Prepare for possibly the best troll that you have ever seen:
I just saw the graveyard chat and realised that people thought I wasn't trolling and that I just failed. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM I AM ALMIGHTY.
It's been a month since I played, so yeah, it as a stupid decision. But you were re-reading yet immideatly came back hen you had suspicion on you. besides, usually the one I don't think is scum is yeah.
I asked a couple of quite talented players, and they were in agreement, that yes, even though I made the wrong choice and Frito was slightly scummier, you both made yourselves targets, and as I misinterpreted him as a nub I hammered you, sorry if I ruined a trophy run, but it was not neg worthy.
I think your over reacting to nag me like that, you were both scummy, and you be that angry for a simple mistake, I won't neg you back, but I mean that was an over reaction.
wisdom, i said i would have sui'd for you were I not trophy running. I said it during the game. I even said during that game that I was sorry your maf partner threw you under the bus. Did you really re-read? I still feel bad that Gorilla sacrificed his team mates just because he hates me. But then, i don't get why you'd allow him to go after a trophy runner n1 anyway? notice how the only person that's upset with any of this is you. if you would have sui'd no one would have blamed you. why didn't you?
+k For awesome game was watcher and figuring out autowin at end.
deletedover 14 years
Interesting. Regarding the self-watch, I actually think that is the wrong move. If you recall, I had stated the day before for you to be on me. If I were mafia, I could then easily state the next day "I self-watched, wisdom was on me". That would clear neither of us because I could have easily guessed that as mafia (since I told you to be on me). The thing is, so long as I continued to live, you would be "clear to me" as much as possible (technically you could have been guise-touching). However, if you chose to wifom on the tracker, I could confirm that and you would then know I was clear (how else could I have known you were on tracker)? Furthermore, with players like Pervy and the other guy, I was afraid there would be a backlash if I wasn't on tracker. Therefore, I don't see any benefit from self-watching since it doesn't confirm you to me (due to guise-touching and the possibility of you saying you wifom'd), and it doesn't confirm me to you. Thoughts?
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