


about 12 years
+k'ed(: return? <3
deletedalmost 14 years
no, I really don't kick to survive. I legitimately thought he was there. >.< I forgot he was rereading and wanted to force him to quickly make a decision (as you see I really wasn't doing well explaining why I wasn't mafia). But I am really really sorry.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k'd for that stupid kick, I didn't mean him to veg and I thought he was there. Please neg me back, that was retarded.
almost 14 years
+K for good cop !
about 14 years
Cheers anyway fella!
about 14 years
neg for trolling and being terrible
about 14 years
negged for trolling, insulting, sui because you know you lost. what a douche
deletedabout 14 years
+k please return :3
about 14 years
dat +k
smoooth cop
deletedabout 14 years
+Ked for giving me the 2000!
about 14 years
+k pall :D
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
+k 4 u please return!!
deletedover 14 years
-k for suiciding when we were voting you
over 14 years
-k for committing suicide in ranked.
over 14 years
Awesome game
over 14 years
plus k
over 14 years
<3 for sui. game was derp
over 14 years
If anyone has seen a young woman named StrawberryBot? She most likely will be seen in unranked games under the alias "botty." She used to play the 6-3 orcale games but now may be lurking the the sachy gs setup. If seen please contact KimThePanda or iHeartMileyCyrus. Thank you.
over 14 years
ufufu be my friend you silly cup~