
part of 

Prepare for possibly the best troll that you have ever seen: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/811774 I just saw the graveyard chat and realised that people thought I wasn't trolling and that I just failed. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM I AM ALMIGHTY.

over 14 years
+k for a good villager :D
over 14 years
i Am indeed using internet explorer. How'd you know?
over 14 years
Can I just say that I laughed when I read your comment on Angelah's profile? But I empathise completely - it sucks when you have to watch failtowns lose the game instantly due to a lack of basic deduction skills.
over 14 years
+k to make up for whoever made you veg
over 14 years
God were awesome
deletedover 14 years
+k for being a good player :O
deletedover 14 years
+ k for good mafia play!
over 14 years
nd i didnt vote red because i looked on his page, nd saw that he trolls ranked. thank you and goodbye
over 14 years
minus k me if you want, there was to much lag for me to possibly play nd i had to vote something before i was kicked nd lost points
over 14 years
It's all good. That's Mafia. You did well.
over 14 years
Ja, I did re-test it. Minority masons who vote the mafia remain alive ( http://www.epicmafia.com/game/583323 )
over 14 years
Hey, just going to apologize here. I still stand by self-shrink, as if you shrink a random and get yakked, you can easily claim you shrunk your new mafia buddy and pretty much insta-win the game there for mafia. I believe self-shrink and then leading a scumhunt is really the best way, but the yak games all around are blegh.
over 14 years
Gg :) Granted you got angry d1, gg. +k later :)
over 14 years
sore loser?
over 14 years
+2k for you
over 14 years
haha heres your karma back. I LOVE YOU !!!
over 14 years
-k for failing for town
over 14 years
over 14 years
You don't need to be playing this game if it makes you so mad. Being mad doesn't sound like fun. Why don't you try a nicer game like Habbo Hotel? You'd do better there. :)
over 14 years
You're 16, your body is obviously going through some changes right now. That's why you're so cranky and take this game to personally.