

“I'm nothing but a lone wolf, misunderstood and labeled to be dangerous.”


1 / 10Scumhunter
over 13 years
also SK vs Mafia is a legitimate setup that I'm not taking down
over 13 years
over 13 years
There is no need to have serious setups today!
over 13 years
+K. You know your guiser stuff!
over 13 years
Just because your an alt doesn't give you to docsave the yak and screw other people over
deletedover 13 years
negged because fading negged you.
deletedover 13 years
Clearly because him spitting out nonsense and filler made him so much more believeable than me. You tunneled on me since day 1 so don't throw this your claim was bad bullshit at me. You just failed to scumhunt properly and idiot town followed you.
over 13 years
Returned, baby.
deletedover 13 years
Negged for being a retard.
almost 14 years
Amg, I don't come on anymore.. though 'lmme look at my profile' ..

WE NEED TO TALK SOON!! I miss guising as you!! ♥
almost 14 years
Replussed plz return:)
almost 14 years
I wasn't the deciding vote in the mason group. <_<
about 14 years
+K for awesome name and pic! <3
about 14 years
I don't knoww "/ ..
about 14 years
You screeper o:
I can't remember your main, I know you've told me before.. just can't remember right now .. XD ♥
deletedabout 14 years
Neg the proven cheater Wendys ( and help give this pedophiliac fart-sniffer exactly what he deserves!
about 14 years
-.- Who was that? "/
about 14 years
OMG. OMG. OMG. You're on, get your butt on the lobby && we shall join a game together >:D
about 14 years
+k, i really wanted to play that survivor game, sorry i had to leave
deletedabout 14 years
+K for waffles!