Guess & Check

Lynch first, check what he was later.
over 14 years
Interesting. I'll test this later - it could make a very nice competitive, especially from the amnesiac's point of view.
over 14 years
I like this setup.

I lot

over 14 years
This setup is officially approved by Otherworld industries.
over 14 years
this is now officially ranked :3
over 14 years
Be careful of the kill order; don't let the watcher get both maf n1. That's happened a few times now.
deletedover 14 years
Why the fuck is there a jan when it's no reveal?
over 14 years
Why the fuck does everyone feel the need to ask that? Go wiki what the janitor does, please.
deletedover 14 years
I'm not sure I get it, please explain. The wiki is useless.
over 14 years
The janitor essentially functions as a one-time stalker, as he learns the victim's role upon death. There is no other way for maf to know the role of the person killed save if you stalk the kill. However, two stalkers would be horribly unbalanced.
over 14 years
protown until amnesiac picks mafia. :l
over 14 years
d1 LK claims (if he died then no lights, so obvious) lynch between CCs if any. after LK claim, town RLs. n2 watcher on LK. if LK dead d2, NL because you have it. How does this sound?
over 14 years
So essentially you're saying to massclaim day one? The major problem with that is if maf hit a pr the night before (or the lk himself). Also, you actually DON'T want to lynch a mafia day one, even with a guilty, as the amn is less inclined to risk waiting another day to amn and might pick up the dead maf (he won't know that the cc is town or maf). The worst case scenario for maf is if they hit the amn or oracle n1.
over 14 years
I hope some of that made sense XD
over 14 years
Here are some maf tips: after n1, the stalker should be the one voting first. I've seen quite a few games where the watcher got a stalker visit but waited another night and caught the jan, too. Another thing: maf should claim mort or watcher no matter what. The exception to this is if they kill a blue n1 and the mort n2; then one should claim mort and cc the watcher claim (by saying the watcher is in the gy) and the other should claim blue.
over 14 years
Another potential strategy is to simply stalk the kill the whole game; that way, if the stalker is caught by the watcher, then the jan is still safe and can use his ability later.
over 14 years
Huh, it got comp'd. cool.
over 14 years
If you're maf you really need to stop stalking/janning the same person. This setup is pretty much a stupid test.
over 14 years
Amnesiac is a role that I find unbalances setups, otherwise this is very fun.
over 14 years
no, on my strategy, only LK claims d1. mass claim d2 or d3 if d2 was LK death. also, hmm, amnesiac... didn't think about that
over 14 years
69 LOL
over 14 years
Aw yeah 52%-47%
over 14 years
I played this competitive twice. Both times I was amnesiac and shot n1. I hate that!
over 14 years
I hereby approve of this setup
over 14 years
Holy shit. I know there have been some fail maf... but what the hell happened to the balance?
over 14 years
Tell me if this idea is wrong: Mortician claims on day 1. If watcher is in the graveyard, mortician will die, and town will know exactly who is in the graveyard. If mortician does not die, we will know that watcher was not the first to die and that our mortician is clear.

Knowing who is in the graveyard is more important than having power roles for the rest of the game.