


I used to be pretty good at this game. I think. Now I haven't played it in a couple years and I'm really really bad.

Really loving Jotto and Ghost though.

Also, I hate ponies. Pony policy kill/lynch.

deletedover 13 years
Nothing more to say? As predicted.
deletedover 13 years
The cop chooses. The town obeys. You were just a town, so you were a slave. And I'm sorry, don't get me wrong here, who's fault was it again? that's right you made us lose because you're "a man" who's selfish vote was somewhat "more important." Complete derp.
deletedover 13 years
Suiciding because I got mad, not because I lost. Who doesn't get mad when their faggot derp towns don't listen to the cop? Don't give me the excuse that your vote was more important, because seriously it wasn't. I was cop, I lead, my vote was not only more important, but was also RIGHT. Don't talk about terrible players when you can't even get over your selfish perspective and vote with accordance to the leader. Only terrible players vote "their own FoS" rather than the lead and end up losing the game for the team. I'd rather follow with leader blindly and sheep behind them rather than fuck up the game like what you did. So remind me to NEVER play mafia with you again. You truly are just shit.
deletedover 13 years
In fucken fact you should be thanking me for making it go unranked and saving you from a loss.

Now get off my case, you're a retard, we could've one if it wasn't for your dumb ass selfish vote, since I boned that mafia.
deletedover 13 years
Then follow your cop next time faggot.
over 13 years
I'm guessing you don't play much, anymore. You should know that c/p is against the rules, now.
almost 14 years
Blaze? Is that you?
deletedalmost 14 years
Oh, it's not funny then.
almost 14 years
I was going to plus you and saw that I already have, haha
almost 14 years
Plussed to get you out of the negs.
almost 14 years
wna yiff?
almost 14 years
those points were yours. why did you kick me. I am on a laptop and cannot choose a lynch so fast. here is some plus k to compensate for your lost points.
almost 14 years
+k, you played well broski.
about 14 years
I didnt mean to make jailer vegg i got back from what i was doin then bang poeple kicken me
about 14 years
+k, return please
about 14 years
And now negged on this account too.
about 14 years
blaze y u troll me//???/?/??/
deletedabout 14 years
-king for a sandbox game? If you'll excuse i'm not gonna give a fuck.
deletedabout 14 years
i could neg you twice but im only doing it once, and i gave you a reasonable alternative that accomplsihes your goal without adding pointless confusion
deletedabout 14 years
negged for your blue stuff, heres a tip dont fucking act like your words are a code that everyone should be in on, if you want to say something for guisers say something meaningless.