I want to rub my tongue around you shaft , collecting all your precum, and then fondle your balls while I deftly sneak a finger to your prostate, your hips pumping into my face faster and faster until you explode in my mouth and I swallow every last drop
anonymousover 11 years
did you really create the confused cop? then you deserve to die painfully
I originally mentioned it as a troll role but then when Lucid took me seriosuly I made it lololol. I take pride in having created the most hated role on the site!
anonymousover 11 years
You kill Ramza?
Several times. For some reason he kept coming back though.
err, so much for playing together ;_;. As you can tell by my w/l ratio, I kinda suck a lot as town, but my maf play is 10 times better. Yea that game was 100% my bad, I just thought she towntold really well for some reason. Hopefully next time we play, you'll catch me on a better day as town (which is never)