
part of  family

im engaged to a lovely lady, i tell you she drives me crazy! she's always on my brain, my beautiful mary jane!

ghostwriter taught me many things in life, he also taught me how to play mafia



almost 14 years
there you go perfect 69
almost 14 years
69 o___o!
almost 14 years
-k ffdfdfd
almost 14 years
-k for the mission. Good luck!
almost 14 years
-k 69 mission
almost 14 years
-k for 69
almost 14 years
+k so you can get to 72
almost 14 years
-ked you. You'll be back at 69 soon. <3
almost 14 years
-K so you can have 69
almost 14 years
wow someone took 69 from you again. i'll neg you get someone else to neg you and then delete these posts so ppl don't troll plus you anymore
almost 14 years
i had u plussed, but i took it away to give you your 69 back
almost 14 years
thanks dude.
almost 14 years
k+ to u
almost 14 years
I'll never be a nice person, and I doubt my karma will ever be above 20. Don't care about either thing much ;p. But the comment about playstyle is appreciated.
almost 14 years
join me here. we need an active family representing marijuana
deletedalmost 14 years
cultists' maf partner kicked to lock the vote first, and then everyone else also kicked. you weren't even in the game, so what do you have to bitch about? people abuse the kick option all the time - don't whine to me when 2 other people kicked in addition to me.
almost 14 years
+K, please return.
almost 14 years
Nice win, buddy. WIFOM like a motherfucker. Kicked the shit out of me with that one.

Oh, and when you come back for winter break, let's get some people over your house, and I'll teach you all how to play mafia the way it was originally played: party style. It's a bit harder, since mafia cannot talk at night. I'll probably need to buy blindfolds to prevent cheating. I'll probably run them all and not get to play. Unless I teach one of you to run a game. I'll probably just make a notebook of setups to run, so that whoever runs it just has to look at the notebook to be able to know what to do.
almost 14 years
+2k please return!! :)
deletedalmost 14 years