What's your favorite Christmas song :3
I'm usually not a huge fan, but personally, Joy to the World maybe? :3
i like your drawing :D i LOVE your drawing :)
Thank you!! You're very kind. x
Anonymous is accusing you in the questions, but went out of the way to make sure no one knew who he was
That's okay. I am here to help and answer questions. x
anonymousover 10 years
https://epicmafia.com/report/97119 you reported cosmo for him calling someone a faggot twice, along with this gent - no vio. justice for cosmo 2k14
Unfortunately the violation was given due to him having a previous record for harassment, and verbal attacks against other users is not tolerated. I appreciate the feedback though. x
deletedover 10 years
FAVORITE ROLE PLS https://epicmafia.com/role/10707 :D :D :D
You've already had one request, I will leave this for later. x