
married to 
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I saw Hugh Jackman.

about 8 years
i miss the pockster <3
deletedover 10 years
Trolololol'd ^_~
deletedover 10 years
i thought i was ur alt dipshit
over 10 years
omg terrible
over 10 years
also no worries, take your time!
over 10 years
of course im going!
over 10 years
if you ever wanna play some EM, send me an email and we can arrange a day/time
over 10 years
lemme know den
over 10 years
where ur fb at
over 10 years
over 10 years
i think that is pretty standard asian practice. not that i'm an expert or anything
over 10 years
lmao obviously the coolest...
over 10 years
Is duckhunter harassing u again?
over 10 years
You are condescending on the forums most of the time. You make me laugh at your posts occasionally, but most of it is unnecessary. You do have good thoughts when you post in more serious topics, so that's all I have to say there.

Gameplay wise, you're a tough cookie to crack. Very tough to read, and generally never make a wrong choice as who is mafia when you're town. What I don't like is that you tend not to give a shit occasionally. You strike up conversation with other players in game, and it can be fairly annoying. This doesn't happen too often, but I expect you to be more serious, all of the time, forever. *cough* You also seem to be good buddies with Saints, so I don't have much respect for you there. You've also hardly played any games lately, but you're active around the forums, so I have to hate you for that as well.
over 10 years
You don't post too often on the forums, so nothing really to say in this regard. Also, how the fuck do you have so many friends?

Very crafty mafia player. You are one of the few players that really knows how to shift opinions of you being mafia out, and that has to be respected. Tough to come up with something I don't like about you, because you're very solid. Good luck on your run this round.
deletedover 10 years
i was kidding, it's fine :| but okay!
over 10 years
Thanks a lot tho for ur very kind words :D
over 10 years
I never used 2 smile now I never stop
deletedover 10 years
LMAO i was just looking at ur page figuring out where the request button is
over 10 years
wat where is that from