
part of  family

IRC Mafia (I'm always here)[email protected]


over 11 years
do you ever miss neff :X
almost 12 years
hue hue hue
o uo
almost 12 years
It seems you play League. What do you play and would you play with me?
Sure. I play any role, though my friends say I'm best at mid. What's your summoner name?
almost 12 years
do you use reddit? stab linked me a dude named primeintellect on reddit the other day and he was sperging out hard about it
No, not at all, really. But some other friend of mine has linked me stuff from that guy before. He's pretty hilarious.
almost 12 years
why did you choose primeintellect as a username?
Because there was a really weird scifi novel i read online that used that name for the AI.
deletedover 14 years
Don't be too upset/pissed. I'm here for you, no matter what. I may be clingy, but I care about you. Make sure you get some good rest, and don't let your anger rule your life. You are in control, darling. <3 You mean lots to me, please don't push me away so much. I am here for you. Why do you think i have this account? Why do you think i came back? Because of your kindness <3 I luff you, hubby. Please don't be upset with me.
over 14 years
Read it, the graveyard says a lot. Don't think you were cheating. Intercepting reports tell a lot.
over 14 years
+k for great setup
over 14 years
+k for being an honest player!
over 14 years
+k for that performance with warlock etc. Hahah :P
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
If you want a good HOLY SHIT then check this out:
over 14 years
++K good doc'ing! Just wish i wasn't on the other side....
over 14 years
If you want a good laugh then check this out:
over 14 years
Why are your setups so fun to play
over 14 years
+k rampage.
over 14 years
Me and Aedos was talking on msn but if I was cheating don't you think I would've been able to kill someone other then the warlock and the survivor? lol
over 14 years
over 14 years
Don't +k FalconPunch. He's a troll and rude.
over 14 years
!shot Prime_Intellect

deletedover 14 years
Thank you, returned.
over 14 years
over 14 years
+k back for an awesome game that made me feel good about myself
over 14 years
hugo here, +K for great performance
over 14 years
Lol back