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EMVivor 3 Trophy Game

over 7 years

Season Intro:

Cast Reveal and Fantasy Draft:

EMVivor Rules

                                 The Hosts

                      eatemuptigs      nattless            Ginga


               cinnanie           itxLuca           Drachus               jack


                        EMVivor 3: Aleutian Islands



EMVivor 3: Day 39: Final Tribal Council

annajane's Speech

FFSierraDamnThomas's Speech

MegaRaptor789's Speech

Juror Responses

rs1993's Speech

seamusofkansas's Speech

Ally's Speech

JohnBatman's Speech

FannyChmelar's Speech

loris's Speech

Tobi's Speech

Lelmoo's Speech

over 7 years

jack says

MonteCarrlo says

neat guy

fuk him!
over 7 years
Schedule of events:

3PM EST November 4th: Votes due

November 6th 8PM: Opening Speeches due

November 8th 8PM: Juror Speeches due

November 10th 8PM: Finalists responses due

November 11th 8PM: Votes due, Finale
over 7 years

annajane says

Lelmoo, can you confirm this is you dancing with Annajane in the picture?
over 7 years



deletedover 7 years
over 7 years

MonteCarrlo says

neat guy
over 7 years
over 7 years

basically me rn
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
[3:09:42 PM] AJ ♛: ESY
[3:09:42 PM] Elmo: WHAWT
[3:09:42 PM] AJ ♛: ESY
[3:09:42 PM] AJ ♛: ES
[3:09:42 PM] AJ ♛: YES
[3:09:42 PM] AJ ♛: YES
[3:09:42 PM] AJ ♛: YSE
[3:09:43 PM] AJ ♛: SYE
[3:09:43 PM] AJ ♛: SYE
[3:09:43 PM] AJ ♛: SEY
[3:09:43 PM] AJ ♛: SEY
[3:09:43 PM] AJ ♛: ESY
[3:09:43 PM] AJ ♛: ESY
[3:09:43 PM] AJ ♛: SE
[3:09:44 PM] AJ ♛: YE
[3:09:44 PM] AJ ♛: Y
[3:09:44 PM] AJ ♛: SEY
[3:09:44 PM] AJ ♛: ES
[3:09:44 PM] AJ ♛: YSE
[3:09:47 PM] AJ ♛: OMG
[3:09:52 PM] MegaRaptor: Holy 17 mins
[3:09:55 PM] AJ ♛: IM YELLING
[3:09:56 PM] AJ ♛: AND CRYING
[3:10:01 PM] MegaRaptor: no bubble!!!!!!!!!!
[3:10:06 PM] AJ ♛: NO BUBBLE!!!
[3:10:08 PM] AJ ♛: IM TROPHYING!!!
[3:10:08 PM] Elmo: congratulations <3
[3:10:09 PM] AJ ♛: FINALLY!!!!
[3:10:13 PM] MegaRaptor: Good job aj its over!
[3:10:16 PM] Anthony Eats: Congratulations annajane, you have made the final 3, and have secured yourself a spot at the final tribal council where you will argue for your case at the gold trophy!
[3:10:17 PM] AJ ♛: IM SHAKING
[3:10:49 PM] Anthony Eats:
over 7 years
[3:08:15 PM] Jackson (FFS): btw i tried once
[3:08:16 PM] Elmo: not me
[3:08:17 PM] Jackson (FFS): so
[3:08:17 PM] Anthony Eats: FFSierraDamnThomas!
[3:08:19 PM] Jackson (FFS): me
[3:08:21 PM] Jackson (FFS): btw
[3:08:29 PM] Anthony Eats: In 3rd place
[3:08:31 PM] Anthony Eats: with a score
[3:08:37 PM] Anthony Eats: of 56 minutes and 9 seconds
[3:08:39 PM] Elmo: me
[3:08:40 PM] Elmo: DFSGSDFG
[3:08:40 PM] Anthony Eats: Lelmoo!
[3:08:43 PM] Elmo: hate puzzles
[3:08:45 PM] Elmo: (angry)
[3:09:01 PM] MegaRaptor: Slay me anna
[3:09:04 PM] AJ ♛: I'm trying
[3:09:10 PM] Anthony Eats: If MegaRaptor789 won Puzzle Masters, Lelmoo wins immunity
[3:09:16 PM] Anthony Eats: If annajane won Puzzle Masters
[3:09:18 PM] Elmo: doesnt it tie
[3:09:19 PM] Anthony Eats: annajane wins
[3:09:20 PM] Elmo: between me and mega
[3:09:22 PM] Elmo: if he wins
[3:09:23 PM] Elmo: FGDSSDFG
[3:09:26 PM] Anthony Eats: o
[3:09:26 PM] AJ ♛: ya
[3:09:28 PM] Elmo: so that means aj won cuz u didnt count it
[3:09:29 PM] Anthony Eats: I'm bad
[3:09:30 PM] Elmo: ICONIQUE
[3:09:30 PM] Anthony Eats: at counting
[3:09:32 PM] Anthony Eats: OK
[3:09:38 PM] Anthony Eats: WITH A TIME OF 17 MINUTES AND 23 SECONDS
[3:09:38 PM] AJ ♛: man if mega got me here
[3:09:40 PM] Anthony Eats: ANNAJANE
[3:09:40 PM] Anthony Eats: WINS
[3:09:41 PM] AJ ♛: YESYES
[3:09:42 PM] AJ ♛: Y
[3:09:42 PM] Anthony Eats: IMMUNITY
over 7 years
[3:06:42 PM] AJ ♛: hmm
[3:06:42 PM] Elmo: one
[3:06:43 PM] Elmo: me thinks
[3:06:44 PM] AJ ♛: 59 hours
[3:06:50 PM] Anthony Eats: Winning 5 points
[3:06:58 PM] Anthony Eats: with a first EVER perfect score
[3:06:59 PM] Anthony Eats: of 155
[3:07:02 PM] Anthony Eats: annajane!
[3:07:03 PM] Jackson (FFS): OMFG
[3:07:04 PM] AJ ♛: that's me!
[3:07:06 PM] Jackson (FFS): AJ
[3:07:09 PM] Jackson (FFS): LMFAOOOOOOOO
[3:07:09 PM] MegaRaptor: OMG
[3:07:13 PM] Elmo: yelling
[3:07:27 PM] Anthony Eats: can someone give us an updated tally
[3:07:29 PM] Anthony Eats: wait I can
[3:07:36 PM] MegaRaptor: Boi
[3:07:38 PM] Elmo: i have 14 me thinks
[3:07:38 PM] Anthony Eats: annajane 12.5
FFSierraDamnThomas 6.5
Lelmoo 14
MegaRaptor789 11
[3:07:41 PM] Elmo: omg
[3:07:45 PM] Anthony Eats: Its down
[3:07:47 PM] Elmo: AJ lowkey won me in puzzle
[3:07:47 PM] Anthony Eats: to Puzzle Masters
[3:07:48 PM] Elmo: DSFGADFGS
[3:07:50 PM] Jackson (FFS): UMMMM IM A KING??
[3:07:56 PM] AJ ♛: yay Jackson!
[3:07:57 PM] AJ ♛: u rock
[3:08:00 PM] Anthony Eats: In 4th place
[3:08:02 PM] Anthony Eats: with a score
[3:08:04 PM] Anthony Eats: time
[3:08:05 PM] Anthony Eats: of
[3:08:13 PM] Anthony Eats: 1 hour, 16 minutes, and 14 seconds
over 7 years
[3:05:31 PM] Elmo: Lelmoo!
[3:05:32 PM] Elmo: ok
[3:05:33 PM] Elmo: ASDFGVDFGh
[3:05:40 PM] Anthony Eats: Time for Endurance posting
[3:05:41 PM] MegaRaptor: Gg!
[3:05:46 PM] Anthony Eats: in 4th place
[3:05:49 PM] Jack: hold on
[3:05:49 PM] Anthony Eats: with
[3:05:51 PM] Jack: elmo
[3:05:54 PM] Jack: is this a new skype
[3:05:59 PM] Elmo: wat
[3:06:00 PM] Elmo: no
[3:06:01 PM] MegaRaptor: LOL
[3:06:02 PM] Jack: then
[3:06:03 PM] Jackson (FFS): no
[3:06:05 PM] Jack: why am i not your contact
[3:06:06 PM] AJ ♛: jack don't interrupt
[3:06:08 PM] Elmo: u are..
[3:06:10 PM] AJ ♛: Anthony continue
[3:06:13 PM] Anthony Eats: okay
[3:06:13 PM] Jack: ok sry anth
[3:06:14 PM] Jackson (FFS): LOL
[3:06:15 PM] MegaRaptor: LMAO
[3:06:15 PM] Anthony Eats: in 4th place
[3:06:17 PM] Anthony Eats: with a score
[3:06:17 PM] Anthony Eats: of
[3:06:20 PM] Anthony Eats: 17
[3:06:24 PM] Elmo: FDSGSFDG
[3:06:27 PM] Anthony Eats: MegaRaptor789!
[3:06:27 PM] MegaRaptor: Ayyyy
[3:06:28 PM] Jackson (FFS): not me
[3:06:31 PM] MegaRaptor: Mobile cancer
[3:06:32 PM] Jackson (FFS): thank god
[3:06:32 PM] Anthony Eats: In 3rd place
[3:06:35 PM] Anthony Eats: with a score of
[3:06:37 PM] Anthony Eats: 59
[3:06:39 PM] Elmo: i got 2nd
[3:06:41 PM] Elmo: on this
[3:06:41 PM] Anthony Eats: FFSierraDamnThomas!
over 7 years
[3:04:00 PM] Anthony Eats: okay
[3:04:05 PM] Anthony Eats: Memory Lane Trivia
[3:04:08 PM] Elmo: I
[3:04:10 PM] Elmo: did so bad
[3:04:10 PM] Elmo: on this
[3:04:10 PM] Jackson (FFS): so tied at 6
[3:04:11 PM] Elmo: OMG
[3:04:12 PM] Anthony Eats: This one was close
[3:04:15 PM] AJ ♛: omg
[3:04:20 PM] Jackson (FFS): i tanked the outta this
[3:04:22 PM] Elmo: m2
[3:04:24 PM] Anthony Eats: We had a tie for 3rd/4th place
[3:04:28 PM] Elmo: Lelmoo/Jackson
[3:04:30 PM] Elmo: jk
[3:04:30 PM] AJ ♛: LMAO
[3:04:31 PM] Elmo: idk
[3:04:33 PM] Anthony Eats: so these two people will be getting 1.5 points
[3:04:40 PM] Anthony Eats: With a score of 11
[3:04:41 PM] Jackson (FFS): 4.5?????????
[3:04:49 PM] Anthony Eats: annajane and FFSierraDamnThomas!
[3:04:52 PM] Elmo: oh
[3:04:53 PM] Jackson (FFS): lol
[3:04:59 PM] Anthony Eats: The top 2 score
[3:05:00 PM] Anthony Eats: s
[3:05:03 PM] Anthony Eats: 14 and 13
[3:05:06 PM] Elmo: i got
[3:05:06 PM] Elmo: 13
[3:05:08 PM] Elmo: cuz ik i got
[3:05:09 PM] Elmo: at least 2 wrong
[3:05:11 PM] Elmo: FGSDFGHSFGHD
[3:05:12 PM] Anthony Eats: (these were out of 18 points by the way)
[3:05:14 PM] Elmo: o
[3:05:16 PM] Elmo: ok then im not sure
[3:05:25 PM] Anthony Eats: Winning 5 points
[3:05:27 PM] Anthony Eats: with a score
[3:05:27 PM] MegaRaptor: Ok I'm not
[3:05:27 PM] Anthony Eats: of
[3:05:28 PM] Anthony Eats: 14
[3:05:31 PM] Anthony Eats: Lelmoo!
over 7 years
[3:03:01 PM] Elmo: wooh congrats
[3:03:01 PM] Jackson (FFS): i low-key said rs for so many things
[3:03:02 PM] AJ ♛: good job mega!
[3:03:06 PM] MegaRaptor: Yay!
[3:03:09 PM] AJ ♛: how many points does 2nd place get
[3:03:11 PM] Anthony Eats: 3
[3:03:15 PM] Elmo: i have 6
[3:03:15 PM] AJ ♛: i said ally for everytyhing
[3:03:16 PM] Elmo: iconique
[3:03:18 PM] Elmo: DSGFSFDGHDFG
[3:03:19 PM] Elmo: WHAT
[3:03:24 PM] MegaRaptor: LOL
[3:03:24 PM] Anthony Eats: First - 5,
Second - 3
Third - 2
Fourth - 1
[3:03:33 PM] Jackson (FFS): UMM THREE POINT ICON?????
[3:03:47 PM] Anthony Eats: anna you said Ally for the ones that weren't ally and then didn't get the ones that were ally
[3:03:54 PM] Jackson (FFS): omg.
[3:03:54 PM] AJ ♛: i know her so well
[3:03:56 PM] AJ ♛: my heart
[3:03:56 PM] AJ ♛: <3
over 7 years
[3:01:50 PM] Elmo: for another org
[3:01:51 PM] Elmo: DFGDSFG
[3:01:54 PM] AJ ♛: i lost fallen comrades
[3:01:56 PM] AJ ♛: this is NOT mine
[3:01:59 PM] Elmo: same
[3:01:59 PM] AJ ♛: give me last
[3:02:00 PM] Anthony Eats: In 4th place
[3:02:01 PM] AJ ♛: me
[3:02:03 PM] Anthony Eats: with a score of
[3:02:04 PM] Anthony Eats: 3
[3:02:05 PM] AJ ♛: me
[3:02:06 PM] Elmo: omg
[3:02:07 PM] Anthony Eats: annajane!
[3:02:08 PM] Elmo: ASFFAS
[3:02:09 PM] AJ ♛: HAHAHAH
[3:02:09 PM] Jackson (FFS): omg
[3:02:15 PM] Anthony Eats: In 3rd place
[3:02:17 PM] Anthony Eats: with a score of
[3:02:18 PM] Anthony Eats: 8
[3:02:18 PM] Jackson (FFS): I BETTER WIN THIS
[3:02:22 PM] Anthony Eats: FFSierraDamnThomas!
[3:02:23 PM] Elmo: lol
[3:02:24 PM] Jackson (FFS): WTF
[3:02:25 PM] AJ ♛: LMAO
[3:02:26 PM] Jackson (FFS): : (((((((
[3:02:30 PM] Anthony Eats: In 2nd place
[3:02:34 PM] Anthony Eats: with a score
[3:02:35 PM] Elmo: me
[3:02:37 PM] Anthony Eats: of 9
[3:02:42 PM] Anthony Eats: to first place's 11
[3:02:57 PM] Anthony Eats: Lelmoo! Which means that MegaRaptor789 takes 5 points in the round!
over 7 years
[3:00:23 PM] Jackson (FFS): u won’t be laughing so hard when u see my fallen comrades
[3:00:23 PM] Elmo: not me
[3:00:24 PM] Elmo: woo
[3:00:29 PM] AJ ♛: i did so bad at fallen comrades
[3:00:33 PM] Elmo: m2
[3:00:43 PM] Anthony Eats: There was a .2 distance difference
[3:00:45 PM] AJ ♛: my heart is beating so fast
[3:00:45 PM] Anthony Eats: between first and second
[3:00:47 PM] Jackson (FFS): HO
[3:00:52 PM] Elmo: ok me
[3:00:53 PM] AJ ♛: i got this score on my last try
[3:00:55 PM] Anthony Eats: Winning 5 points
[3:01:08 PM] Anthony Eats: and winning the QWOP part of the challenge
[3:01:10 PM] Anthony Eats: with a distance
[3:01:12 PM] Anthony Eats: of
[3:01:15 PM] Anthony Eats: 100.8
[3:01:16 PM] Anthony Eats: annajane!
[3:01:17 PM] Elmo: dat's not my score
[3:01:18 PM] Elmo: sad!
[3:01:20 PM] Jackson (FFS): OMG
[3:01:22 PM] MegaRaptor: Gg!
[3:01:23 PM] Jackson (FFS): LOLLLLLLL
[3:01:26 PM] Anthony Eats: Okay
[3:01:27 PM] Jackson (FFS): how the
[3:01:28 PM] AJ ♛: ok yay
[3:01:32 PM] Jackson (FFS): does it get like super hard
[3:01:32 PM] Anthony Eats: time for challenge 2
[3:01:34 PM] Jackson (FFS): past 100
[3:01:37 PM] MegaRaptor: That's crazyyyyyy
[3:01:41 PM] AJ ♛: shout out to someone for telling me hwo to get to 100
[3:01:43 PM] AJ ♛: u are the mvp
[3:01:49 PM] Elmo: Emile taught me in summer
[3:01:50 PM] Anthony Eats: Fallen Comrades
over 7 years
[2:58:42 PM] Anthony Eats: OK WERE HIGHKEY EARLY
[2:58:44 PM] Anthony Eats: BUT WHOS READY
[2:58:48 PM] Jackson (FFS): YES
[2:58:52 PM] AJ ♛: me
[2:58:53 PM] Jackson (FFS): I AM
[2:58:55 PM] Jackson (FFS): DEAR GOD
[2:58:59 PM] Anthony Eats: okay
[2:59:05 PM] MegaRaptor: Bruh its 5 hours early
[2:59:13 PM] AJ ♛: that's a GOOD THING
[2:59:19 PM] MegaRaptor: True
[2:59:19 PM] Anthony Eats: You are about to find out which one of you is 100% going to trophy.
[2:59:27 PM] Jackson (FFS): WELL ANT
[2:59:32 PM] Jackson (FFS): they could still give up immunity
[2:59:33 PM] Jackson (FFS): at F4
[2:59:35 PM] Anthony Eats: We'll start with QWOP
[2:59:41 PM] Anthony Eats: In 4th place
[2:59:43 PM] Jackson (FFS): and NOT trophy
[2:59:44 PM] Anthony Eats: with a score
[2:59:46 PM] Jackson (FFS): me
[2:59:48 PM] Anthony Eats: of 28.6
[2:59:49 PM] AJ ♛: Jackson lol
[2:59:52 PM] Anthony Eats: FFSierraDamnThomas!
[2:59:53 PM] AJ ♛: I love u Jackson I'm laughing
[2:59:56 PM] Elmo: flop
[3:00:01 PM] Anthony Eats: FFSierraDamnThomas gets 1 point on the challenge
[3:00:04 PM] Jackson (FFS): UMMM IM GREAT AT THIS GAME?????
[3:00:10 PM] MegaRaptor: Flop!
[3:00:17 PM] Anthony Eats: In 3rd place, scoring 2 points on this challenge, with a distance of 100.1
[3:00:22 PM] Anthony Eats: MegaRaptor789!
deletedover 7 years

EMVivor says

This challenge is due at 8PM EST, Friday, November 3rd.

over 7 years
ok but who's immune
over 7 years

annajane says

me still during this endurance challenge

that's me in my daily life
over 7 years
me still during this endurance challenge
over 7 years
when i thought it couldn't get worse than hotdog bush, QWOP appears.
over 7 years
me during this endurance challenge