

Why so fucking serious?


2 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
over 9 years
almost 13 years
thanks for playing em with me 大哥 ^____^
almost 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
quit the family for a reinvite!
about 13 years
Grats noob.
deletedabout 13 years
no sir kudos to YOU
about 13 years
Dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem kechur ;P
deletedabout 13 years
Congrats on silver and welcome back!
about 13 years
Oh you're stressed out
about 13 years
inb4 bronze.
deletedabout 13 years
gl to you too
deletedabout 13 years
gold is at your fingertips
deletedabout 13 years
hate to say i told you so.
deletedabout 13 years
i got lucky. but whatever. good luck to you too. i'll have no qualms about losing to dreamcatcher.
deletedabout 13 years
oh shut it. youre 1/2 and i need to go 6/6 to Ed the round today
about 13 years
You have the worst luck. It sucks that you die n1 in half your games too.
deletedabout 13 years
win for all us hopeless vets! you got this!
about 13 years
Sick ownage :O
about 13 years
It's really ecstatic playing with you again; you're def one of the top players in my book and super chill.