

Report-generator. http://em-faker.host-ed.net/

Suggestions/bugs for the report-faker. http://www.epicmafia.com/topic/3317

Here is my list.

11-12-08 started. 14-12-08 I got a total of 1000 points. 04-02-09 10000 points. 05-03-09 100 Karma :)

Round numbers :) 3 April. Total lives 5 Used lives 14 Current score 700 Score per life 50.0 Total score 25000

As you see I got a lot of setups, I appreciate any comments for improvements. :)

I appreciate it also, if you leave a comment when you derank(get it below 11) half of my setups.

Comp. setups A framed drunk driver Chaos Town of paranoia(deleted) Disguised or fool? The scumhunt. City of paranoia NR PR chaos Trust each other

Honor roles I have had. vig gallis hooker hunter jailer fool

over 13 years
Hi jammer.
almost 14 years
Riot told me: "I can't match time of lobby post to time of game" fisrt of all thanks for answering my report. sorry do you have time of game? and i am sure when i leaved that game that massage was on lobby "17 minutes before".
so what happend? panic confimed me on that page i reported slv, panic said: "...slvmecha was dead that entire game".
no one can say he told "meh lets just kill salam at least he doesnt get pts" after game was finished.
anyway thanks for read what i wrote sorry if there is any mistake on this request.
i just wanna say if there is nothing to prove he did that and he don't get banned, anyone will do such things and forexample post a comment: " x and y were mafias" and if someone like me report them they will say no just look at verb "were" i just wanted to say that to someone left game.
so i ask you pls do something. thank you anyway.
almost 14 years
hello and thanks for this great site, wish you have nice days dear jammer.
i wanted to speak with you about one report on page 522 of "Report Rule Violations Here" topic.

1. slvmecha, http://www.epicmafia.com/user/83243
2. Competitive Lobby-Ranked, http://www.epicmafia.com/game/299823#
3. took a comment on Lobby about game when game was in progress.
4. slvmecha 18 minutes 55 seconds
"meh lets just kill salam at least he doesnt get pts" "

i didn't find Title of the violation but we have this rule in site's rules:
Harsh rules
Rules if broken will lead to a permanent IP ban:
second one: Posting the mafia, or anything game related during an on going game in the lobby is bannable for a ranked game.

on that page when i reported that game panic confirmed that slv commented on lobby when he was dead in game and game was in progress and then we had a lynch on me.
deletedalmost 14 years
Teach me how to jam like a pro.
almost 14 years
Saw your comment on my setup; I had changed it a few months ago by taking out whispers to at least try and make it less town-sided. May not have been enough; suggestions besides maybe changing some roles to blues? You seem to have mastered setup creation.
almost 14 years
as a matter of fact, yes I DID get negs from the -666 thread. That's why I had to respond to it.
deletedabout 14 years
Game waar dit in gebeurde:
deletedabout 14 years
Ik zat net in een game in bronze met utahraptor en hij vroeg me om even het spel te verlaten en terug te komen. Probeer ik terug te komen zie ik dat ik een dag suspended ben... Ik weet niet wat er aan de hand is met sommige moderators??? (account was anon911)
deletedabout 14 years
Helemaal gelijk...bedankt voor de hulp!
deletedabout 14 years
Hm ok dan maar toch denken mensen nu dat wij samen cheaten terwijl ik hem zelfs op neg heb staan..
Ik krijg de melding dat mijn wachtwoord verkeerd is wanneer ik probeer in the loggen maar daar kan ik mee leven.

Waar ik niet mee kan leven is dat ik mijn bronze ticket kwijt ben..
Is daar een reden voor?
deletedabout 14 years
Ik ben anon911 alt maar er wordt op het forum gezegd dat ik cheat samen met ene WUMP nog iets en daar klopt helemaal niets van, je kan zo zien dat mijn IP Nederlands is en dat van hem niet..

Ik kan met mijn anon911 account niet posten in het forum en met deze ook niet dus ik kan me niet verdedigen..
Ik kan trouwens ook niet meer inloggen op anon911 alleen via deze account en mijn bronze ticket is ook verwijderd..


Als je ernaar zou kunnen kijken graag..
deletedabout 14 years
Hey kijk eens na of anon911 en WUMP nog wat dezelfde persoon zijn want dit wordt op het forum gezegd maar klopt helemaal niets van, anon911 is nu gebanned terwijl er helemaal geen bewijs is. anon911 kan zichzelf niet verdedigen omdat zijn karma te laag is voor forum etc.
about 14 years
also, i demand your msn >;O
about 14 years
I have no idea): But that is probably because this is the only discussion I've had with you like ever. ahahaha.
about 14 years
Je bent Nederlands omdat je naam nederlands is en je schreef wat nederlandse tekst op iemand anders userpagina.

about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
Nice avvi :P
about 14 years
Nederlanders Hoezee :D

about 14 years
deletedabout 14 years
Thank you for acting quickly and attempting to rightfully refund the hearts to town in that game. It means a lot to me that proper play is still valued.