
What has the site become
Mafia meeting
part of  family
282wins258losses5left Blue BALLERinas gogogogo

My wiki page is on the main page :O

I submitted the Ninja role

Setup Thread in progress:

I give kudos to the n1 death.

I don't trophy run because I actually have better things to do rather than play mafia all day everyday.

If someone suicides in an unranked game and I'm mafia I will almost always grace nk.

If I'm leading and you're about to die- give a dying fos because I really look at the fos of the dead to make hammer decisions.

The best player ever! Please +k!

I used to have a long list of awesome games I was in before but they all became "Table does not exist!"s. :( This happened twice, second time with EM3.0 came out.

Perfect Sandbox
My winning game for 10000 points Ohhhh snap

over 14 years
+k for being awesome
over 14 years
Thank you, and i endorse you avatar.
over 14 years
over 14 years
I am, actually.
over 14 years
I posted something on your alt's wall. I'd like to add you but your alt doesn't have 1k total score yet.
over 14 years
It is time for me to k+ u.
over 14 years
No problem, just post something on the family wall when you want me to invite your blue.
over 14 years
+2k plz return
over 14 years
heh annon, i see wat u did with the worst player ever thing XD
over 14 years
K+ u r really underated
over 14 years
ima + k you cause you have the best avvie ever .
over 14 years
+k please return!!!!
over 14 years
+k Competent player :D
over 14 years
+K bombed for various reasons. 1) Sui-less account. I had one then some cunts ruined it. 2) I fucking love your avatar. No Avy Lynches never fail! You are officially awesome.
over 14 years
+k, return the karma? ^^
deletedover 14 years
I think I remember you now :D, my memory is bad at 4 am
over 14 years
+k for beating me
deletedover 14 years
+k good luck on 2000!
over 14 years
u were in a recent game with mee!, BTW I LOVE UR AVY!!!
deletedover 14 years
karma'd for listening to my FOSes