning immunity for the 4353th time in a row screw with your plans
[6:51:11 PM] Nat: LMFAO
[6:51:13 PM] Nat: love you jackson
[6:51:20 PM] Jackson (FFS): No
[6:51:27 PM] Anthony Eats: y'all boring
over 7 years
Holy cráp i trophied