
Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.
Lost and found
in love with 
part of  family




anonymousabout 9 years
mfw colin trevorrow directed jurassic world not christopher nolan
I know who you are!
about 9 years
Do you miss me?
I did miss you- I don't anymore because you're finally here :D
deletedabout 9 years
http://tinyurl.com/n3hyp36 officially a nick jonas fan.
Good eye!
anonymousabout 9 years
do you play curvefever
Alas, I do not lol never heard of it til you asked LOL
anonymousabout 9 years
who's that guy in your profile?
The ever so handsome and amazing Tom Hardy


6 / 10Death Row
5 / 10I'm Batman.
3 / 10I'm Towntelling!
3 / 15Walker Texas Ranger
2 / 25Objection!
deletedalmost 8 years
Happy Birthday! <3
almost 8 years
Happy birthday! Stay classy!
almost 8 years
Happy birthday <3
almost 8 years
Happy birthday
deletedalmost 8 years
i thought your birthday was in april but happy birthday man!!
almost 8 years
Happy birthday man, great host/player!
almost 8 years
Happy birthday!!! Have an amazing day! :-)
almost 8 years
happy birthday my dude
deletedalmost 8 years
Happy b-day Chris
almost 8 years
Happy Birthday cjn's sisters!
almost 8 years
Happy birthday!
almost 8 years
happy birthday dude
almost 8 years
happy birthday!!
almost 8 years
Hey man, happy birthday. Hope it's a sick one!
deletedalmost 8 years
I'll miss you as the lobby owner, man. My first game was with you as the host and I'll never forget it; it was a wild ride. Assuming you gave ownership away because you're busy IRL, I hope whatever you're doing does you good. <3
deletedalmost 8 years
I feel SOOO stupid writing that ;-;
almost 8 years
My first game in this lobby 9 months ago was hosted by you.It was an amazing game and you are an amazing host and Lobby Owner.alright bye you will be missed
deletedalmost 8 years
We didn't really ever speak but I thought during the short time I played in your lobby that you were a great owner! <3
almost 8 years
OH man my first f2 that i remember. It's gonna be weird not seeing you in the lobby, but you're too good a person to spend your time on this site. You are one of the purest, nicest people I'll ever meet, and I'm glad to see you're moving on with life. I wish you nothing but the best! #BlackPride