
in love with 
part of  family

glory to




about 11 years
How much will you pay me not to release your secret journal of witchcraft to the world?
over 11 years
Just stop youre embarassing yourself Do you even go outside? To get hte mail every day? Because that doesnt count
If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me Uh uh uh uh no baby please don't go
over 11 years
you were pretending to be me :(
over 11 years
Do you ever play anymore?
i played regularly on alts but lost interest a couple months ago
over 11 years
thats pretty racist bro
i'm so ronery


1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 15New Sheriff in Town
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
about 14 years
OHH, so you're that white blond guy XD
about 14 years
+K for hilarious game.
about 14 years
Anyway you can +K my irl friend? Im trying to get him to 20 karma as a mini birthday present. His username is "GoalieGuy6"
about 14 years
idk its weird i visit pplz pages and it lets me do it again
about 14 years
plussed u for being good player.Got 50 0f ittt
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
i know you have integrity so please neg these two point farm setups where everyone wins so they can't be played ranked anymore.
about 14 years
Laexio:"you have to upgrade your account to an EpicMafia Gold Account if you want to be placed on the new server, it only costs $4.99."

-- I paid my 5 dollars ={
about 14 years
Haha my bad, that makes tons more sense. Sure man :D
about 14 years
I haven't been on mibbit in a while, the message must be super old., I forget. lol
about 14 years
Really? I don't remember being on mibbit. 0_o
about 14 years
Ew EM :') I don't play it because it's favoured towards carries, but if it's No Stats it can't hurt. I'll throw you a friend invite anyway :D
about 14 years
Yo man, noticed your avatar and saw your little blurb about playing HoN.

I'm the leader of the /v/ clan BROSTORM and I'm currently playing at 1750 PSR, what's your IGN? We could play some time and chat about EM, I'm only just beginning at Mafia but I think I'm getting the grips fast and your Karma indicates that you're a damn good player, so I'd love to play sometime.

about 14 years
+k 4 u
deletedabout 14 years
Hello. In case you haven't been keeping track the training league that you signed up for please visit this thread.

I have currently arranged some times in GMT and I need to know whether you can play on any of those times and with what level of accuracy that you can be committed to showing up.

Also what forms of communication work best for you to communicate to your pupil/mentor, AIM, MSN, Yahoo, or IRC?

If you could be so kind as to post answers to all these questions within the next 30 hours so I can finalize the times, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you.
about 14 years
I suppose. Still seems like a lame reason to sui and mess up a whole game.
about 14 years
So tell me, who was it that suicided and prompted you to 'policy suicide' as the cop?
(hint: no one)
about 14 years
What? Is that even English? >.>
about 14 years
lol ok well then ill plus you :D