

this is my alt for wen i get high

-----[] -----[] -----[] -----[] hammer on maf all day, everyday ...unless i missclick ...or accidentally sui ...or i forget to use my hearts ...wait what was i talking about

deletedabout 14 years
+K for a friend(:
deletedover 14 years
+k return etc, etc, etc.
deletedover 14 years
you didnt deserve it....thats why i suicided.....
i got ratted out....i want my karma back.
over 14 years
Your straight noob. Not even worth a negging.
deletedover 14 years
Thanks! I'll return the favor :)
over 14 years
+k pls return
deletedover 14 years
Did you actually -K me?
deletedover 14 years
over 14 years
We use the ml... not using it would be fail. I chose a rl, you outted yourself, I changed to someone who had been active lurking, and then by the time I saw her doc claim someone had already kicked. I wasn't pushing a ml... it's just that not using it would be retarded.
over 14 years
I'm not really sure how I almost fucked it up? >.>
over 14 years
+K mate, even though jwhite is a useless piece of shit
deletedover 14 years
+k! Please Return!
over 14 years
I was paying attention. I was also lagging. Next time don't listen to obv mafia bullshit on no reveal.
deletedover 14 years
aww lol! Thank you! We need to play some more games together dude!
over 14 years
I may be an arrogant prick but I agree with you about that.
over 14 years
No, I am not. I am just a cocky player who rages at trolls and hate to see that nothing is done about any of the trolling that goes on in ranked games and against trophy runners. That includes done by those running (nightmann/blood4bloodgod)

I might hail from /v/ but I don't associate with the faglords
over 14 years
-3k for dumbass
over 14 years
Just letting you know I'm deleting the family. It just doesn't feel right for me :P . You can re-create if you want.
deletedover 14 years
What was the name of the Kanye song?
over 14 years
i'll be a +k bandit instead :D