
april's for the homies

Family Created By: rs1993, God, and the Holy Spirit


11. beastman2764: March 12 - Present

                         Former Leaders

10. Schikgil (2): Nov 12 2018 - Jan 19 2019

9. Schikgil: Sep 10 2018 - Nov 11 2018

8. Knife (2): June 9 2018 - Sep 9 2018

7. FFSierraDamnThomas: April 29 2018 - June 8 2018

6. jgriff (2): April 1 2018 - April 28 2018

5. jbomber732: Jan 23 2018 - March 31 2018

4. Jpriced: Nov 26 2017 - Jan 22 2018

3. Knife: Sep 16 2017 - Nov 25 2017

2. MegaRaptor789: July 25 2017 - Sep 15 2017

1. jgriff: July 6 2017 - July 24 2017


RIP Ex-Members: KatyaWasRobbed, YanmegaMan, benfox2, support, Picante, ai2739, bushidoboxer, joejoejoe17, colester112, jgriff, bboy29, Vibrage, withered

                      Major Accomplishments

EMVV3 - MegaRaptor789 - Gold

EMBB7 - jbomber732 - Gold

SBVV1 - Knife - Gold

Tahiti - rs1993 - 1st Place

BeastBrother 2 - jgriff - 1st Place

SBVV2 - Schikgil - Silver

Round 729 - Dared - Silver

EMVV3 - FFSierraDamnThomas - Bronze

EMBB7 - Knife - Bronze

SBBB4 - Schikgil - Bronze

TG19 - angkoror - Bronze

EMVV4 - Chanman123 - Bronze

EMBB9 - FFSierraDamnThomas - Bronze


Rule 1: Don't disrespect the turtle

Rule 2: Have fun

Rule 3: ???????????

Rule 4: You don't have to be from April 2017 to join if ur lit

Rule 5: Schik is a fan of the hit 1999 cinema release Fight Club, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton


Rule 7: Fuck Schik am i right (jk Schik's pretty chill)

Rule 8:

Rule 9: 1000 visitors!

Rule 10: Schik is ok at dice wars. I guess.

Rule 11: Jbob is only on s9 dont spoil pls

Rule 12: I am not ok

Rule 13: Jgriff's Gamble TM for Glory TM is the best game on EpicMafia

Rule 14: Don't call Knife

Rule 15: 19000 visitors!

Rule 16: Tbh megadapter > megaraptor

Rule 17: Hasdanta was robbed in aprilfam big brother

Rule 18: Drinking game: Drink every time Knife bubbles.

Rule 27: This rule is property of CJKelly

Rule 42: April fam blew a 4-2 lead

Rule 789: JT was robbed in HvV


over 7 years
sierra is like wonderwoman she always prevails in times of turmoil.
over 7 years
Damn 28 to 26 april fam lynch :(
over 7 years
Nice work ffsdt! only a few tribals away, really nice job! all in all, april fam was a mess in this one lol, but next time we will nail it! :)
over 7 years
7th: FFSieraDamnThomas
23rd: Knife
26th: Megaaptor789
27th: Brarskol
28th: CJKelly
36th: JGriff
43rd: Bushidoboxer

good job on ffsdt for making us look like garbage! time to prepare for 19 :doge:
over 7 years
Rule 34: Game Changers - the Mamanuca Islands
over 7 years
Can I ask what rule 34 is?
over 7 years
Has get enough points to join and ur in my man
over 7 years
where's the application form
over 7 years
lol i floated beautifully to F3 in that game
over 7 years
mfw when anon games don't let april fam run -_-
over 7 years
over 7 years
Uhh, rule 3 will be unleashed upon you!
over 7 years
Question: What will happen if I disrespect the turtle?
over 7 years
Wait what the hell, Ben left us?

And for bigger and better things???

But Ben, I'm right here?????
over 7 years
bboy only has like 50 points :(
over 7 years
Globe is from april but they dont got the points me thinks
over 7 years
Is globetrotter from april?
over 7 years
Also that game never works because how people would have voted at the end of the game is very different to how people would vote at the reunion after watching the season in its entierty
over 7 years
so like was that supposed to be a response to me or...
over 7 years
I find it funny that my stupid post was the exact letter cap
over 7 years
The 14th member of the jury would've been Troy "Troyzan" Robertson in Survivor: Game Changers: Mamanuca Islands - had, supposedly, Finalist Brad Culpepper taken Tai Trang (4th place in practice) to the final tribal council in the stead of survivor winner cop and/or criminal Sarah Lacina.
In that hypothetical scenario, according to information gathered from that season's reunion show, the final vote for the winner of the season would tie between aforementioned contestants Brad Culpepper and Tai Trang in a 5-5 vote decided by the 10 jurors (let the record show that I wrote this in 3am and that's the point where I realized that there were infact 10 jurors in s34 and not 13).
As stated by survivor host and executive producer Jeff Probst in that very same reunion show, the third place finisher with the zero votes (in our case the well known dominant presence Troyman Robinson) would cast the deciding vote and tip the tide of the 5-5 vote in the favor of the eventual winner of the season.
over 7 years
Whos gunna be the 14th member?
over 7 years
Congrats to FFSDT and CJK for going 1 and 2 in Jury Duty!
over 7 years
hey guys, i'll be leaving. good luck!
over 7 years
>bigger and better ;)