
in love with 
part of  family

Im Bawlsy

Two in a row I got to hammer while maf (In both I ninja claimed before i did so)

Claimed maf... and i got the hammer:

almost 14 years
about 14 years
Where'd you go?
about 14 years
+k for awesomesauce :)
deletedover 14 years
Good job with the tutorial. Learned a lot from you.
deletedover 14 years
+k for you. Please return(:
deletedover 14 years
Hey. Neg me.
over 14 years
idk why i didnt have you +k'd so heres +k cuz ive played with you a bunch of times and you were good :)
over 14 years
id still hit it
over 14 years
+k for She Wants Revenge.
over 14 years
i'm sorry it was an accident, it not like i did it intentionally
over 14 years
+K for having to deal with AdamLwk.
deletedover 14 years
i'm very sorry for outing you. i didnt think i did that. and +k for dealing with a shit game.
deletedover 14 years
+k for good teamwork despite loss. It wasn't our fault, the cop (which was real) gave inno on walker (falcon guised n1), who was mafia. So that made us think cop was fake. No idea why he gave that report, or maybe I'm missing something.
over 14 years
Thanks for the K. Hope to see you around again!
over 14 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH. YOu better drink illegally. Only think to do on your 20th birthday. +K as well
over 14 years
omg how was i not friends with you!!!!
over 14 years
Happy birthday (Y)
over 14 years
Wheres ur video????
over 14 years
Hey you :)
over 14 years
of course maf was voting me and the other clear was a newbie! that's why I don't blame him. I'm blaming you because you are a vet.